Swanson cleared of bribery allegation

By Kathryn Reed

The bribery investigation involving South Lake Tahoe City Councilwoman Angela Swanson is over. No charges will be filed.

“At this time we don’t believe Mrs. Swanson intended on a criminal act,” Dave Stevenson, investigator with the El Dorado County District Attorney’s Office, told Lake Tahoe News.

Swanson has been under suspicion since August 2012 when Gino DiMatteo, then owner of City of Angels II medical marijuana dispensary, was arrested on a slew of drug charges. He implicated Swanson in a bribery case, claiming she would vote a certain way if he supplied cash to a charity she was involved with.

Angela Swanson

Stevenson said the investigation began based on a tip from a source, who wants to be anonymous, saying that there was some criminal wrongdoing going on.

“Throughout our investigation we look at different people and their involvement and their intent and if any laws were violated. Obviously, shortly into the investigation it was determined that Mr. DiMatteo had criminal wrongdoing and intent so we veered toward him,” Stevenson said. “That took a lot of time. Once it was completed, we focused on if anyone else was involved in criminal intent.”

DiMatteo pleaded guilty Jan. 9, 2013, to possession with the intent to distribute marijuana. He was sentenced to five years in prison. During the investigation it was uncovered that DiMatteo should never have been allowed to open a pot shop because he was a felon. But South Lake Tahoe officials never did a criminal background check on him.

“Ultimately, our investigation has concluded and found that while it is clear that Mr. DiMatteo believed he was attempting to bribe Councilmember Swanson, it is equally clear that the councilmember already intended to vote favorably for Mr. DiMatteo and his marijuana dispensary,” District Attorney Vern Pierson said in letter to South Lake Tahoe councilmembers.

Swanson’s vote for medical marijuana has been consistent since she has been on the council.

The bribery issue stems from Swanson and Nancy Rollston, the head of the Lake Tahoe Educational Foundation, accepting more than $1,000 in cash for the foundation from DiMatteo that was delivered in an unmarked brown bag. This was just prior to vote of the council involving DiMatteo. (Despite its being drug money, the foundation has never returned it. Swanson is on the nonprofit’s board.)

Swanson always maintained her innocence and has said there was nothing wrong with accepting that money. She did not respond to multiple inquiries.

A bit of potential irony is Swanson is running for El Dorado County supervisor and would be in a position to have some say over the District Attorney’s Office, at least budget-wise. And Pierson is up for re-election this year.

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Comments (8)
  1. Ted says - Posted: January 21, 2014

    Two problems with the story. First the money came from a collection for charities, not so called drug money and secondly Geno never intended to bribe any one, he gave money regularly from the fund to who ever asked, and she asked on that day. No one noticed, he had a thank you from them. This is just another attempt for the DA to save face, unfortunately the voters will not notice. The DA had to dismiss all charges against everyone, however what about all the pain caused by a evidence less charges, I hope the public will notice how powerful the establishment is with out carrying thru.

  2. dan Wilvers says - Posted: January 21, 2014

    “Ultimately, our investigation has concluded and found that while it is clear that Mr. DiMatteo believed he was attempting to bribe Councilmember Swanson, it is equally clear that the councilmember already intended to vote favorably for Mr. DiMatteo and his marijuana dispensary,”

    So DiMatteo thought it was a bribe, that’s not in question here?

    If so did Swanson reveal to DiMatteo her vote couldn’t be bought before receiving the $1000? And if she didn’t, why would she allow him to give a donation under a false pretense? (I’m not saying she did, I’m just asking).

    Am I reading this correctly?

  3. louis says - Posted: January 21, 2014

    Unfortunately Ted I think you are right. The voters will not notice. The three people up for reelection will most likely win their seats again and the city will be up to their same old. Hope the voters prove me wrong though.

    Also when did the police and DA become mind-readers? Intent seriously? They know Gino wanted to bribe her? How? He couldn’t have just been someone who happened to have a past, and was trying to do good and just wanted to donate to a charity? Most likely her vote wasn’t changed? So if it had she’d be a criminal now because they can read her mind and she had no intent? Come on.

  4. go figure says - Posted: January 21, 2014

    And yet dimatteo is in prison for being a criminal after ted long stood up for him and vouched for his character and honesty. Hummmm

  5. Biggerpicture says - Posted: January 21, 2014

    Louis I don’t think the issue is so much that the voters don’t notice things, but it is just a case of the same old voters voting. Our town’s number of consistent voters is pathetically low in proportion to our town’s population. We not only need new blood on the City Council, we also need new blood in the number of active voting participants taking their civic privileges (or what some might see as civic responsibilities) seriously.

  6. dan Wilvers says - Posted: January 22, 2014

    Ted can you help me with this one quote.

    Ultimately, our investigation has concluded and found that while it is clear that Mr. DiMatteo believed he was attempting to bribe Councilmember Swanson,

    Did Mr DiMatteo tell the DA he thought it was a bribe, because it appears from the way the article is written he did?

  7. Buck says - Posted: January 22, 2014

    Louis, I think the voters will be out in numbers depending on how the council handles the paid parking. I don’t think they will forget.

  8. Steve says - Posted: January 22, 2014

    The fact that South Lake Tahoe officials failed to conduct a routine criminal background inquiry into ex-felon DiMatteo’s record prior to issuing him a license him to open a pot shop, is equally disturbing. The entire mess smells fishy. One can only wonder about the competence of our highly paid public officials.