Editorial: Fairness to all — a fitting tribute to MLK


Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Jan. 18, 2014, Contra Costa Times.

Next month the nation will celebrate the birthday of two presidents, in May we will honor those killed in our defense, in July the founders will be front and center, and in November we will thank our veterans.

But before we get to any of that, we have set aside Monday as a day to celebrate our conscience — our social conscience, to be exact. Since 1986, Americans have done that by observing a national holiday on the third Monday in January to honor the birth and life of the Rev. Martin Luther King.

Admittedly, some see Monday as just another three-day weekend that happens to fall during what used to be prime snow season (ahem). But that myopic view ignores the profound social and moral impact King has had on the nation. His life drove change that continues to influence our culture daily.

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Comments (29)
  1. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: January 19, 2014

    Be interesting to compare King and Ghandi as far as their existence goes. Socio economics, method and effectiveness of confrontation options, ect….Apparently, their common denominator was existing in English spoken systems.

  2. TeaTotal says - Posted: January 20, 2014

    I think Dr. King and Ghandi have more in common than just language-I also think they would be disgusted by the attempt to undo the Civil Rights Act and suppress peoples voting rights-we should honor MLK today by denouncing the Teabigots-they must be stopped

  3. Dogula says - Posted: January 20, 2014

    “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
    Baseless accusations of racism do not lend credibility to your arguments.
    Nobody is trying to undo anybody’s rights, nobody is trying to ‘suppress’ the vote. You need photo id to do ANYTHING in today’s world, why not to vote? For what possible reason would an id not be needed?
    The left’s accusations that the right is trying to bring back Jim Crow neglects to note that it is the Democrats who WROTE the Jim Crow laws.
    MLK was a Republican.

  4. Biggerpicture says - Posted: January 20, 2014

    Dog, below is an exerpt from an article about the recent Pennsylvania voter ID law that was knocked down by Commonwealth Court Judge Bernard McGinley. And please pay attention to the last sentence:

    Before the law was passed in March 2012, voters were already required to provide proof of residency, and poll workers were allowed to request ID if they doubted anyone’s qualifications. But that didn’t stop Republican legislators and Gov. Tom Corbett from enacting one of the nation’s most restrictive voter ID laws.

    Democrats said the law, like several similar measures passed before the 2012 presidential election, was meant to frustrate their probable supporters. As if to prove them right, House Majority Leader Mike Turzai, R-Allegheny, famously admitted that it was designed to help Republican nominee Mitt Romney carry Pennsylvania.

    Read more here:

  5. Dogula says - Posted: January 20, 2014

    It would only ‘frustrate their probable supporters’ if those supporters were voting illegally. If you are a citizen and eligible to vote, WHAT is wrong with having to prove that?

  6. BijouBill says - Posted: January 20, 2014

    That’s a great quote from MLK’s speech at the March on Washington in 1968. I remember it well. Anyone interested can view it here:

    It’s obvious to everyone that voter suppression laws are being passed, not because of any real voter fraud, but because people of color, the poor, young people, city dwellers and the elderly tend to vote against the greedy and the oligarchs.

    Anyone interested in debunking the lie that Dems wrote the Jim Crow laws can find the reality of the situation here:
    The Dixiecrats were well represented by those that would call themselves the Tea Party in today’s political world. The labels used in those days mean nothing today.

    “MLK was a Republican” is just another lie favored by the willfully ignorant teabagger cult. According to Dr. King’s autobiography, he claimed no party affiliation but made it clear in Chapter 24 what he thought of the cons as the party of bigotry and hatred. Desecrating his memory with this revisionist history and these absurd claims is beyond disgusting. Have you no shame?

  7. CJ McCoy says - Posted: January 20, 2014

    Democrats always manipulate the voter laws, remember all the service men and women that couldn’t vote because their democrat controlled precincts didn’t send the ballots in time. Happens every big election.

    That’s Democrats for you. What do you expect from the party of hate and division? The party of lies and deceit. They fought against the civil rights act yet they lie about that all the time.

