Calif. court overturns restrictions on concealed guns


By Maura Dolan and Tony Perry, Los Angeles Times

SAN FRANCISCO — In a significant victory for gun owners, a divided federal appeals court Thursday struck down California rules that permit counties to restrict as they see fit the right to carry a concealed weapon in public.

The 2-1 ruling by a U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals panel would overturn restrictions on carrying concealed handguns, primarily affecting California’s most populated regions, including Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego and San Francisco.

The majority said the restrictions violate the 2nd Amendment’s guarantee of the right to bear arms because they deny law-abiding citizens the ability to carry weapons in public unless they show they need the protection for specific reasons.

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Comments (33)
  1. rock4tahoe says - Posted: February 15, 2014

    And the disagreement between the Earps and the Cowboys continues.

  2. copper says - Posted: February 15, 2014

    Now if they would just throw out the unreasonable local restrictions on magazine size, foisted on us all by the ignorant anti-gun folks who wouldn’t know an “assault weapon” if they were assaulted with one, yet have been guided by folks who realize that serious home-defense weapons, a concept that the anti-gun folks seem to have a problem with, often have magazine capacities of 13 rounds or so.

    I very much dislike the NRA because it seems to be a gathering of right wing crazies, but they are correct in opposing most, if not all, gun control legislation because their opponents, not as stupid as they often seem, have an agenda of banning all firearms and are delighted to misuse the term “assault weapon,” and make a typical 13 round or so handgun out to be a tool of terrorists.

    The only good news is that the anti-gun crazies have produced a huge market, fully supported by the firearms industry, for very concealable weapons, made so by their smaller magazines. I’d love to own one, but, not being a fanatic, my 13 round semi-auto ain’t goin’ anywhere. Maybe I’ll trade my revolver for one.

  3. Level says - Posted: February 15, 2014


    You mean the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which conservatives apply the moniker of US 9th Circus Court of Appeals time and time again when that court stands up for EVERYONE’S right’s, such as marriage equality?

    Well come on gun loving conservatives speak up, I want to hear you give the court your kudos.

    Or are you afraid to give credit to anything you consider liberal, even when it rolls your way?

  4. kelley says - Posted: February 15, 2014

    Oh yippee, everyone gets to carry around guns but noone will know cuz they will all be shoved down the pants, oh youre just happy to see me…pathetic

  5. Dogula says - Posted: February 15, 2014

    Actually, Kelley, this just makes it easier for law-abiding good guys to carry weapons too. The bad guys always have; you just didn’t know about it. Trust me, you’ll be more safe, not less.

  6. Biggerpicture says - Posted: February 15, 2014

    Dog, you mean like when the highly decorated military veteran that fired a shot at another driver in a road rage incident in Reno today? Before today’s incident wouldn’t you have defended him as a “good guy” “responsible gun owner”? Is that what you call being safer by more people carrying guns?

  7. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: February 15, 2014

    The problem is trying to figure out who the good guys and the bad guys are.

    In the meantime I’ll carry legally, unlike the criminals.

  8. Dogula says - Posted: February 15, 2014

    You don’t understand, Big. Even if it’s illegal for ANYBODY to carry guns, bad guys will continue to do so. They don’t obey laws. So I feel safer knowing a few good guys are carrying guns too. Because cops can’t be everywhere.

  9. Rick says - Posted: February 15, 2014

    Oh, Ok Dog, you mean like where a thug shot and killed an unarmed African American teenager because he hates blacks – that guy who was legally caring? Or the former policeman who shot an unarmed patron in a movie theater because he was texting before the movie starter. Yeah, I feel real safe with these wonderful examples of legal gun owners.

  10. cosa pescado says - Posted: February 15, 2014

    Notice the fear mongering coming from the right wing.
    I am not for gun control, but the ‘more guns will make us safer’ argument is insane.

  11. careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: February 15, 2014

    The bad guys with guns scare me, and the good guys with guns scare me, maybe more, cause they catch me off guard, it’s a lot easier to stay clear of the bad guys, stay out of the areas they hang and live in, but the supposed good guys are hiding in what use to be deemed safe areas, malls, movie theaters, gas stations etc.

  12. Dogula says - Posted: February 15, 2014

    Wow. Yep. It’s the right wing fear mongering, alright. . .

  13. TeaTotal says - Posted: February 16, 2014

    what scares me the most about all the guns?-the huge wingnut a-holes walking around thinking that they are somehow-‘the good guys’

  14. from the other side says - Posted: February 16, 2014

    For all those who disagree with this decision,


  15. Biggerpicture says - Posted: February 16, 2014

    Other Side, would you make that same argument about those that oppose the ACA and gay marriage?

  16. Dan Stroehler says - Posted: February 16, 2014

    An armed society is a polite society…

  17. Observer says - Posted: February 16, 2014

    Oh come on people…it is true that guns don’t kill people, people kill people, but guns in everybody’s hands WILL cause increased incidents if for no other reason than many of the folks walking around out there are unbalanced and not thinking about the consequences of their actions.

