Opinion: SnowGlobe 2013 — one local’s opinion


By John Spinola

Below is my 2 cents about the SnowGlobe festival that has our town somewhat divided (and for some of us sleep deprived). As someone who lives relatively close to the event and has their life and routine disrupted by it, I just feel the need to vent. I consider myself to be a reasonable person and am well aware that tourists are the lifeblood to this community. I have lived here continuously since 1976.

SnowGlobe ends at 12:30am New Year's Day. Photo/Lesia Witkowsky

South Lake Tahoe’s SnowGlobe ends at 12:30am New Year’s Day. Photo/Lesia Witkowsky

Now on with my rant:

To the people that say — “Just pack up and leave for 3 days”

I say — You are aware that most of us have jobs and or businesses that we need to be at during the week between Christmas and New Years. It is the busiest part of the month for this town and as a local we cannot just pack up and leave during this time. We have commitments to our employers and customers. That might be the only week that we make $ within the month of December

To the people that say — “Just get some earplugs”

I say — You are aware that earplugs do not stop the boom, boom, boom that the bass creates. Earplugs do nothing to stop my deck from vibrating under my feet or the constant thump, thump, thump that permeates my house during the SnowGlobe event. Should I really be required to wear earplugs in my own house?

To the people that say — “If it’s too loud, you’re too old”

I say — That’s a tired cliche and has been around since the ’50s. It’s got nothing to do with it being too loud. It’s got to do with the event not having a proper venue and that the noise (actually bass level) being disruptive to myself, my family and my dog. I am all for people having a good time and enjoying themselves, but when it invades my house I feel I have a legitimate complaint.

To the people that say — “Quit complaining and get over it”

I say — Dismissive comments like that do nothing to solve the issues that this event present. All this tells me is that you are ignoring me or anyone else who wants to voice an opinion that differs from yours.

To the people that say — “It brings a lot of good to the area”

I say — No. It just brings money to the area — which is a good thing. But I am not sure how much because you have to figure in the extra man hours that are spent on the city side preparing for, policing and cleaning up after this event. It has also divided our locals as to whether it is a good or bad thing. It really doesn’t present the best image of a family-friendly mountain town. And, yes, I know we are a 24-hour town with gaming, drinking and access to illicits.

To the people that say — “We are tourist town and it brings $ to the area”

I say — Yes, I know this is a tourist town and I know that it brings $ to the area. Again, it needs a proper venue that isn’t disruptive to the people that live here or even the ones that are vacationing here. I have seen vacationers cut their visits short because of it. I live with the fact that tourists overtake our town on all the big holidays and during most of the summer months. I live with them overrunning this town and clogging up the highway, grocery stores and restaurants. I’m OK with this. It’s why I am able to live here. But again, when they invade the peace and quiet that is my household, I feel I have a legitimate complaint.

To the city —

City says — “We set up a hotline”

I say — You set up a number that goes to a token recording that does nothing to address concerns or grievances.

Recording states — “We are aware that the noise is louder than last year. The lack of snow is the reason for this.”

I say — Have them turn it down because of the lack of snow.

Recording states — “Some have addressed concerns about fireworks. Fireworks are shot off over the paved/parking areas and fire personnel are on scene.”

I say — Paved parking is covered with buses, vendors and staff parking. There are also islands between all the parking areas that have trees and underbrush.Trees and underbrush also surround the parking areas. There is a reason that we shoot off fireworks over the lake and not in the woods.

City says — “They are taking over the play fields and college.”

I say — They also took over Bijou park and eliminated any access to the gazebos, play areas and dog park.

City says — “They have a curfew.”

I say — They regularly play past their supposed curfew.

I will end this letter by stating once again that I am all for having events here in the area that bring people and money to the area. We do need to offer more than just gaming. We need people to come to South Lake Tahoe and not just Stateline. I am all for SnowGlobe. It just needs a proper venue that isn’t disruptive to the populace and the rules imposed by the city need to be enforced.

I’m hopping off my soapbox.

John Spinola is a resident of South Lake Tahoe.


