Calif. has lengthy history of dry periods
By Paul Rogers, San Jose Mercury News
California’s current drought is being billed as the driest period in the state’s recorded rainfall history. But scientists who study the West’s long-term climate patterns say the state has been parched for much longer stretches before that 163-year historical period began.
And they worry that the “megadroughts” typical of California’s earlier history could come again.
Through studies of tree rings, sediment and other natural evidence, researchers have documented multiple droughts in California that lasted 10 or 20 years in a row during the past 1,000 years — compared to the mere three-year duration of the current dry spell. The two most severe megadroughts make the Dust Bowl of the 1930s look tame: a 240-year-long drought that started in 850 and, 50 years after the conclusion of that one, another that stretched at least 180 years.
Thank you for posting part of the other side of the issue.
This article certainly debunks the Global Warming narrative.
In case you missed it, “But climate change caused by the burning of fossil fuels has been linked to longer heat waves. That wild card wasn’t around years ago.
“Long before the Industrial Revolution, we were vulnerable to long, extended periods of drought. And now we have another experiment with all this CO2 in the atmosphere where there are potentially even more wild swings in there,” said Graham Kent, a University of Nevada geophysicist who has studied submerged ancient trees in Fallen Leaf Lake near Lake Tahoe.”
This Article presents research suggesting climate extremes exist, but certainly does not debunk the global warming narrative. Not sure where you came up with that?
“This article certainly debunks the Global Warming narrative.”
This comment debunks your ‘i am not a moron’ narrative.
…the article also said, ‘ Stine, who has spent decades studying tree stumps in Mono Lake, Tenaya Lake, the Walker River and other parts of the Sierra Nevada, said that the past century has been among the wettest of the last 7,000 years.’ So the last 100 years , the industrial revolution, has been historically wet.
Climate change is just that, CLIMATE CHANGE. I know many want to debunk, disprove, act like major issues such as this can be wrapped up nicely in a box with a bow on it and declared one thing or another. That’s human nature. What is increasingly clear is that there will be winners and losers as we careen down this CO2 path. We are waging a grand experiment and tidy little answers are a waste of time. CO2 is changing the world, mostly for the worse. Less is better. Get over it.
For you CO2’ers there is a Nobel Peace Prize awaiting you for your scientific acumen. Al Gore will do the nominations.
More “Al Gore envy” ‘eh SUSPICIOUS?
What a second BITTER… I thought “you” folks didn’t believe in history before 4000bc?
Suspicious mind, you are going to have to act much smarter if you are ever going to win The Golden Troll Award.
The historical record of the planet’s climate reveals that the it has fluctuated over the past several thousand years with +/-30 year climatic cycles of both global warming and cooling.
The global warming portion of the current cycle is over. The increase of CO2 attributed to mankind’s activities into the atmosphere is 0.008%. That is insignificant and not the cause of the warming—it was a continuation of natural cycles that have occurred over millennia.
For what it’s worth, the #1 source of CO2 on earth is decomposing organic matter. That will continue long beyond mankind inhabiting the planet. CO2 is not a pollutant either.
Thanks for posting an informative outside link, great article.
I can copy/paste from the internet also:
‘Global warming of the past century (0.8° C) is virtually insignificant when …. warming—it was a continuation of natural cycles that occurred over the past 500 years.’
The phrase ‘warming=it was…’ can be found all over various forms. Obvious part of denialist propaganda.
AB I caught you plagiarizing that pseudoscience blog before. I don’t know where you go this content from, but I highly doubt it is your own.
Your mention of decomposition is way out of context without considering the carbon cycle.
Post sources, don’t copy/pasta stuff.
HEY AB! Organic matter has been in the carbon cycle for 3.5 Billion Earth years… if you believe in history beyond 4000bc. 2013 was one of the hottest years on record. Glaciers are going extinct. Greenland is loosing about 50 cubic miles of ice per year. Huge chunks of fresh water ice are breaking off in Antarctica. Stop spreading the “Earth is cooling” Oil/Coal non-sense. Who has the most to loose if Humans start reducing their use of Oil/Coal… humm?
Notice how AB never posts links to sources.
There is a reason for that.
