Snippets about Lake Tahoe

douglas• Standard and Poor’s Rating Services upgraded Douglas County’s underlying bond rating by two notches to AA or “very strong”. The bond rating is the first upgrade in 10 years and is the highest underlying rating ever provided to Douglas County from S&P.

• El Dorado Arts Council has added Kim Wyatt, publisher of Bona Fide Books, to the nonprofit arts organization’s board of directors.

• The California Department of Housing and Community Development has certified El Dorado County’s housing plan. The 2013-2021 Housing Element Update is the county’s plan for addressing the housing needs of residents of all income levels in the unincorporated areas of the county.

• South Lake Tahoe City Councilwoman Angela Swanson has been appointed to a third year on the League of California Cities’ Transportation, Communications and Public Works committee and her first to the Employee Relations Committee.

• Jamie Anderson of South Lake Tahoe is the newest team rider for Boarding for Breast Cancer.