    Keep an eye on that folks, make sure the brave men and women serving this nation over seas can vote this time.

  8. CJ McCoy says - Posted: January 20, 2014

    Republicans, the party of Lincoln is the party of freedom, it certainly is not Democrats.

    Anyone notice all the militarized police forces that are developing all over the country?

    They can’t defend our boarders but they are ready to SWAT your house anytime you get out of line.

    The Democrats are doing that. Obama, Reid and Pelosi.

  9. CJ McCoy says - Posted: January 20, 2014


    I read the last line, the liberal writing the article compares showing legitimate identification to poll taxes.

    That is an idiotic comparison.

    Nuff said.

  10. Dogula says - Posted: January 20, 2014

    ” people of color, the poor, young people, city dwellers and the elderly tend to vote against the greedy and the oligarchs”

    So, you’re saying that those people are not capable of acquiring a legal identification card? That sounds like racist/classist thinking to me.
    And as far as ‘oligarchs’ are concerned, I would conclude that the Democrat party has an enormous stake in that. Obama has benefitted the massive corporations with preferred contracts and waivers to the laws that he is enforcing on us little people more blatantly that the R’s ever did. Heck, the leftist global warming hero, Al Gore, has benefitted personally from crony capitalism more than other single person on earth. All the while, lecturing us to cut back on our comforts.
    No, I don’t think the right has any corner on hypocrisy.
    We shouldn’t be fighting left against right; that’s all part of the distraction that the Washington DC insiders use while they continue to steal more money and more of our liberties while they gain more power over every aspect of the little people’s lives. They’re making you dependent on government for every need, and restricting your freedom to choose how you live with every bill they pass. While you argue about which boot, the left or the right, is stomping on your neck.

  11. BijouBill says - Posted: January 20, 2014

    The rise of the oligarchs and the resulting economic and cultural inequalities are a direct result of the supply-siders and religious fanatics that took control in 1980. Thanks to decisions made by the ultra-conservative SCOTUS the only remaining political power is held by the conservative wing of the Dem. Party and the hard right and lunatic fringe of the GOP supported by the 1%.
    Our only chance to regain some sort of balance, and reinstate the middle class, is to take back our gov’t from the cons and the extremists. We need statesmen like MLK and FDR to provide leadership in an effort to restore government by, for and of the People as opposed to eliminating it and allowing privatization by corporate entities and the dominionists. The latter option is supported by the Ayn Randoids, anti-science dolts and teabaggers. Hopefully, we’re not beyond the point of no return. Let’s all celebrate this holiday by denouncing the inequalities and selfishness that are so prevalent in our me, me, me society. EOM

  12. go figure says - Posted: January 20, 2014

    Cj and dog are bigots plain and very simple (minded)

  13. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: January 20, 2014

    In honor of the birthdays of Martin Luther King and President Lincoln, The Multnoma County Republican Party,(Oregon), is hosting a raffle. First prize? An AR-15 rifle (or if you prefer, a handgun.)
    What a way to acknowledge two assassinated leaders… with a rifle or a pistol. So if you live in Oregon, don’t delay and get your tickets today!
    Strange way to respect two great men but I guess it takes all kinds.
    Me? I’m flying the flag and reading the words to some of their speeches.I hope whoever wins the gun isn’t a nutjob. We got plenty of those, so I’ll keep my fingers crossed and avoid public places, Yikes, OLS

  14. CJ McCoy says - Posted: January 21, 2014

    Democrats leaders are against freedom. Look at their history, democrat leadership exploit the issues of race bias they do not work solve it.

    Conservative Republicans represent the party of Lincoln and is the true party of freedom and fairness.

    OPEN YOUR EYES… Anyone notice all the militarized police forces that are developing all over the country?

    They can’t defend our boarders but they are ready to SWAT your house anytime you get out of line.

  15. cosa pescado says - Posted: January 21, 2014

    ‘Conservative Republicans represent the party of Lincoln ‘
    According to…. the history of American political parties?
    Or is that a new talking point.

