U.S. teens not as smart as their peers


By Motoko Rich, New York Times

Fifteen-year-olds in the United States score in the middle of the developed world in reading and science while lagging in math, according to international standardized test results being released on Tuesday.

While the performance of American students who took the exams last year differed little from the performance of those tested in 2009, the last time the exams were administered, several comparable countries — including Ireland and Poland — pulled ahead this time.

As in previous years, the scores of students in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and South Korea put those school systems at the top of the rankings for math, science and reading. Finland, a darling of educators, slid in all subjects but continued to outperform the averages, and the United States.

The Program for International Student Assessment, commonly known as PISA, was administered to 15-year-olds in 65 countries and school systems by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a Paris-based group that includes the world’s wealthiest nations. Just over 6,100 American students took the exams.

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Comments (11)
  1. suspicious mind says - Posted: December 4, 2013

    If you break out the masses of illegal aliens and the children of illegal aliens and the downtrodden socially deprived Americans of African extraction the scores would rise dramatically.
    As usual statistics can be massaged to produce what ever you want.
    Great news for the teachers unions.

  2. CJ McCoy says - Posted: December 4, 2013

    This is old news. Liberals have controlled the education system for decades and as predicted… it’s failing.

    The new new is…

    Liberals are doing to our health care system what they did to public education system.

    And their Marxist leader is violating the constitution to do it.

    Talk of impeaching Obama is picking up, anyone watch the the testimony yesterday from all those Professors and legal experts, especially the guy from Cato.

    Will Obama be remembered as America’s worst president? I think so. And Harry Reid and Pelosi how will America remember these two? Many are waking to the lies and arrogance of Obama, Reid and Pelosi.

    America is waking up to the lies of Liberalism and with any luck we will squash it by shining the light of truth on it.

    We need a voucher system to return the power back to the parents and away from the arrogant unionized public education community.

    If we don’t squash the liberals and their lies things will get worse.

  3. Biggerpicture says - Posted: December 4, 2013

    CJ, If we liberals are ruining EVERYTHING, in your estimation, then why has our economy historically done better under democrat presidents?

  4. CJ McCoy says - Posted: December 4, 2013

    To say our economy is doing well is… lets say idiotic. Progressive liberalism caused the housing crisis and from there it has gotten much worse. Except for government employees, for many of them it has gotten much better.

    The Fed and big banks and Mega corporations which are generally run by progressives are doing well. Thank the Fed for the $85 billion a month in freshly printed money being handed over to Obama’s BIG banker buddies that has created the mother of all bubbles.

    Many people think that another economic crash is what they want to occur and then the progressives led by Obama will try to in force marshall law on us. The militarization of the police forces all across the country support this prediction.

  5. suspicious mind says - Posted: December 4, 2013

    Libtards, try as they might, have not ruined everything. And for that matter the Repubs have not managed to ruin everything either. Both parties have blame for our present sad situation but for different reasons. I personally prefer more freedom and less government control over my life. One party wants just about total control and the other is confused thereby being enablers. IIHWAD.

  6. CJ McCoy says - Posted: December 4, 2013

    BB, I don’t need to read others assessments to know what to think. I am an active participant in it for decades. I earned a Series 24 registration and all the requirements necessary to achieve the 24.

    I do my own analysis and the accuracy of my predictions over the past two decades are proof of my understanding the system. Our economy is a crony capitalist economy similar to fascist systems. It is far removed from a free Market CAPITALIST economy.

    Crony Capitalism is defined on one of my videos if anyone is interested in learning what it means.

    I support the efforts to audit the Fed and think if done honestly prison will result for some of the members.

  7. dumbfounded says - Posted: December 4, 2013

    So sad that someone who can “…do my own analysis…” cannot ever seem to comprehend what is written here. For instance, if someone says that “…our economy historically has done better under democrat presidents…” (with a reference and link) and your response is “ say that out economy is doing well is … let’s say idiotic..” is flat out dishonest. It is a failure of reading comprehension. No one said it was doing well. You respond to your own demons, C.J. The political problems that are evident in this country are rooted in dishonesty, on all sides.

    Throwing labels or blame around is so easy and so very unproductive. Absent any cogent or referenced thought, the arguments appear to be without merit. BTW, how about a link to “your videos”. I think it might be worthwhile for readers to watch, we might learn something.

    If you plan on continuing your “crony capitalism” argument, it may be helpful to recognize the contributions of “conservatives” to the creation of the problem. Then, the argument might have validity.

  8. BitterKlinger says - Posted: December 4, 2013

    Not only is this old news, but the root of the problem which was determined but not reported is illegal immigration.

    Our schools are flooded with children who cannot speak English.

    What do you expect?

  9. go figure says - Posted: December 4, 2013

    Its a good thing there are liberals or else who would cj and dogzilla have to blame for everything in the world that has gone wrong. They would have no one to point their dirty fingers at.

  10. TeaTotal says - Posted: December 5, 2013

    CJ-I’m sure you qualify for a Series-5150 because anybody stupid and crazy enough to listen to your advice about investments is now broke-you got flushed out of town here because you failed miserably and lost everything with your ‘decades of accuracy with your predictions’-your a complete joke and liar