Opinion: A few ideas for Lake Tahoe in 2014


By Kathryn Reed

While it’s not possible to wipe the slate clean, it is possible to approach things from a different perspective. That is in a lot of ways what New Year’s resolutions are about.

Here, in no particular order, are some resolutions, ideas, and thoughts I have for 2014 for the greater Lake Tahoe area:

• Let’s not artificially start the ski season before Thanksgiving. Mother Nature seldom has. I remember growing up in the Bay Area and many a year the skiing was not good at Lake Tahoe at Christmas. This was long before climate change and global warming were in our vocabulary. Let’s promote fall in Tahoe; then ramp up the snowmaking – if need be – so there is a white Christmas on the slopes.

• Let’s have elected officials set the example for how to behave properly. This means no screaming at people getting signatures for petitions, no accosting reporters at meetings, no disrespect to people whose opinion you disagree with, no bullying. You are elected to lead and to represent everyone, even those who did not vote for you and those you don’t like.

• Let’s put locals first. I’ve long advocated that if we create an area where people want to live and work, then tourists will follow. Most tourists want an authentic experience, not some make believe village or Disneyland-esque venue. Tourist traps, jacked up prices, crappy service – no one wants any of that.

• Let’s take pride in what we have. How hard would it be to at a minimum once a month do something to improve your business and your residence? This includes people who don’t own, own but don’t live here, and part-timers. It could be cleaning the windows, raking, shoveling, taking out fire-prone juniper, a fresh coat of paint, building morale with a company event, closing for a half day and letting employees use that time to volunteer in the community, getting neighbors together to help each other with a project – the possibilities are endless.

• Let’s broaden our horizons by getting out more. Visit a store you haven’t been to before. Take a walk, a hike, a bike ride some place new. Eat at a different restaurant, have a beer someplace new. Go to an event you’ve never been to. Tahoe might have more to offer than you realized.

• Let’s help our local businesses by writing reviews on Yelp, Trip Advisor, Open Table and the like. Have family and friends do the same. And if you have had a bad experience, talk to the manager or owner and tell that person what happened so the same negative thing doesn’t happen to someone else. That’s more helpful than complaining to friends or writing a bad review.

• Let’s take a hard look at how much we really need. We claim to want to build things because we need more tourists – aka more money. Bigger isn’t necessarily better; just as change is not necessarily bad. Let’s make decisions based on the merits of the project. Not all development is bad; just as not all redevelopment is good just because it looks pretty. And just because something has been on the books for X number of years is not a reason to go forward with that idea.

• Let’s learn the arts of listening and compromise. Everyone has a right to his or her opinion. Instead of challenging it, just hear what that person has to say. That does not mean you have to agree with it. It’s good to know what you want, even better to give a little so even more people get what they want. That is compromise. Listening and compromising can be hard, but both are rewarding.

• Let’s remember that Lake Tahoe means different things to everyone. Each section of the basin has something special to offer locals and visitors. It belongs to all of us. No one person, no one business, no one agency is more important than another. Yes, there are different visions and even more ways to create those visions. But we’re all here only briefly. Let’s make the best of it instead of being so divisive.

Happy New Year, Lake Tahoe!


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This article was written by admin


Comments (26)
  1. Dogula says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Nice. Thanks, Kae. Happy New Year.

  2. Dan Stroehler says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Well said. We all need a little reminder and perspective now and again. Thanks, Kae.

  3. oldtimer says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Thank you KAE, Very well said. Hope that it sinks in to some of the hard heads.

  4. Denise says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Just when I thought I couldn’t possibly love Tahoe more, Kae creates this amazing list of doable hopefulness. What an incredible way to start my 2014 by reading your resolutions. I hope everyone reads this and embraces your ideas. I’m printing them out and getting them on the fridge.

    Wishing everyone all things hopeful in the new year ahead. AND looking forward to knowing what’s what here via Lake Tahoe News.

  5. BitterKlinger says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Kudos to a job well done here. May I add one?

    Let’s have public sector employees follow that example for how to behave properly.

    This means no screaming at people, accosting people, threatening people, no disrespect to people whose opinion you disagree with, no bullying. Your conduct is visible to everyone, even those who don’t sign your paycheck and those you don’t like. By acting like a tyrannical dictator, your representation of the community sheds a very poor light on Tahoe. If you can’t work with people in a cooperative manner, we’ll give you the opportunity to leave your job.

    Public sector employees work for we the people – don’t forget that or you will lose your job in 2014.

  6. Mansoor Elie Alyeshmerni says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Amen to all.
    Please reprint this once a month till it becomes a reality.
    Happy New Year Kae.
    You should be a future mayor.