    For example,
    Lets not forget (a year or so ago) the two LA cops, assigned to watch and “protect” someone thought to be a possible target of the rogue cop who killed a couple of his ex cop mates in the day or so before and was still on the loose..

    The “protectors” saw a supposedly suspicious pickup driving slowly down the street with its flashers on, and they cut loose on it without apparently even trying to identify that it was two women doing doing their job delivering newspapers.

    Did I forget to mention the truck they shot up was NOT the same color or make of the pickup the rogue killer was seen driving?

    These rocket scientists fired over 100 rounds, wounding but not killing thank god, the two totally innocent women in it. They reportedly also put holes in more than one house which just happened to get in the way somehow. How many times did they each have to reload their weapons to fire that many rounds???? More than once probably.

    If two of LA’s (allegedly highly trained) finest peace officers could let buck fever or whatever other excuse they had cause this, what can we expect if every other fearful nutcase out there has a 13 shot pistol on his/her person?

  18. Dogula says - Posted: February 16, 2014

    So by that logic, cops should NOT be allowed to carry guns. Come to think of it, they do shoot a lot more people than average citizens who have CWPs do. . .

  19. kelley says - Posted: February 16, 2014

    Oh ya dog, I feel much safer, Not !!!!

  20. rock4tahoe says - Posted: February 16, 2014

    “Safe” Dog? Our homocide rate is 4.7 per 100k population. Other peer countries are: Japan .4, Germany .8, Austrailia 1.0, France 1.1, Britain 1.2 and 1.6 in Canada. We are close with Ukraine at 5.2. The rate of firearm homicide in America is 3.8 per 100k population and we own the most guns. Japan has .01 firearm homicides per 100k of population and they own the fewest guns. So much for your good guy bad guy more guns (Americans are the most armed) talking points.

    The sad part is that every day we have more gun violence and people don’t even talk about the death and carnage of the victims anymore. Death by guns in America is just another normal way to die like cervical or prostrate cancer… 3.9 and 4.3 deaths per 100k respectively.

  21. Dogula says - Posted: February 16, 2014

    Comparing the USA to Japan is apples and oranges. The cultures are completely different. Maybe you should delve a little more into the violent culture that is glamorized so in our country and a little less on the tools used to perpetrate that violence.
    And of course, Japan does not have a 2nd Amendment.

  22. go figure says - Posted: February 16, 2014

    Wayne lastinkypierres wet dream come true

  23. Tahoehunter says - Posted: February 16, 2014

    With all the fighting you people do behind your key boards on almost every news article that is posted, I’m glad most of you are anti guns, makes me feel much safer! lol

  24. rock4tahoe says - Posted: February 16, 2014

    So, Dog. You want me to compare America to what… Mars? We share a common planet, Japan is a modern industrial country; so is Britain. I think the comparison is more than fair.

  25. Dogula says - Posted: February 17, 2014

    You must not know much about the Japanese. They think VERY differently from how we do. They have a culture centuries older than America’s, and a connection to that past and their ancestors. A sense of duty to that past that we here in America do not. Comparing Americans to Japanese is almost like comparing us to Martians. They are that different. I was raised by a Japanese woman.

  26. cosa pescado says - Posted: February 17, 2014

    What is it about our culture that makes us murderous savages compared to Japan?
    How about Canada and the UK. We are more similar to them. And are still murderous savages compared to them.

  27. go figure says - Posted: February 17, 2014

    So dog, maybe we should aspire to be more like the japaneese and follow their lead on gun issues. That should hit all the gun fanatics in their holsters…

  28. Dogula says - Posted: February 17, 2014

    I said they were different. I didn’t say they were better, or worse.
    How ’bout if we all get to live how we want to live, and as long as we don’t infringe on anybody else’s rights, we get left the heck alone?? How ’bout that?

  29. rock4tahoe says - Posted: February 17, 2014

    Sorry DOG. Your argument has no legs. We compare America to other Countries around the World on a daily basis. Economy, Education, Development, Sports, Health Care etc; it is dis-ingenuous to take safety or lack of safety from homicide and gun homicide in particular out the comparison just because you disagree with the “culture” of the other country being “different.” (Yes, Japan has video games too). I stand by my comments. Gun Death, in part, is what causes America to have a shorter life expectancy overall vs Japan as well. Japan ranks 2nd, America ranks 35th; right between Costa Rica and Chili.

  30. Dogula says - Posted: February 17, 2014

    And our education system has declined horribly as well. It’s Chile, not Chili.

  31. cosa pescado says - Posted: February 17, 2014

    Focus on the typo, not the data.
    Apparently you have nothing to contribute here, except fear mongering.

  32. rock4tahoe says - Posted: February 17, 2014

    Corrected Chile. Facts still hold Dog.

  33. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: February 18, 2014

    Years ago, in Miami, rental cars were being robbed regularly. The cops figured out why. The cars were coming from the airport with rental advertisements (stickers) showing that the cars were rented. The robbers figured that the occupants had flown into the airport, and they couldn’t be carrying any guns. The rental cars became the ideal targets for the robbers because the robbers knew they would not be confronted by a citizen with a gun. The solution was the stripping off anything showing the cars were rented. Then the epidemic stopped.