No moisture in sight; drought-conditions grow


By Brian Lada, AccuWeather

With 2013 quickly coming to a close, it’s shaping up to be one of the driest calendar years on record for many places in California.

Regan Beach in South Lake Tahoe in October 2013. Photo/LTN

Regan Beach in South Lake Tahoe in October 2013. Photo/LTN

Almost all of the Golden State is under either a severe or extreme drought with no end in sight heading into 2014.

This prolonged drought has contributed to the heightened risk of wildfires over the past several months and is raising major concerns in the agriculture industry.

Looking at the forecast through the remainder of 2013 and into the beginning of 2014, it appears as though very little rain — if any at all — will fall across the state.

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Comments (11)
  1. BitterClinger says - Posted: December 28, 2013

    The Global Warming crowd should be jumping on this one like a bunch of starving rats on a partially eaten twinkie in a dumpster.

  2. Moral Hazard says - Posted: December 28, 2013

    No they shouldn’t. Weather and climate are not synonyms.

  3. Bob says - Posted: December 28, 2013

    The military has been actively engaged in climate warming weapons technology for over 20 years. Geo-engineering (chem-trails) could have something to do with it. Are you guys blind to the aerosol trails they have been spraying over Tahoe on a daily basis. Methane release from the Arctic is the next problem we will all face, and it’s growing fast. Grass could be a year around event in Tahoe if this keeps up. I hope I’m around to see it.

  4. cosa pescado says - Posted: December 28, 2013

    A sincere ‘thank you’ to Moral Hazard.
    Sorry for being a pecker head yesterday.

    Any know who clingers alter ego is?

  5. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: December 29, 2013

    No mention of the record setting month of December 2012 on snow amounts at Tahoe.

  6. cosa pescado says - Posted: December 29, 2013

    Bob: You’ve seen plenty of contrails. But you have never seen a chemtrail.

  7. Mike Van Etten says - Posted: December 29, 2013

    I’ve lived here long enough to know it takes till June to know what kind of winter we will have. It is kind of scary so far but I’ve seen it many times before. Look back in history and you will see many years that are similar to this. Lets hope it changes. If not there is always next year.

  8. rock4tahoe says - Posted: December 30, 2013

    Yes Clinger, global warming is here to stay, there is no turning back now. Glaciers will be a thing of the past. Greenlands massive ice sheets are melting. Oceans are rising. The good news for people in the basin is that we have enough fresh (not salt) water to hold out for a few generations.

  9. A.B. says - Posted: December 30, 2013

    Uhm, Rock, in case you hadn’t heard, there’s a ship trapped in the Antarctic sea ice right now that can’t get out. They were conducting an experiment to prove that the ice caps were thinning & shrinking.

    They look pretty stupid right about now, as the Antarctic ice is thicker & more pervasive than they had predicted.

    So much for Global Warming and the Global Warm Ongers.

  10. A.B. says - Posted: December 30, 2013

    Does anyone find it event the least bit ironic and hypocritical that these Global Warming alarmists who hate fossil fuels took a trip to the Antarctic to show just how horrible fossil-fueled climate change is, then need rescue from their fossil-fueled trip by other fossil-fueled ships and helicopters, which still can’t rescue them?

  11. rock4tahoe says - Posted: December 30, 2013

    AB. And The Titanic sank after hitting an ice berg over one hundred years ago. A section of fresh water ice the size of Rhode Island and over 200 feet tall broke off Antarctica just a few months ago. That ice sheet took hundreds of thousands of years to create. And you want to make fun of people stuck in the ice? Please, just stay in the 18th century.