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Comments (58)
  1. Moral Hazard says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    Why isn’t this held in the Horizon / Harveys parking lot? Is it true that the Douglas County Sheriff is the primary reason this isn’t being held near the casinos?

  2. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    Maybe Spooner Lake will work for noise concerns.

  3. ipanic says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    John it appears from your rant that you seem to think everyone is wrong but you. I wish you a happier new year.

  4. dumbfounded says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    They should just move the Tahoe Keys Marina to somewhere else. I’m tired of the noise and congestion on the weekends… maybe Spooner Lake?

  5. ChrisO says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    AWESOME WRTIE JOHN! Made everyone in my office say RIGHT ON! And John, I think you share the opinion of most everyone in town effected by this. Even my boss, who lives waaaaay out in Meyers, can hear the bass..thump thump thump at his house.
    We can all agree Tahoe needs more events, but needs a beeter place to have them.

  6. Tahoe Today says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    Moral Hazard, the event isn’t held at the casinos because they already make all the money from New Year’s Eve… This event was specifically kept on the California side so that the California businesses could profit. It is also to detract from under age individuals from hanging out and trying to sneak into the “adult atmosphere” at the casinos. Stateline already profits immesly from New Year’s Eve, so isn’t it nice for the California side to make some money?
    Honestly, I hope this event does not go away. Our town needs this economic boost and given the past few years snowfall, they aren’t coming for the skiing. Maybe the College isn’t the best venue, but then what else works on the California side that can be accessed on foot? Maybe the City needs to focus on that aspect for a change… “If you build it, they will come.” I think that has been proven here!

  7. Steve says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    Why not hold this at Edgewood Golf Course, removed from adjacent residential areas, close enough to walk to nearby infrastructure, hotels, motels, casinos, restaurants and bars. Plenty of parking at the casinos, they could even charge for parking (or vouchers for guests) and be especially happy. From the lake, photos would be much more exciting and enticing than the junior college. And eliminate the problem of using a taxpayer-funded facility for a profit-making venture.

    Edgewood already hosts the golf tournament in summer, with no problems, Snow Globe could be their winter event.

  8. worldcycle says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    I too live very close to the venue and can feel the bass as well as enjoy the fireworks from my back deck. I have no problems. Only 3 days, big deal. The last few nights the fireworks did go a minute or two past curfew. (10 pm) Tonight being New Years, I guess I will just have to either turn my stereo up or tolerate the festivities an extra couple of hours.

    I look south and see Mammoth mountain which has several festivals such as this on a year round basis. There is a Jazz festival, Blues festival, Chamber music (John might not complain about that one) Wine walks and dinners with music at different venues and some other festivals I do not follow because they provide entertainment for the non Lawrence Welk club or the old hippies such as myself. (Think Snow Globe)

    Bring them on! Yes we are a tourist economy and need the financial input from these events. Moving them to the Nevada side will give Nevada the tax dollars, not a good answer. Airport is not good for it needs to remain open in case of an emergency (FAA) plus there are residents there that would be disturbed as well. Perhaps Pope Beach. Isolated, paved, can direct the stage and sound system towards the relatively unpopulated west and a large enough area to accommodate any associated venues that may bring in even of the desired tourist dollars.

    There is an answer, we just need to open our minds and explore the other options in town that can host events such as this year round.

  9. Tahoe Today says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    Now you’re thinking Worldcycle! Edgewood is a great thought too, but again, Nevada.

  10. mrs. T says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    I live on the far side of the Keys and the fireworks woke me up, on New Years eve itself I would expect this and but not on a
    Sunday or Monday. I did complain and got a response including an invite from the promoter to see what they are doing to mitigate the noise. That’s good. The problem lies in the venue, too close to neighborhoods and too far removed from lodging and transportation. How about next year the promoter hires a couple of barges that leave from
    ski run and they can go out on the middle of lake and disturb fewer people, animals, etc, as they come back in they can do fireworks like for the 4th – and the promotors hire divers to clean up the debris, like for the 4th. And since its dark
    Early set the fireworks off earlier (except NYE itself) and that may decrease
    Complaints. BUT whatever we don’t don’t have us PAY the promoter to bring the event here. And last thought – how about “Sunglobe” in the Sept or June offseason when additional revenue is really needed and no one will freeze to death?

