Metabolism a key to keeping off pounds

By Alessandra Bulow, Epicurious

If you’re already inhaling Christmas cookies like it’s your job this holiday season, take a moment to wipe off the crumbs from your footie pajamas and strategize some meals with foods that are proven to help rev up your metabolism.

“First of all, eating breakfast can make a huge difference in metabolism,” says Sarah-Jane Bedwell, a registered dietician and the author of the upcoming “Schedule Me Skinny”. “Your metabolism is like a fire: If you don’t add wood, your metabolism will die down. If you don’t eat regularly, your body doesn’t have fuel and your metabolism will slow down. Your best bet for breakfast will have carbs, protein, and a fruit or vegetable — like a bowl of oatmeal with Greek yogurt, and berries. After that, make sure to continue to eat every three to four hours.”

“There are somethings we can do in terms of how we eat, plus there are some foods that can speed up metabolism,” says Bedwell.

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