Global Warming can be summed up by the following quote:
“If you tell a lie that’s big enough, and you tell it often enough, people will believe you are telling the truth, even when what you are saying is total crap.” — Richard Belzer
And as a citation, AB uses Richard Belzer.
A terrible comedian and even worse scientist.
I’ll bet old AB argues with his doctor too……NOT. I’m sure he takes his pills like a good little patient. After all, the doctor’s recommendation is based on the best available science….kinda like climate change.
People like AB have to have direct and immediate consequences in their lives to believe; like children.
Keep complaining about the government but head out to the mailbox for your check.
Pick the low hanging fruit from science when it works for you, but post up against it on your whim.
Selective reasoning, so boring.
you said;
“Keep complaining about the government but head out to the mailbox for your check.”
What does that mean?
By that I mean all the government bashers and complainers of government handouts for the poor and unemployed who do not admit to themselves that THEY are the direct beneficiaries of a myriad of government programs themselves. Seems to run hand in hand with the science deniers, doomsayers and Obama haters etc. Nice little combo of self delusion and situational ethics.
atomic…. what a bunch of half baked bull..
you think the people that warn about the dangers and challenge the rise of the “nanny state” are the people on the government dole?
Is that what you really think? WOW
Talk about delusional…
and another thing,
Who are the science deniers dude?
I never hear anyone denying science.
What I hear is the Gorebots ‘brown shirting ” people that have legitimate points of view and reasonable challenges to the faux facts. Gorebots attempting to bully people into the Faux science and forcing it down peoples throats.
That’s what goes on in these pages, it’s not science being denied.
CJ, generally speaking, those that decry the so-called liberal plot to create a nanny state would be the ones who would create a much stronger nanny state if they had the chance. Do you not pay attention to how your beloved Tea Partiers act and what they rail against?
You’re living in a tea infused bubble that soon will burst leaving many of your ilk scrambling for a new so called conservative fad to be swept up in.
CJ, this movie has been rerun over and over again, to no ones avail.
Are there a lot of new businesses opening up around town? Do you see lots of excitement on the horizon? Lots of new opportunities out there flourishing in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Is that the movie you refer to that has been run over and over?
California use to be a place of pioneers, leaders and visionaries. Now it’s got people like you… government robot types complaining about the the people that want to preserve freedom and the constitution.
Do I pay attention? You asked, I sure do. Clearly it is the government employees like you that are obnoxious, not the Tea party people.
The Tea party people i know are fine folks with honor and respect. Respect for history and the great Americans that died for our freedom. That is the Tea party people I know.
Do you have a problem with that?
As for the movie you refer to – it is not over so there are no reruns yet.
As I have accurately predicted on these pages for 4 years now…
FROM HERE IT GETS WORSE. I don’t need to read it in a book or site a source, I am a source. Darn accurate one at that. You BP and the other government slugs only spin your hate, you never argue my points.
People, Do you want a better tomorrow?
It could happen, you just need a good flush.
CJ, you do realize that South Lake Tahoe and the rest of El Dorado County vote extremely conservatively don’t you?
I guess not, because of all of your hate filled anti liberal diatribes. But regardless of what YOU think, that’s the fact, Jack!
Oh by the way, WRONG again! I don’t work for the government.
SLT, El Dorado County are conservative. Right.
Get a clue.
SLT, El Dorado County and California are all run by progressive liberals.
End of story.
Huh cj, not only are you filled with loathing and hate, you seem to be a wee bit ignorant as well.
Peace out!
CJ actually there are quite a number of businesses coming to south lake tahoe. Horizon is going to be investing quite a bit in upgrades after april 1. big 5 came to town, TJ Maxx, BevMo, DSW shoe store, a Dollar Tree, a completely renovated 5 star hotel, over 5 million invested. there is currently work being done on the TaHole. So yes there is a lot happening here mostly all for the good.
I was careful to say, “New Businesses opening up.”
As i see it there is a massive difference between a branch of a big corporation opening and a small, locally owned business opening. A new business emerging out of nothing more than opportunity. Not financed by the government because the person was a member of some special privileged group.
Freedom is a function of free enterprise. “Big corporations” does not generally represent free enterprise. In todays world it absolutely does not represent it. More so the opposite.