  11. reza says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    Amazing how uninformed some people are.

    Pope Beach is the USFS. Yeah, the Sierra Club and others, especially the USFS will allow this. Edgewood is privately owned and it is not our choice, it is theirs. I can’t imagine they want the $250 a round golf course trashed by 10,000 people walking all over it without much, much higher rent than the city and college charge.

    Its 3 days everyone. Just 3 days. What’s next? Cancel the fireworks because it causes too much traffic and noise? Cancel the airshow because of all of the jets and planes flying in? Cancel Lakeview Commons because it draws too many people?

  12. worldcycle says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    I am with reza, It is only 3 days. Said that in my opening paragraph. I am all for it. Lets have more like it.

    Just trying to explore options to help bring some of the nay,nay nay sayers to the table for a conversation that will bring about positive results.

  13. dj short flo says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    This article is silly. I live on the Meadow directly accross from the College and could not hear a thing the last 2 nights. I had to walk out of my house down to the river to enjoy the free music and fireworks.

    SnowGlobe here’s to many more years!

  14. ipanic says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    i’am with reza, worldcycle and dj short flo. SnowGlobe, BRING IT.

  15. A.B. says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    What a bunch of NIMBY’s. I presume you don’t want the tourists either who spend their money locally. Get over it. It’s a good event for people.

  16. Moral Hazard says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    Tahoe Today. The kids are staying in the tourist core area. They take a bus to the venue, they take a bus back to the casinos for the after parties. The location cannot effect the way people spend, they don’t have their car at the venue.

    California will make just as much money if it is held just over the state line. The whole concept that holding it at the college and bussing people just so it can be in California is insane.

  17. mjb says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    All of you people need to get a life. Give the young their days. You complainers are seriously sick and you should be forced to watch duck dynasty for 3 days instead. Then you can complain. Losers you are !!!

  18. RSG says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    It’s 3 days of noise people! My company would suffer greatly if it weren’t for the amount of people snowglobe brings to this town. I can’t stand the crowd and the type of music the festival brings to the town but without events like this, this town wouldn’t survive. I understand you have work and don’t like the congestion but it’s 3 DAYS!! Get over it and get over yourself. I don’t know about you but I’d rather have a job and have 3 crappy days of the year to deal with than wonder if I’ll make enough money to survive this year. If anything south lake needs to bring more events like snowglobe to town. Why not bring music festivals to town during the slow seasons? They don’t have to be slow! I only ask that if they do bring more festivals, they bring some actual musicians for a change and not this electronic crap. If you can’t deal with it for 3 days then i don’t know what to tell you. Move to Montana or something where nobody will ever bother you. You’ll have all the peace and quiet you want and you won’t have to waste your time and energy ranting about it. If this city listened to everyone like you complaining about snowglobe, we wouldn’t have tourists to keep this town going. You’re being a little selfish and not thinking about the big picture here.

  19. careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    I wish the multiple nightly rentals in my neighborhood were as well behaved, and followed rules as SnowGlobe does.

  20. Dogula says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    ” My company would suffer greatly if it weren’t for the amount of people snowglobe brings to this town.”

    Snowglobe’s fine. Not my cup of tea, certainly has some problems, but whatever.
    However, some people posting here are acting like this is the greatest thing ever to happen, that town would fold up like a cheap suit without it.
    If our town needs one 3-day rave THAT much, we have a problem. Most of you folks are so into diversity, why isn’t there a bit more diversity in our economy? Why not more industry? Why not more of everything? A drug & alcohol fueled music festival is not the be-all for our economic stability or growth. Really.
    Go ahead and enjoy it. But get a grip on reality. We need something a little more solid if this town is going to support its families.

