Then and now: Ads reveal bygone businesses
These ads were culled from mid-1960s issues of the Tahoe Daily Tribune saved by “Old Long Skiis” who comments frequently here on Lake Tahoe News.
These were popular long-time local businesses we probably thought we’d always see:
The Outdoorsman (now the Grocery Outlet building in South Lake Tahoe) ultimately expanded to Round Hill, Truckee, Carson City, and (do I recall correctly?) Reno. All stores closed in the 1980s.
Tahoe Valley Texaco site, until the 1970s, was near where the recently-moved Grass Roots now stands at the Y (It was built as a Blockbuster Video location.) We have no Texaco station in the region now; Texaco merged with Chevron in 2001.
Tahoe TV Cable was locally owned and operated in the block building still standing on Bal Bijou Road behind Pyramid Peak. Charter now has the cable TV franchise for South Shore.
The Tahoe Drive-In Theater (second edition after original 1940s Stateline site) had a long dirt driveway which was the origin of Glenwood Way in Bijou. It was open every summer. It closed in 1984.
The two Cornet stores — Bijou and the Y — closed about 1970.
(In most cases, a left-click on each image will enlarge it.)
— Bill Kingman