TOCCATA Winter MusicFest begins in January

Tahoe Symphony Orchestra and Chorus kicks off its 9th annual Winter MusicFest with the “Brrroque Masters” concert series Jan. 4, 5, 7 and 10.

The program opens with Vivaldi’s famous Concerto for Two Trumpets, featuring baroque trumpeters Mark Lord and William van Meter. Organist David Brock will interpret Händel’s Organ Concerto Op. 4 No. 4 in F major, and performs as continuo player for the other pieces on the program. Arias from J.S. Bach’s Cantata No. 51 Jauchzet Gott, and Händel’s Let the bright Seraphim will be performed by sopranos Joy Strotz, Anna Helwing and Michelle Norris. Finalizing the program will be Bach’s Cantata No. 4 from the Christmas Oratorio.

Maestro James Rawie will conduct all performances.

The performances are Jan. 4, 7pm at St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church in Incline Village (341 Village Blvd.); Jan. 5, 3pm at St. Theresa Church in South Lake Tahoe (1041 Lyons Ave.); Jan. 7 at 7pm at Shepherd of the Sierra Church in Carson City (3680 Highway 395 South), and Jan. 10, 7pm at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Reno, (501 California Ave.)

Tickets are available at the door or online, and at Tahoe City Visitor Center. General admission to all concerts is $25 adults, $20 seniors, $5 students aged 19 to 23 with valid ID. Preferred seating is $35 and $15 for youth-students. Youth under 19 years of age are admitted free, in non-reserved seating, to most regular season concerts in 2014.

TOCCATA’s 9th Season WinterFest continues Feb. 8-14 with Bach’s Magnificat, Bruch’s Violin Concerto No. 2 featuring Elizabeth Pitcairn with the legendary Red Stradivarius violin, and Saint Saens Piano Concerto No. 2 with the winner of the Paul Guttman Young Artists Piano Competition.

For more information or preferred seating, email, call (775) 313.9697, or go online.