  21. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    paid parking at SnowGlobe yes $ 25.00 to park in the Middle School parking lot

    does the school district get that money ?

    or are they getting PORKED with the rest of us ?

  22. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    They are probably buying TP with the money.

  23. Kathy says - Posted: December 31, 2013


  24. Rooster says - Posted: December 31, 2013

    I understand the noise complaints folks closer to the venue have then me. But if you are unlucky enough to live next to a vacation rental like me you get a Snow Globe event almost every weekend.
    Sleep deprived in Tahoe.
    I would gladly have the Snowglobe event for 3 days then deal with a different next door vacation rental party EVERY weekend.
    So much for my RANT!
    On a better note… Happy New Year SLT!

  25. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    I’m next to 5 vacation home rentals but don’t have a problem.
    I’d suggest you contact the rental agent.
    I’ve even had renters come to my house and tell me in advance they were going to have a loud party and ask me to tell them if they should hold it down.

  26. CJ McCoy says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Being loud is just part of the issue. The Snow Globe event and SLT itself have a very anti family, anti old people attitude and that is just part of why SLT has such a poor reputation.

  27. Biggerpicture says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    CJ, didn’t you move to Oregon from SLT years ago, precluding any interaction with the issues of SnowGlobe?

    And what would you suggest as an event to draw the geriatric set? BingoPalooza?

  28. Steve Kubby says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Our biggest concern should be the health and safety of the young people attending Snow Globe. The Snow Globe contract allows for sound levels of up to 95 decibles, but the World Health Organization says that hearing loss can occur at that level of exposure after just one hour. Such hearing loss may not become evident until years later, but it is permanent and disabling. Using WHO guidelines, it seems that the allowed decible limit is not only too high for neighbors, it is too high not to cause hearing loss and should be reset to no more than 88 decibles. WHO maximum recommended exposures per 24 hour period, in decibles:

    88 4 hours
    91 2 hours
    94 1 hour
    97 30 minutes

  29. John S says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    After reading the comments I think most of you skipped over the last paragraph.

    I’m not anti-youth, anti-tourist or even anti-loud music. I’m all for Snowglobe, I’m all for events coming to the area. I just think the event needs a proper venue that doesn’t intrude upon the locals or visitors in their home or where they stay.

    I don’t mind sharing my backyard with people. It’s part of living here. I do mind it when they invade my living room.

    I will also mention that at certain points during last night we had picture frames vibrating on our walls because of Snowglobe.

    Happy New Year.

  30. CJ McCoy says - Posted: January 1, 2014


    Where I live precludes me from nothing, nothing at all. Capiche!

  31. Jim Hildinger says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    And besides all of the above its crummy music aimed at a 4th grade education.
    While we are about it lets get rid of the $#@% helicopter touring too.

  32. CJ McCoy says - Posted: January 1, 2014


    … and another thing…

    FYI, I have clients in Tahoe and I expect to have more.

    Lots more.

    Before any of you yahoos say “you said you had no clients in Tahoe, you’re a lier bla bla bla… ”

    They are clients from my new line of work, not the old line.

  33. suspicious mind says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Mother nature only gave me eyelids. Dang, I wished I also had earlids.

    And please remember Harry Truman’s dictum: Your right to swing your fist ends at my nose.

    I wonder if any of our city moms and pops live next to a ongoing raucous, disturbing party house (vacation rental)? And I also wonder how long they would tolerate the ongoing nuisance?
    Here are their home addresses if you would like to check out there residences. Phooey, TD, HC, AS, BL, and JC say that is not fair so no addresses. They like their peace and quite.

  34. Lisa says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    I’m with Reza. It’s only three days! And they are three days in which we are all used to the crowds and noise that comes with the New Years crowd. In these years of sparce snow, I’m glad we have something that still draws people. Ya, I hear it going on but it sounds like money too our community. ESPECIALLY the California side!

  35. ronc says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    My two cents.

    Even though my last message stated that we held outdoor concerts in the early 70’s and had to deal with the volume problems, I was accused of being negative.