Climate Change, Global Warming, call it what you want, it’s one big farce. If you think that mankind’s activities are causing our current drought, you’re out of your mind.
“Who are the science deniers dude? ”
You, and your conservative buddies.
You have communicated that you don’t even know the difference between weather and climate. Can’t even define the basic terms. And you think you have any idea what you are talking about?
You want to try your hand at science? Go for it. Post some links. I guarantee I will expose them to be full of crap.
AB plagiarizes. CJ plagiarizes.
You aren’t a skeptic. You are a denier. Skepticism is an active pursuit. And it is also built into the science.
” I don’t need to read it in a book or site a source, I am a source. Darn accurate one at that.”
You plagiarize. You aren’t a source of anything legitimate. And then you do plagiarize stuff, it is wrong. Yes, I am bring up the bogus Uhaul metric. You plagiarized it. *And* it is wrong. And you come back at me with ‘it is simple supply and demand’. Which is hilarious, because it supply chain, which is far more complicated than basic supply and demand.
Also, it is *cite*, not site.
You joker.
Fish, you’re one angry dude. Take it easy, you’ll live longer.
Fish, I’ll remind you of a fella by the name of Chris Columbus. He was a denier, and went out to prove all the scientists of his day wrong. You see, the world was round. But the science was settled, the debate was over, the conclusion was that the earth was flat.
Reminds me of the Global Warming alarmists, the debate is over.
No, the debate isn’t over, and nobody has proved a gosh darn thing. The only foregone conclusion anyone can draw from this nonsense is that Global Warming is a Global Scam, and the narrative is coming apart at every nail.
If the court of public opinion were to decide the Global Warming debate, we’d be heading for an ice age right now.
BitterKlinger, wasn’t science pretty much controlled by the Catholic Church in those days?
Thereby making any correlation to real science a bit of a joke?
Meanwhile, Lake Superior has set a new record for being 92% covered by ice. The Great Lakes are forecast to break a record for ice coverage.
Over two-thirds of the lower 48 has a snowpack now, and it is growing.
But the real statistic that has the Warmistas concerned isn’t their doctored statistics, but rather, the fact that evidence is piling up faster than the ice and snow that the public is no longer in the mood for this charade.
Of course alarmist statements like the one from the BBC in 2007 declaring that we would no longer have an arctic ice cap by 2013 don’t exactly help advance the narrative. And then there was the Green Peace boat that had a giant carbon footprint stuck in the Antarctic ice pack. And finally the fact that the arctic sea ice has expanded 60% from 2012 to 2013, increasing by more than 1,000,000 square miles in a 12 month period.
Global Warming + Climate Change = Junk Science
Cjbitterclingerpubworks, who are these so called scientists you say are the all knowing ones that represent the tea party and their vast stores of knowledge? Ann coultergiest, bill oriley, rush limpthing, these are the so called scientists that get quoted on foxnoise regularly as the all knowing. Yeah, they are so full of knowledge, well full of something…
“Meanwhile, Lake Superior has set a new record for being 92% covered by ice. The Great Lakes are forecast to break a record for ice coverage.”
“And finally the fact that the arctic sea ice has expanded 60% from 2012 to 2013, increasing by more than 1,000,000 square miles in a 12 month period.”
So, you really don’t understand the difference between weather and climate, do you? Are you aware that you do not understand the most basic concept in this discussion?
“Fish, I’ll remind you of a fella by the name of Chris Columbus. He was a denier, and went out to prove all the scientists of his day wrong. You see, the world was round. But the science was settled, the debate was over, the conclusion was that the earth was flat.”
You believe that?
Seriously? I don’t know what to say. You are beyond help.
I don’t want to continue this discussion. The best case scenario is that I win…. against someone who is that ignorant.
You are the Ken Ham of climate change deniers.
Cosa, you said,…
“The best case scenario is that I win”
The only thing you win is the most “obnoxious punk” award.
People, Your tax dollars at work, you employ this trash.
The mascot for SLT lousy reputation.
Classless Trash
You think I plagiarized the ‘supply and demand’ principle of the rate comparison for U-Haul. I plagiarized that concept? Is that your argument?
That is idiotic.
Cosa, you have done all you can do.
