Meyers residents gathering to discuss town’s future
On Feb. 6 at 6:30pm there will be a meeting to discuss the recent unveiling of the Meyers catalyst project.
This meeting is not sponsored by any agency, but instead by concerned residents.
The project calls for a multi-story, multi-acre resort and parking garage in Meyers. Proponents call it an idea, not a project.
The draft Meyers Community Plan includes development incentives favoring a large project like this.
The meeting will be at Lake Valley Fire Department.
For more information about the meeting, email or call (530) 577.8220.
WE’VE SEEN THIS BEFORE ! This is an obvious attempt to impose the will of outsiders on the Meyers citizens. Follow the money. The not well disguised intent is for developers to profit from the new construction that will result from this plan. Two months ago the comments regarding this “so called plan” were about 2 to 1 against any outside intervention in Meyers. Again this is presented as a positive attempt to revitalize the Meyers corridor into the south shore. In reality this will result in local commercial and retail property vacancy rates increasing far above normal; And these property values will drop due to increased vacancy rates. The reason this “so called plan” will backfire is simple, there is not sufficient demand for further development in Meyers.
Thank you, Tahoe Pizza Eater!
Meyer’s residents beware, scary stuff on the move.
This new plan is on it’s way to your community. The TRPA and other state funded agencies will push this thru whether you want it or not.
Hiring out of area developers/construction companies and along with the power of emminent domain they will come in and start the “improvement?” of your peaceful laid back community.
“They” did it to So. Shore and “They” will do it to you to. That being said, some of the improvements to SLT have been great and our city council has overall done a good job, just don’t let some consulting firm backed by big bucks change your part of town without your input, suggestions or a flat out refusal to go along.
I’ll keep my fingers crossed that this all works out for the best. OLS
Wait a minute you guys-this is just laissez faire capitalism at work like Dogula says about Sleepy little Homewood- the developers really are the job creators and conservationists-what are you-selfish? ;)
Teatotal, READ a DAMN BOOK. Learn something. This has NOTHING to do with laissez-faire capitalism. Nothing. This Meyers situation is pure statist bull crap.
Sometimes your ignorance is stunning.
Tea… nice work. In their own words… Doesn’t Meyers need jobs? LOL.
That’s hilarious. You’ve been busted by someone who obviously has read more books than just “Atlas Shrugged”. I believe it’s called being “hoist by one’s own petard” from Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
Hopefully the good folks out in Meyers will be more successful in stopping unnecessary over development by greedy private sector companies than Homewood citizens were.
Wow. A whole gaggle of ignorant yappers. Have a good weekend, boys. Until you learn the basics, you really shouldn’t opine.
If you don’t like it, Meyers should form its own city and make its own rules. Otherwise, you’re controlled by “outsiders” aka El Dorado County Sups and anyone who goes to placerville and gets a permit to do what they want. If you want a real say, become a city.
According to the new sign on Highway 88/89 as you come into the basin we are already a city with our own city sign, “City of Meyers, Population 3060, Elevation 6630” This idea for improvement to the Meyers area has been around for years and it should come as no surprise that when the powers to be didn’t get the total support from our community it was a done deal and would be pushed to the limit. This is a somewhat scaled down version of the city’s “hole” fiasco. As long as you at least start something something will get done. I do hope all involved will attend the meeting. It would be much better if all the players were there from all sides.
I’m not sure why they haven’t included a helicopter pad in this “idea”. Surely many Meyer’s resident lament the fact that they have to drive all the way from SLT in order to reach their personal aircraft.
I’m not an ignorant yapper, tho I do like the term, as it applies to several commenters on this forum on a variety of topics. The far right conservatives drive me crazy, but I hold back from responding, which is typical behaviour for a mild mannered liberal like myself. Such is life in a crazy world.
To quote Monty Python, “And now for something completely different.”
Are you going to cover your plants with flannel sheets again this year? I’ve told that story to many gardening friends and we always get a chuckle. Actually it’s a pretty good idea and probably better than my heavy plastic tarps.
Even tho we are opposites, keep on writng despite the abuse from people of differing views… I do !!! OLS
When developers run out of areas to create a new Disneyland, like Stateline, they move to new areas to ruin, profit, sell and leave. Meyers needs a plan to keep it rural or else the Developers will trash it with new multi-story hotels and all the rif-raff they bring in. This will be a fight to preserve from developers the last of the small town family friendly values with somewhat affordable housing. Fight for it, elect a new Supervisor who will do it or lose it.
OLS, I definitely wasn’t referring to YOU when I called the previous posters ignorant yappers. You have always been more than cordial. I have no problem with folks disagreeing with me. It makes life much more interesting. I wouldn’t actually have even commented on this issue if I hadn’t been dragged into it by a snide comment from Teatotal.