    Everyone has vented in the article, how about practical solutions. In the 70’s our volume was as loud, yet it was directionally controlled. The technology today allows for a bass volume similar to the 70’s, yet the bass is felt more and travels farther today. Example: some young people driving down the road with their speakers turned up loud, windows closed, and yet you feel the bass. New technology. With a minor change of the speakers used for this event you would have volume, yet very little vibration beyond 100 yards. We used hanging canvas at strategic locations around the concert area, it muffled the sound greatly. This has been used and improved on over the last 40 years around the world, by use of banners, flags, various sizes of hung materials. Anyway, you get the idea. The base I heard and felt near Hekpa and Pioneer the first night caused a renter for the New Years to leave.
    Everyone, this needs better planning, no matter where it is held.

    Happy New Year.

  36. ljames says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    well I can’t resist – first off, the initial letter is extremely reasonable, especially with lack of snow cover the volume should have been adjusted, As loud as it was at my house (over a mile way), it’s not like lowering the volume some would have meant people there would not hear the music!

    as to venue – one does have to seriously question the venue, and whether the venue is in the NV or CA doesn’t affect the local economics of the event except for whatever is being paid for the space. It’s not like the folks going to event are eating and shopping while walking around the event. They are doing those things in the greater SLT/Stateline area during the day, regardless of where the music is. So one does have to query whether something in the casino core area is more appropriate in terms of logistics and impact to surrounding area since that area is certainly not peaceful and quiet around NYE anyway. One might also question the times – given that it is dark at 5PM this event could be from 6-10 or 5-9 instead of 11 or 12 and much less impact on neighbors.

  37. go figure says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    On a positive note, my niece came up from san diego for the event. I drove her to the venue but she had to get home herself. She was able to take blue go bus for free to within a few blocks of our house. Thanks blue go for this service.

  38. BijouBill says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    I think our neighbors on the other side of the lake were investigating different venues and logistics for this event. They may be planning right now to snatch this moneymaker from South Shore for next year. Some will say good riddance because New Year’s is always maxed out with tourists and it’s crazy boom-boom for many local homeowners and their families. Let’s face it though, that’s a ton of money for the California side we would be losing.
    I know who John S. and his family are because I was friends with his mother and they’re not complainer/whiner types by any means. Sounds like ronc and others have some ideas about the noise in their posts above that could make things a little more tolerable for those like John.

  39. Mike says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Well said, John. You bring up all the relevant issues in a reasonable manner, especially given the strong emotions you likely feel about all this. The city would be well advised to give your comments close attention.

  40. cosa pescado says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    ‘Before any of you yahoos say “you said you had no clients in Tahoe, you’re a lier bla bla bla… ”’

    What’s a lier? You use that word a lot.

  41. Tahoe Today says - Posted: January 2, 2014

    Really Moral Hazard? Why don’t you check with the City of South Lake Tahoe and find out how much they would lose if the venue moved to NV. We’re talking hundreds of thousands – do your homework! And, while you’re at it, check with some of the local businesses close by like Sprouts, Rude Brothers, Safeway, etc., etc. Yes, I do realize many of the kids are staying at the casinos, but have you also seen them WALKING in droves to the concert? My neighborhood was full of them and I think just about every other vacation rental too. Most of these kids can’t afford to stay at the casinos and pay $400 per night rates over New Year’s. That’s why they rent houses and split the costs. Many of them take shuttles to the casinos to get the free ride included with the pass. They are spending money on the California side, much more than they would if they were shuttled back and forth. Talk to the City, talk to the businesses, do your homework!

  42. Mike Van Etten says - Posted: January 2, 2014

    I’m in Rubicon Bay, ten miles or so as a row flies and can hear the bass. It’s not worse than the fireworks on holidays but of course longer. I can live with it but I’m not in the neighborhood. I can understand both sides of the opinions and am glad I’m this far away.

  43. Joby says - Posted: January 2, 2014

    At the very least charge them for the venue. Might make up for some of that income that will be lost to paid parking after the vote.

