S. Tahoe crews contain fire to chimney

A quick thinking Good Samaritan helped ensure a chimney fire in South Lake Tahoe didn’t turn into a full-blown structure fire Thursday.

Keith Cooney was driving down Highway 50 at about 4:45pm Dec. 5 when he saw smoke that he knew could not be a controlled burn. He turned on to Barton Avenue and saw the fire.

South Lake Tahoe firefighters extinguish a chimney fire Dec. 5. Photo/LTN

South Tahoe firefighters extinguish a chimney fire Dec. 5. Photo/LTN

“Flames were shooting out of the chimney. I banged on the door,” Cooney told Lake Tahoe News. He was able to alert the male resident about the fire and then dialed 911.

Firefighters were able to keep the fire to the chimney, which was full of creosote. Because it had a metal pipe water could be used to douse the flames. Water isn’t used on concrete because it destroys the chimney.

Crews were still at the 2286 Barton Ave. residence at 5:15pm where they were checking for hot spots and clearing the house of smoke.

 — Lake Tahoe News staff report