Snippets about Lake Tahoe
• The annual rural fire fee is automatically going up by $2.33 per property to adjust for inflation.
• South Lake Tahoe, El Dorado County and Placer County have submitted revised Storm Water Management Plans to Lahontan Regional Water Control Board. They are online. Submit comments to Bob Larsen at by 5pm Jan. 3.
• The Donner Pass Road Pedestrian Improvement Project in Truckee has been selected to receive $1.5 million in funding from the Highway Safety Improvement Program that is administered by Caltrans. This project includes sidewalks and improved pedestrian crossings along Donner Pass Road between Frates Lane and the Interstate 80 off ramp at the western end of the project.
• Melody Easton had been hired as coordinator for the South Tahoe Drug Free Coalition.
• The Bicycle Advisory Committee of the South Lake Tahoe Recreation Facilities Joint Powers Authority will meet Dec. 6 from 9-11am in the upstairs conference room at Lake Tahoe Airport.