    “Democrats always manipulate the voter laws,”
    Every election in Philadelphia flyers are mailed out to minority neighborhoods, incorrectly telling them the polling places have changed.
    Guess who is behind it?

    “MLK was a Republican.”
    The operative word being: ‘was’. I highly doubt he would be today….

    Besides, you are misinformed about the history of political parties. No one should take your statements seriously.

  16. CJ McCoy says - Posted: January 21, 2014

    Some facts about Civil Rights the Democrats wish you didn’t know.

    Republicans were the overwhelming supporters of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. MANY Democrats DID NOT SUPPORT IT!!! Many fought openly against it. It was a political strategy that caused them to change their stance after they realized they could lie to the minorities and get their votes by doing so. So they lie, nothing new there.

    FACT: Regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1964

    1964, the “Southern Bloc” of 18 Democratic Senators, only one Republican Senator launched a filibuster to prevent its passage of the Civil Rights Act.

    “We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states.” Richard Russell (D-GA)


    Abe Lincoln ran as a Republican and was Elected as a Republican.

    That be the facts…

  17. Orale says - Posted: January 21, 2014

    FACT: that was 50 years ago

    FACT: I just fed the troll.

    Sorry about that

  18. CJ McCoy says - Posted: January 22, 2014

    Teach a man to fish… good (Conservative Principle)

    Give a man a fish so he will vote for you … evil or cretin (Progressive Liberal tactic)

  19. Biggerpicture says - Posted: January 22, 2014

    CJ, teaching a man OR a woman anything most definitely DOES NOT fall under the category of conservative principles!

    An unhealthy, uneducated, non-voting populace is the stock and trade of the GOP.

    Well, unless schools are teaching science based on a 2,000 year old NOVEL!

  20. TeaTotal says - Posted: January 22, 2014

    I listened to Alfonzos repeat of the standard line from the wingers about MLK being a republican-the fact that labels for the parties have changed is fact whether they like to admit it or not-tarnishing his memory by suggesting he would do anything but spit on a teabigot or GOPer trying to suppress the minority vote and roll back the Civil Rights Act is delusional-even for teabaggers

  21. Dogula says - Posted: January 22, 2014

    Obviously you didn’t watch the whole thing. Mr. Rachel addresses that issue too.
    Are you going to call HIM a racist now, as well?

  22. CJ McCoy says - Posted: January 22, 2014

    TeaTotal = Wrong

    People rise above the liberal trash heap…The facts are the facts, don’t let this arrogant government employee tell you lies.

    It was Republicans that were the supporters of the Civil Rights act… The Democrats had to be brought to the vote kicking and screaming…Period

    Look it up for yourself.

  23. CJ McCoy says - Posted: January 22, 2014

    Voter suppression, a Democratic legacy;

    Jim Crow laws, Poll taxes, literacy tests for voting were all brought to America by the Democrat party. All of these voter suppression efforts were Democrat efforts.

    Democrats are the party of hate and lies. Above are examples of more lies and hate.

    LOOK AT THE FACTS People, Democrats are running this State and this country and this state country is declining at a record pace.

  24. cosa pescado says - Posted: January 22, 2014


    Abe Lincoln ran as a Republican and was Elected as a Republican.’

    So you are ignorant, and think that because the name is the same, the politics were the same.
    I think I learned that is not the case in 8th or 10th grade.
    Read a book you joker.

    And what was that deleted comment about?

  25. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 23, 2014

    HEY CJ! 95% of the African American vote went to President Obama in 2008 and 2012. In 1976 Jimmy Carter got 88% of the African American vote. Ike got 40% of the African American vote in 1956. President Johnson got 94% of the same voting bloc in 1964. Humm… What happened in the 1960’s that would have caused so many voters to reject the GOP? Everyone seems to know except you CJ.

  26. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: January 23, 2014

    CJ McCoy:

    When you are not blogging on this website are you blogging on other websites?

  27. rock4tahoe says - Posted: January 24, 2014

    4 mer, cj is reading his script from foxnoise/rush while he is waiting to post his next rant. He is just a puppet for the flat earth society