So on to the gardening issues: I haven’t had to use the old flannel sheets yet, since I don’t try to garden in winter. I know people who do, but they have actual greenhouses. And they are VERY successful! We did actually water the hypericum ground cover before this last snow. Normally the snow insulates it all winter, but it was bare, and showing clear signs of stress, not good for a plant that is used as an anti-stress agent! But the flannel sheets are stashed just in case. Last year, it warmed up so early that I couldn’t resist planting, even knowing it was foolish. We’ll see what happens this year.
Meyers residents its time to take to the streets or at least attend the meeting Feb 6 at the Lake Valley Fire house at 6:30PM. I’m there, we must make our voice heard. Santiago has been a disappointment and is advocating for the west slope interests. Save Meyers!
Are City residents allowed to participate in this meeting to the same extent that county residents participate in City Council meetings?
We sometimes purchase at Meeks in Meyers, and occasionally have breakfast out there too.
All should be welcome to attend as members of a larger basin community sharing the same concerns. The key being to get in front of these issues of development and try to come up with a plan that will reflect the shared values of Meyers, time to come up with a community plan, or put large commercial developments to a mandatory vote or else developer bribed politicians will vote to approve at the BOS in P-ville while people aren’t looking. Warnings about possible eminent domain land grabs for developers and re-developers should be taken very seriously because they worked well in Stateline and this could encourage more of the same and they might now be focusing on Meyers and elsewhere in the county. There is no need for high-rise hotels and any further large tourist traps in Meyers.
Hey dogzilla, maybe the developers will hire meyers residents to build their resorts and condos. That should make you agreeable to the idea of upgradeing meyers. Of course you want homewood to get their big new development but not meyers. Sounds like NIMBY, liberal, rich folk, environmentalist attitude that you so abhore. Hummmmm………
Oh, and what of that wonderful gem, Little Norway, that greats and says goodbye to all of our visitors? Leave it alone because it might actually be progress to fix the joint up! Same thing for the old boarded up gas station? The junk yards across the street from the airport?
I want to give a bit of info that many of you are not aware of…this project has been in the works for over two years. The rumors started by some disclosing that Dr. Banner was going to convert the old gas station into a bed and breakfast and a snowboard extreme sports ramp that landed into Lake Barron. This was proposed by Dayberry and we know he does not have the funds to back this… Then somehow he becomes a member of the MAC. Then all of a sudden the round table group of Meyers was not a community group. Then the MAC was formed. Hand picked to develop planning area changes so that this project could be developed. Then the Agency with land has been a silent player. Of course Meyers needs a facelift but when the players are not forthcoming with their actual intentions is concerning. They have not informed many parties that would be part of this and the community was not allowed to be a part of the process. TRPA was the lead in this which is questionable on relationships with the other players. There is more but we will leave it here for the comments. Go Broncos
Little Norway used to be THE place to go after skiing all day. . . 2 hotdogs for a buck! Lots of beer. . . it was a HOOT! But that was many moons ago, before it burned down. . .
Developers want to keep it quiet about their real plans and may times will propose a large development and then downscale after opposition and they always count on political corruption on the BOS and often use hidden “campaign” contributions, and lawyers. They also count on people not being aware and in P-ville to oppose them at the BOS with facts and vocal opposition which was common for years. If they are looking at the former gas station in Meyers the question will be the size and scale of the proposal. People Being informed and involved will be the key.
Just get us bus service to the y dammit!
Well, I was in disbelief when I saw one person that showed up to the TRPA meeting, verbally attacked by Rene, Ward and the the county of El Dorado for being there to speak. Really, well I guess they are threatened because the Meyers Advisor Committee had a secret meeting this morning and according to the Brown Act they are in violation. It shall be reported. TRPA is also aware of what occurred in their lobby and outside and did nothing. Even the board members knew. I am amazed at the scandal behind this but I shall not disclose all of it just yet. Lets just see if they do the right thing, but I won’t hold my breath.
If outlandish 200 million projects involving a tunnel under highway 50 in Meyers are even thought about it shows how far off in orbit some of these things are and that the money spent was wasted. The fact the county CAO is involved in funding something like a development study without approval of anyone isn’t good, the fact none of the BOS voted on the county spending for this “study” isn’t good either. My advice is to slow this down and wait until a new Supervisor is elected that will represent the area and one that will have the input from the people and one who shows up and isn’t a lame duck. Start over with realistic ideas and small scale. Meyers has always been about small Mom and Pop businesses and this is what has always been there along with the few bigger additions which fit in and work well, the questions will be what is really needed or wanted and would improve and be welcomed and the first step will be to demo the abandoned buildings like the old gas station and clean it up and there is no reason to entertain any ideas until then.