Nobel Peace prize winner to speak in Stateline


William Collins, an internationally recognized climate change scientist and a lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that was awarded the 2007 Nobel Peace prize, will be the keynote speaker at Operation Sierra Storm Meteorologist’s Conference Jan. 8-10.

Other speakers during the three-day event include:

  • Duane Waliser, chief scientist of the Earth Science and Technology Directorate at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.
  • Virgil Welch, special counsel California Air Resources Board.
  • Julie Regan, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency external affairs chief.
  • Jeff Piotrowski, Emmy Award-winning storm chaser who has filmed more than 800 tornadoes in his 30 years

Collins and Welch’s presentations are open to the public Jan. 10 at Harveys Lake Tahoe. Welch will speak from 7:45-8:45am and Collins from 9–10am, with Q&A to follow.


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Comments (10)
  1. Andrew says - Posted: January 4, 2014

    Let’s start a petition to get Dogula on the panel so she can tell all of these people what ignorant sheep they are!

  2. BitterClinger says - Posted: January 4, 2014

    Al Gore and his shrinking band of far left lemmings have been proven wrong again and again.

    In 2009, at its peak, Gore’s “Climate Reality Project” group had more than 300 employees, with 40 field offices across 28 states. It poured $28 million into advertising and promotion, and paid about $200,000 in lobbying fees at the height of the cap-and-trade energy bill fight on Capitol Hill.

    Today, the group has just over 30 people on staff and has abandoned its on-the-ground presence — all of its field offices have since shut down. Advertising expenses have decreased from the millions to the thousands, and the organization no longer lobbies lawmakers. Donations and grants have declined, too — from $87.4 million in 2008 to $17.6 million in 2011.

    Recent newsworthy events from Antarctica to the East Coast have extinguished the fire on Global Warming.

  3. cosa pescado says - Posted: January 4, 2014

    You know that doesn’t count as peer reviewed research, right?

    “Recent newsworthy events from Antarctica to the East Coast have extinguished the fire on Global Warming.”

    Uh oh… look like we have another denialist who doesn’t even know the difference between weather and climate.

  4. Dogula says - Posted: January 4, 2014

    Yep. The global warming scientific expedition to Antarctica got itself hopless stuck in ever deepening irony.

  5. CJ McCoy says - Posted: January 4, 2014

    Over the past three years American tax payers have spent $7.45 Billion fighting global warming in other countries.

    It appears it worked.

  6. cosa pescado says - Posted: January 5, 2014

    Holy poop the moron brigade is out in force today.

    You have zero science. You never bring it up. Because that is a point you can not argue from.

    Hey dawg, if it turns out that those boats that were stuck were even able to navigate to that spot because of the decrease in sea ice over the past few climate cycles, will you shut up about climate change forever?
    PS how old is the earth.

  7. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: January 5, 2014

    Is Dogula going to speak ? Will they allow the Dog to speak ? I support the Dog ! I say “Let Dogula speak.” We want Dogula !

  8. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: January 5, 2014

    The 10,000 year or so global warming episode needs to be greatly excelerated by ripping more locked carbon out of the earth and into the atmosphere as I prefer not to wait another 50 years or so for Tahoe to warm up, damn, it gets cold up here, let’s be proactive.

  9. CJ McCoy says - Posted: January 5, 2014

    I was a senior in high school when EarthDay was founded. I am proud how much we have cleaned up our environmental act since then.

    Everything is cleaner.

    The air, the rivers, our combustion engines, everything.

    Back then we had the start of this debate. Right from the start came the screamers…

    I have always supported the need to research, I have a bachelors degree in Plant Science and a Minor in Biology. Striving to understand our world is in man’s nature.

    But the ‘screamers’ damage everything by their tactics and divisive attitudes. Unfortunately it is a personality trait that also is part of human nature.

    I think most of us in America continue to support climate research, sound science. But has the system we fund scientific research through been irreparably damaged? At the very least it has been tainted. How do we fix our public education and research systems?

    We need sound science not politically manipulated science.

  10. local girl says - Posted: January 5, 2014

    And all life was created in 7 days. And humans lived with dinosaurs. And it is only about 10,000 years old. No need for science when we have the US’s Christian beliefs and the Bible for a science text. (Christians in other countries believe in science, including the well supported theory of evolution. “Intelligent design” elsewhere means bicycles and other good technology.)