Californians’ happiness depends on age, politics, location

By Tracy Seipel, San Jose Mercury News

If you’re a Medicare-age Democrat lucky enough to live near the coast, life in the Golden State looks pretty good.

Californians who live near the coast are happier living in the state. Photo/LTN file

Californians who live near the coast are happier living in the state. Photo/LTN file

But if you’re younger, among California’s dwindling number of registered Republicans or hail from an inland county, not so much.

Those are the results of a Field Poll that tracked how Californians view their state as a place to live. Forty-three percent of registered voters surveyed said it’s one of the best places to live; 26 percent rated it “nice but not outstanding.” Twenty-one percent said it’s about average, with 8 percent calling it a poor place to live.

Driving those numbers, said Field Poll director Mark DiCamillo, is where the voter lives, their age and political bent.

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