Too much cinnamon may violate the law

By Sidsel Overgaard, NPR

Who doesn’t love a Danish pastry?

And in Denmark, they like their pastries sprinkled with plenty of cinnamon.

But now, Denmark’s bakers are being told that their time-honored recipe for the beloved kanelsnegle –or cinnamon swirl β€” may be unhealthy and against the law. Recent testing by the Danish government found that a large number of Denmark’s beloved rolls had too much cinnamon – more than the recommended limits set by the European Union.

Too much cinnamon? Yes, there is such a thing. Actually, the concern here is coumarin, a naturally occurring ingredient found in Cassia cinnamon – the most common variety of the spice sold in Europe and the U.S. In high-enough doses, coumarin can cause liver damage in a small group of sensitive individuals.

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