  44. Haaaa says - Posted: January 6, 2014

    Wonder how much money Barton made with all the dopers having a bad trip?

  45. random citizen says - Posted: January 9, 2014

    well written grievance. i empathize with you and the three night ear-rape that is snow-globe. it is your experience and you have every right to voice your displeasure. there is no doubt this event does render some in this community inconvenienced.

    the police turning the answering machine,kills me. we are aware, we don’t care, we have an anti mine vehicle

  46. Dogula says - Posted: January 9, 2014

    LOL @ randomcitizen! I saw that “police department” armored vehicle all decorated up with pretty lights for the Christmas parade, and I was horrified. Yeah, get the kiddies used to seeing military vehicles roaming their streets. Nothing to be alarmed about here. Go back about your business.
    We got it “free” too!
    (after the tax payers bought it for the feds, the feds gave to SLT ‘free’, and SLT paid how much for the body work and paint job? Free my patootie.)

  47. Straight Talk says - Posted: January 9, 2014

    Well, Dogula, I wish the police didn’t have any need for vehicles like that too. I wish it was like Britain where most police don’t even need to carry a gun. But, with our country’s gun fascination and nearly unfettered access to military style assault weapons, it’s important for local police to have the equipment they need. Newtown and Columbine are same size as South Lake. Just something to bear in mind when you see the tools our police have. It’s not always because of some authoritarian power grab – there really is an armed and dangerous citizenry. But, hey, the 2nd amendment, right?! Freedom for everyone!

  48. Biggerpicture says - Posted: January 9, 2014

    Bravo Straight Talk! Well said.

  49. bronco billy says - Posted: January 9, 2014

    yup. dog’s feeble logic surfaces again.

  50. Joby says - Posted: January 13, 2014

    Why is government surplus an issue. We had a federal need after 9/11. The need diminished, would you prefer they are sold to our future enemies or sit in mothball? The fact is we may never need to use it. Fortunately I have never needed an ambulance, does that mean in my opinion we shouldn’t have a fleet of them. If itis only needed once to secure a hostage situation or to save the life of a law enforcement official, it’s worth it. Really the debate over the vehicle has no relevance to the storyline.

  51. Dogula says - Posted: January 13, 2014

    Nope, no relevance to the storyline at all. It was just a response to another comment.
    But an ambulance is not the same thing as what is essentially an “assault vehicle”. To use the leftists’ parlance.
    The left says we do not need military weaponry on our town streets, yet our cities are putting them there. To what purpose? To defend against whom? Why are those who are here to “protect and serve” arming themselves like an army? Who do they plan to fight?

  52. worldcycle says - Posted: January 13, 2014

    Dog, I concur.

  53. Joby says - Posted: January 13, 2014

    I happen to be friends with several of the swat members of the law enforcement in our community. Hopefully it will never be needed, but prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Who knows what the need will be, but it’s here if needed. We live in a crazy world. The ambulance thing was a little over the top but the point is that nobody cares until you need it.

  54. CJ McCoy says - Posted: January 14, 2014

    If the assault vehicles are good enough to protect you from your neighbors are they not good enough to protect our boarder?

  55. TeaTotal says - Posted: January 14, 2014

    CJPubworksTV-If the assault vehicle is good enough to protect our’boarders’-what about all the skiers?-

  56. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: January 14, 2014

    TeaTotal, I didn’t get the joke at first but after reading thru it a second time I caught it, almost made me choke on my toast! Now if we can just “sew” those gapes for their litter Comment by huh). Bad spellers of the world untie( Julie Threewit’s Joke?) Always good times at LTN. OLS

  57. BlowoutBob says - Posted: January 15, 2014

    I cannot figure out why this event has to be over New Years. Town is already packed to the gills that time of year, why not have it the first or second weekend in January?
    I feel for the people who live close to the event. It needs a better home, but I don’t know where.

  58. reloman says - Posted: January 16, 2014

    Blowout bob, it cant be held at that venue during the times you mention as it takes a week to set up and a week to breakdown and the college started on jan 6th this year.