  7. doggie gal says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Love it… Fresh air for 2014..Just like beautiful Tahoe. You go Kae! Thanks for the reminders that “We are Tahoe” and WE can make a difference by doing simply stuff….The K.I.S.S. principle.

    Happy New year…. Look forward to your news every day…

  8. TeaTotal says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Shouldnt we all just admit that all the chastising and insults being thrown about here are about a certain Council person and her opinions about parking etc?-I wish JoAnn Connor still responded on LTN-we could hear the other side of the story-if there is one

  9. Lovely Lois says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Move over, Hillary! We have someone better! After we fix Tahoe, we can fix the country! Thanks, Kae.

  10. k9woods says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Well written Kae! I can’t agree more. I’m glad to see most posts on point and positive…hoping for the day when they all will be constructive.

    Happy New Year!

  11. Parker says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Good piece! Did an elected official do that? Shows why there’s such a silly intransigence on the Parking Issue!

    There does need to be a higher level, or more civilized and respectful level, of debate on the local, state and national levels! An intelligent individual, who genuinely cares about his/her community, country and planet, can have a different, healthy opinion about what’s best. A different opinion should not open the door to labeling and name-calling!

    And for our town, that Marriot Village got it half right. Great thought on developing something similar in town less overpriced, and more local friendly! Happy New Year!

  12. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    “• Let’s put locals first. I’ve long advocated that if we create an area where people want to live and work, then tourists will follow. Most tourists want an authentic experience, not some make believe village or Disneyland-esque venue. Tourist traps, jacked up prices, crappy service – no one wants any of that.”

  13. Patricia Banner says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Excellent list. Everyone, especially elected officials should put it up their fridges and check it every day. What that list also says to me is that you really care about Tahoe. Let’s hope a lot more people follow in your footsteps.

  14. Ellie Waller says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Thanks for reminding us Tahoe is a special place !
    Happy New Year….

  15. careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Happy New Year! May 2014 be a great year for South Lake Tahoe and the surrounding areas around the lake!!!

  16. mzjdoeboy says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Love it… very well said!!!

  17. Bluewatersaqui says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Some doable common sense things we all can do. Thanks Kae. Hope your 2014 is beautiful.

  18. rhinopoker says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Thanks Kae. Great perspective and let Tahoe be Tahoe. Isn’t that why everyone comes here either to visit or live?

  19. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: January 1, 2014

    Well said Kae, you brought up several good points and I couldn’t agree more.
    Now for an Official announcment… I adopted a Great Pyreneese from the animal shelter Dec, 31! He’s 3 years old and a big lovable, mellow guy. I’ve wanted a dog so bad since Lucky past on …this guy fills a big hole in my heart. Donna Rise, nexrt time your walking your Bernese Mountain dogs by, stop so I can bring Buddy out for a meet and greet. 2014 is off to a great start! I’m covered in white dog hair, its maybe 4 1/2 to 5 months for working in the garden and planting seeds, Christy just got a new Honda CRV AWD and the cat seems to be getting along with our new dog. Now if we could just get some snow! Take care, Old Long Skiis

  20. Dogula says - Posted: January 2, 2014

    Congrats on the new family member, OLS! I have 2 shelter pets, and they fill the house with love and mischief.
    And dog hair. But you know what they say: No outfit is complete without dog hair.

  21. carly lober says - Posted: January 2, 2014

    Thanks for the great thoughts and resolutions!
    Happy New Year!

  22. Mandy Kendall says - Posted: January 2, 2014

    Great thoughts.. thank you for the reminder!! Happy New Year to you and yours!!

  23. Gary Bowen says - Posted: January 2, 2014

    Thanks, Kae – good head start for any year !!. . .but, as they say in professional sports, if the “back office” isn’t right on target – nothing else will be, either (and will show up that way). . .

    More on that later – thanks again for offering the head start. . .

  24. ipanic says - Posted: January 2, 2014

    Wonderful thoughts, Happy New Year Tahoe. Lets do it.

  25. linda says - Posted: January 2, 2014

    You said it well, my friend. Positive, to the point and doable. And OLS, hope your Great Pyrenees stays at home. Ours had a terrible case of wanderlust, but he was a lovable guy.

  26. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: January 2, 2014

    Hi Linda, thanks for the tip on Great Pyreneese. I’d read and was told by the great people at animal control that these dogs tend to wander off. He’s in the house, in a fenced back yard or on the leash for one of our many daily walks. This spring a runner line is going in by the vegetable garden, (now if only I can teach him to pull weeds!).
    Anybody want some white dog hair, it might make good insulation for your old Tahoe cabin.
    Take Care, Old Long Hair Skiis