Opinion: Barton working to get residents insurance


By Leanne Wagoner

Signing up for health insurance can be a frustrating and time-consuming process. To ease the insurance buying process, Barton Health has stepped up by partnering with Covered California, California’s Insurance Exchange Marketplace, to assist our community members and provide certified enrollment counselors for the uninsured.

Barton enrollment counselors help California residents navigate through, where they can select insurance in an open market setting. Even though Covered California does not reimburse Barton for the enrollment counselors, we felt it was important to donate staff time to support our community during this difficult transition.

So far, counselors have delivered complimentary enrollment sessions at the Family Resource Center, Lake Tahoe Community College and South Lake Tahoe Library. Enrollment Counselors. The English and Spanish speakers have assisted over 75 Lake Tahoe families and households.

bartonBarton enrollment counselors also provide free one-on-one assistance to community members. Additional Barton staff, volunteers, and counselors have fielded nearly 200 phone calls and completed over 60 one-on-one appointments.

I’d like to extend my great appreciation to Barton’s certified enrollment counselors who have taken the extra time to train and then assist our community members. Barton’s 16 enrollment counselors include employees from Barton Community Health Center, patient accounting, customer service and admitting and have taken on this responsibility in addition to their regular jobs. Counselors took part in a rigorous certification process. All counselors completed 20 hours of training, a certification exam, and thorough background checks. As of Dec. 15, Barton has donated almost 600 hours of employee time to help during this major change in our nation’s healthcare system.

Though Barton cannot control the marketplace’s glitches, our enrollment counselors can offer information, assistance, and patience. One local self-employed, small business owner who signed up during Barton’s enrollment session stated, “Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you have helped me so much and saved me hundreds of dollars each month.”

We feel it is important for our community to understand that they have options, and we are proud that we are able to help those who need enrollment assistance.

The clock is ticking to sign up for insurance. To start receiving medical coverage on Jan. 1, uninsured community members must enroll by Dec. 23. California residents sign up here, and Nevada residents here.  If you currently do not have medical coverage, community members can enroll in the insurance marketplace until March 31, 2014, to avoid paying a penalty tax.

Local one-on-one enrollment assistance with Barton is available by appointment, or residents can call local certified enrollment brokers. A list is available online or on Covered California’s website above. Barton Health enrollment sessions in South Lake Tahoe are scheduled throughout January. You can find dates and details online or by calling (530) 543.5537.

Leanne Wagoner is Barton Health’s community outreach coordinator.


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Comments (15)
  1. Liz says - Posted: December 19, 2013

    Kudos to Barton for providing this wonderful service!

  2. go figure says - Posted: December 19, 2013

    Thanks to Barton for their assistance with this very tough process

  3. Dogula says - Posted: December 19, 2013

    And thanks to the idiot bureaucrats in DC, whose total lack of real world experience has made this all necessary for so many.

  4. Steve says - Posted: December 19, 2013

    It would be helpful if Barton could state on its website which of the alternative health providers and plans listed on the application it accepts.

  5. careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: December 19, 2013

    Our zip code only has 2 companies offered: Anthem Blue Shield, and Anthem Blue Cross. I believe separate entities that are owned by the same company, so not much of a choice. Within those companies you can chose different quality of care, the cheapest bronze? The highest quality and price platinum?

  6. go figure says - Posted: December 19, 2013

    Well dog face, when you need health care I hope you have your insurance all together cuz I sure as heck dont want any of my tax dollars helping you. But I dont mind helping someone that appreciates the opportunity to get health care even If it Is through a democratic government program. You seem to hate that anyone might need help and can actually get it. You must be a real caring person. NOT

  7. Tita Anderson, CA DOI LIC #0689670 says - Posted: December 19, 2013

    Just to add to this story, I am a Certified Agent with Covered California and am also available to be of assistance to community members trying to navigate the new health care system. We are able to help clients determine if they are eligible for a subsidized health plan. My phone # is 541-7797.

  8. Dogula says - Posted: December 19, 2013

    Figure, I don’t want your tax dollars. Why do you feel the need to hurl insults at me? I’m attacking the political system, you’re attacking your neighbors.
    Merry Christmas.

  9. go figure says - Posted: December 19, 2013

    Dog, because you continue to put down those that want to provide help to people that want help and probably need help. The political system is whats in place to assure that these people, your neighbors, your neice or nephew, your mom or dad, the vetran down the street or the homeless family that had an illness and lost their home becaause they couldnt pay their bill. There are people, like the woman that posted above, that want to help. There are politicians that want to help. It seems that you are the one that is attacking their neighbor by thinking noone wants the opportunity for health insurance . If you dont want it than dont get it. GROW UP or betterr yet, leave if you dont like it. Im sure you can get it your way in north korea or cuba. Bon voyage…

  10. rock4tahoe says - Posted: December 21, 2013

    Hey Dog! You “blame” (as always), “idiot bureaucrats in DC” as if the country was better off before ACA?! What a joke! If the “private health insurance market” was working so well before ACA was passed, then why were health costs, premiums and insurance company profits skyrocketing? Now, we don’t have to grovel to the health insurance companies because of pre-existing conditions, they can’t drop you because of an illness, they can’t impose caps on essential medical expenses and they can’t kick kids off a parents policy until age 26; to name a few.

  11. Dogula says - Posted: December 21, 2013

    It wasn’t actually a free market system before the ACA, either. It was highly regulated by the states, (especially in CA) and highly restricted across state lines. So the reason the system wasn’t working BEFORE the ACA is the same reason it’s not working now. Government interference in the market.
    And to contradict you again, MOST of the people in the country WERE better off before the ACA. About 85% of the country were fine, maybe 15% not so fine. Now that 85% is far more miserable than the old 15% was. But this isn’t about making our medical system better anyway. It’s about wealth redistribution. If everybody can’t be rich, let’s all be equally poor.
    Except the political classes. They get to be treated like royalty. Look at Hairy Roid; he didn’t feel good yesterday, poor baby. Spent the night in a private room in the finest of hospitals, all kinds of tests that showed he is just fine. At taxpayer expense. With ACA the law of the land, We the people will be put on months long waiting lists for cancer treatments.
    The people who are making the rules always make sure those rules favor themselves. Do you really think politicians and their families deserve better treatment than you are able to get?

  12. Moral Hazard says - Posted: December 21, 2013

    Dog if there are long waiting lines then there is also a drastic decrease in revenues for doctors and hospitalsa and a corresponding decrease in facility utilization rates. It aint gonna happen. You really should look into getting an education.

  13. go figure says - Posted: December 21, 2013

    Im willing to bet that dog is ok with gw bush and his daddy using their health insurance when they get ill but because today its harry reid its a travesty. Dog is just another hypocrit with wants her/his cake and eat it too. Be carefull, dont choke

  14. cosa pescado says - Posted: December 21, 2013

    ” MOST of the people in the country WERE better off before the ACA”

    So highest spending (17% GDP) and metrics that put us near the bottom, is OK?

    Privatized insurance is the problem. Everyone else with a single payer system pays less and gets more. Not pays more, and gets less. And you can still pay for upgraded care if you want.
    How do you not comprehend that?
    Private companies make more money by denying care and insuring less people. This is human health. You can’t just let the unprofitable people wither.
    What kind of a rubbish ‘Christian nation’ does that?
    Yours does.

  15. farkworth says - Posted: December 24, 2013

    How does having a $2000 to 12000 deductible translate to Having better coverage?