Phone bills for S. Tahoe residents may go up


Anyone in South Lake Tahoe who gets a phone bill – for a land line or cell – is likely to see a slight increase on Jan. 1.

The City Council on Dec. 10 will have a public hearing to discuss raising the emergency communication system access fee. The current fee is $1.61 month. The proposal is to have it be $2.25 on Jan. 1, 2014, and then $2.65 on Jan. 1, 2015.

This is the fee associated with calling 911.

City Manager Nancy Kerry did not respond to questions about the increase.

 — Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (8)
  1. Steve says - Posted: November 24, 2013

    Another extra tax charged exclusively to City of South Lake Tahoe residents not charged elsewhere outside the City limits. For the City, there is no end to its appetite for higher taxes, surcharges, fees, and regular increases.

    For the City, money indeed does grow on trees.

  2. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: November 24, 2013

    Supposedly 911 can be handled in one central state location. Most likely a serious $ saver to centralize the system.

  3. copper says - Posted: November 24, 2013

    Nancy Kerry has consolidated her power; why should she respond? Who do we think we are?

  4. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: November 24, 2013

    Go ahead and express your complaints. They will fall on deaf ears as detailed in a quote from Ms. Kerry last week.
    “There will always be a few voices in a “Corner of Commiseration” exercising their right to complain and fight against positive cooperation, that remains their choice just as it is our choice to give it little notice.”
    I always thought that our government officials would at least pretend to care what the voters think.

  5. copper says - Posted: November 24, 2013

    Wow, I’m impressed. Who knew that NK was into alliteration? And she’s even original – one would have thought that “Nattering Nabobs” would have served her as well. If not better.

  6. dumbfounded says - Posted: November 25, 2013

    During the Angora Fire, they couldn’t even find their emergency phone equipment. The city has squandered so much money on their 911 equipment that it is sick. For a time, they had Nevada technicians working on it, first time they had a breakdown and it was snowing… the folks in Nevada said that they “didn’t have four-wheel drive vehicles and the service call would have to wait”. Anyone realize how many times they have remodeled their dispatch center since it went in? Big screen TV in the break room, new furniture, spare no expense… and reduce officers’ hours due to “funding”. Serve ourselves and protect our jobs. Awesome.

    And, Mr. Obray, that is not a good idea, IMHO. The technical details are expensive. And, during any outage, it would be a disaster. Even the large 911 operations in a town like Sacramento make it extremely difficult to prioritize calls. Further, local knowledge is very important in emergency situations. “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”.

    I don’t have anything agains law enforcement, but I don’t like waste of taxpayer dollars.

  7. observer says - Posted: November 25, 2013

    Hey Tahoe Advocate-

    Until such time as the City govt actually is elected nothing will change. Got to change the council to change the contract players like Kerry. Never happen as she takes the heat for them, which is what she and all others before did, until their usefulness was gone, and a new (usually higher priced) one came in.

    WONDERFUL comment. I am still laughing. Thank you!
    (Wonder how many readers had to go look up alliteration?)

    Question for Nancy:

    I have a mail address in SLT, but live in the County. Am I going to pay into the city coffers too?

  8. dumbfounded says - Posted: November 27, 2013

    I had to look it up too! Doesn’t happen too often.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all. We have a lot to be thankful for.