Then and now: Ski Run Marina through the years

Ski Run Marina was once known as the Harbor at Bijou Park. Photo/Frasher Foto Collection, Pomona Public Library
The 1947 postcard is labeled “The Harbor at Bijou Park”, which was established in 1939.
For comparison, to the left is the 2014 view of the marina.
For fun, below are two unidentified young ladies circa 1950s. At left, you can see the footbridge across the waterway which existed until about 1997.
— Bill Kingman
Thank you Bill for the trip down memory lane.
Until when was the area called Bijou?
Do you recall when it was called sapphire Bay?
Back then the boats on the lake flew the stars and stripes above their transoms. What happened to that tradition ?
Mansoor Elie Alyesmerni, Ski Run marina was owned by two retired 49er football players in 1962. Billy Wilson and Y.A Tittle ran the place when I worked there as a kid in the early 60’s. Their names were on the sign that hung from the wooden walkway that connected the two beaches along with a painted depiction of a football. That area and going west on Hwy 50 to about where the Safeway store was considered “Bijou” and was also called Bijou Park from way back when. Sorry I don’t have an exact date to give you but it looks to have been called that since the early 1800’s. Sapphire Bay was also known as Boundary bay which was closer to to your marina running up to Edgewood. Hope that’s of some help.
I caught lots of fish and a few muskrats in that marina when I was kid! Old Long Skiis
Before Y.A Tittle and Wilson, the Harbor was owned buy Phil and Isabel Seagrave and when they passed away their son Phil had it and sold it to Y.A. and Billy.
Thank you oldtimer, I haven’t heard the name Seagrave in quite a few years. Going up Ski Run from the marina was Peschels Fine Dining with the Greyhound bus station across the street. Going across Hwy. 50 on the corner was the newly constructed Ski Run Center, home of The Burger Bar, Cefalu’s laundromat, Deweys Liquors and a Slot Car track. Several motels which are now all gone including two of my folks old places, The Echo Motel and The Alta Vista. My old stompin’ grounds!
Keep the memories comin’, Old Long Skiis
Prior to 1864 it was unincorporated
Almon M. Taylor called it Taylors Landing in 1864
Bijou Post Office arrived in 1888 and the name was changed. P O closed in 67?
Almerin R. Sprague (no relation) had Al Tahoe Hotel next door in Al Tahoe
Pizza: Tahoe being relatively free of enemies, perhaps boaters realized that whipping a flag to shreds atop a speedboat wasn’t the most respectful display of patriotism.
Also have not heard the name ‘Seagrave’ in awhile, but the bridge in the left-hand corner that traversed the waterway on the way to “Seagrave’s Beach” was the best place on the entire lake to see a steady back & forth stream of bikinis in the 60’s – as that was without doubt the beach to go to. . .Harrah’s used to recruit summer help from colleges in the 10 western states (clean, fresh, pretty) and as Seagraves was in the middle of town was the logical place to go on the “day off”, before your ‘swing-shift’, or to find out where the parties were.
I always thought that that bridge should be retained for posterity – small & insignificant as it was, it was a focal point for many memories across many years. . .
Bijou is French for “jewel”, thought to be the origination of the ‘Jewel of the Sierras’ of license plate fame – but I never heard the name Sapphire Bay one ’til now. . .but I do remember the Burger Bar as being another focal point in town, centrally-located, with a jukebox, and run by a little guy with a missing finger, named Shorty.
The original Burger Bar, roughly where KFC is now, burned down, was replaced with a newer one, but was not the same, funky one from earlier. . .missing Shorty.
The Ski Run Center, and the block behind, was owned by Rudy Gersich, also a founder of Heavenly. . . in addition to the Alta Vista, and the Echo Motel (the next lot over from the corner where the gas station is now – before Tahoe Beach & Ski), there was also the Fond du Lac, run by the Tates, along the strip of Ski Run now occupied by the resort.
Tahoe Beach & Ski was an open vista meadow to the lake, visible while having lunch at (Mo’s), which at that time was a Ramada Inn. . .
On the corner opposite the current gas station (where the resort is) stood the Chevron station, which reportedly pumped more gas than any other in the Western United States. . .
Way to go Gary. Back when Tahoe Beach and Ski was The Waystation I worked there and we used to have Sunday Jazz every week during the summer. We had a billboard sign out front that said ” WARM BEER UGLY GIRLS GREAT FOOD” We also had the first recycled energy system at the lake. We would burn all our garbage in a big container that would make steam and electrical power, not much but it worked. Brian Williams brought in all the bands then went to The Chinese Palace where Stateline Blue Dog pizza is where he held the first Freakers Ball. We also used to have broom hockey at the Ski Run ice rink.
Such plethora of pleasant memories and local history. Thank you all. Keep it coming.
Okay, one more Ski Run story. As you drove into the parking lot the marina there was to your left, fuel pumps and a small boat ramp. Straight ahead was the Boat rental office a snack bar and a small pinball arcade made out of 2×4’s a plywood floor and roof with the whole thing wrapped in chicken wire with a door made out of wire as well. This side of the beach was considered the “Family Beach”. Walk over the elevated wooden walkway to the other side adjacent to Lake Land village and that was called “Beer Can Beach”. That was the beach where the college kids went to party, and party they did!
One day I’m at the beach, I’m done with work and it was really crowded with rowdy college kids. Some guys showed up and moved all the pinball machines out of the chicken coop arcade and in go speakers,amps and a drum set.
There was a large motel next to the parking lot on the east side of the parking lot. It was the 18th birthday of the daughter of the hotel owners. Her folks were throwing her a birthday bash. Who’s playing? The Kingsmen, their hit “Louie Louie” had just come out and it was all the rage. I’m 9 or 10 gettng jostled around by all these drunk college kids and when they brook into their big hit, things got crazy! Girls losing their bikini tops, everbody trying to sing along to the indecipherable lyrics when suddenly I’m grabbed from behind. It’s my boss and he’s sending me home to the Echo Motel.
I saw things no little boy should see… but it was fun!!! I went back the next morning to clean up the mess, filled up several burlap sacks of beer cans, beach towels and some swimsuits. I guess it was quite a party!
Me gotta go now , Old Long Skiis
p.s. I haven’t been the same since!!!
One correction. Bridge was removed in 2008. An ADA approved bridge was built at the base of the Riva Grill.
With the removal of the bridge and the light poles that were shining on the ground from above connected through wires all of a sudden the mountains in the distance became visible on a moonlit night. I know there is a lot of nostalgia about the bridge, Garry , but it was a disaster waiting to happen to say nothing about a sewer pipe that went across the channel on the lakeside of the bridge.
A four year application process got us to where we are now. Solar lighting for the walkways, no sewer line crossing the channel.
The beaches on our property are public but people are very respectful these days. Very few beer caps and cigarette butts. Hopefully none in the future.
Please do come and enjoy the Seagrave Cove, the Bijou beach or the Ski Run Marina on the Sapphire Bay.
I believe the name of that little motel just to the east of Family Beach was called “Villa Montreaux”. And, If I remember correctly, there was another motel on 50 just about where the McDonald’s is now, called the “Tahoe Shores”. Oh, and don’t forget the parking lot wasn’t exactly, uh, “paved” back then as it is today.
Dan Stroehler, I think you’re correct about the “Villa Montreux”, also near the “Tahoe Shores” was The Earhart motel and Tahoe Togs, a womens clothing store. Just up from that years later there was an Orange Julius. Just a few more names to throw into the mix.