These patients, most of whom are on social security, Medicare, mediCal, prescription subsidy, you name it nanny state program,….are terminal.
HEY CJ! Bite Me! And that goes double for your NAZI loving Skin Head Tbags that want to fire up the ovens again. Does that make you feel better?
Rock, go read a history book, please. The Nazis were the National SOCIALIST Party.
Until you lefties learn a few definitions, you’re just making yourselves look dumb. er.
You got that idea from an article, and did not reference it, and presented it as if it is your own.
Is the Uhaul metric your own original idea? I can find the article you used, or ‘inspired’ you.
Either way, its wrong. If the relationship you propose exists…. it actually works the opposite.
I have a few more questions:
-Are you a troll
-have you ever commented on your own videos, under a different name
-Are you the same person, posting under a different name.
-Can you please define climate, using a number and a unit of time
Dog, you put yourself in this situation, so here it goes:
“German right-wing figures to create a nationalist redefinition of “socialism”, as a reactionary alternative to both internationalist Marxist socialism and free market capitalism. ”
Key words: right-wing, redefinition
“Nazism, or National Socialism in full (German: Nationalsozialismus), is the ideology and practice associated with the 20th-century German Nazi Party and state as well as other related far-right groups. Usually characterised as a form of fascism that incorporates scientific racism and antisemitism,”
Key words: far-right, fascism.
“Until you lefties learn a few definitions, you’re just making yourselves look dumb. er.”
Do you know what you just did?? You called people dumb for not knowing something…. and meanwhile showed that you know less than they do. So it they are dumb, you are far dumber than they are.
rock4: were you referring to a deleted comment on a different article?
HEY DOG! LOL! You have not idea the difference between NAZI’s and Socialists do you? To you it is like the Giants and the 49ers… just a name? That’s why the NAZI’s LOVED the Russians so much in WWII isn’t it?
COSA. LOL! DOG still is puzzled. Like shootin’ fish in a barrel isn’t it. And, I don’t think it was a deleted post; never know. CJ/BITTER can dish it out but he can’t take it.
Are you of the opinion that they are the same person?
COSA. It has been implied that “they” are.
Why would anyone do that? That is really weird.
yah, they called themselves socialists because they weren’t…
and that makes sense to you?
Tell me another story from your book of knowledge… NOT
Fascism is a form of socialism that involves a “corporatist” alliance whereas communists take over the industry directly. Hitler recognized the power of incentive associated with competition and let the big guys fight for leadership. In pure Communist structure they control the industry directly eliminating competition.
The Nazis built their power with the industrialist giants of the day, they made tanks and such.
Consider this, how similar is that to how the democrats who are allied with the big tech giants in Silicon Valley like Google and facebook as they spy on us?
Very similar hummmm.
Cosa, last point,
… it is apparent that you have a ‘common sense’ deficiency and that is why you don’t grasp Dogula’s insights.
Dog has a healthy portion of wisdom, very healthy, and that didn’t just come from age, you Dog obviously have a powerful capacity for observation.
Hey Parker I found your comment where you posted a link to research that was later retracted by the researcher:
“let me quote a PhD. in Astrophysics from Harvard Univ.-
Sallie Baliunas, astronomer, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics:”
What do you have to say about that?
“you don’t grasp Dogula’s insights.”
What, like misrepresenting the definition of words, and thinking that the earth is 20k years old? Please.
Someone once said about her: “how can you be so consistently, so wrong?”
Cosa, You got to be kidding me???
You think I got the idea of “the law supply and demand” from an article and I “didn’t reference it”?
What are you talking about?
It’s a concept I studied in high school 40 years ago you imbecile, you don’t reference common knowledge. It is an age old concept.
You must have missed that one … it makes you wonder what else you missed.
Now go away feeb.
Arguing with liberals is like playing chess with a pigeon. It doesn’t matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon will still crap all over the board, knock over all the pieces, then strut around acting victorious.
… but it is still a pigeon.
I have a few more questions:
-Are you a troll
-have you ever commented on your own videos, under a different name
-Are you the same person, posting under a different name.
-Can you please define climate, using a number and a unit of time
HEY CJ! The Houston Astros call themselves the Astros too, but have they been in outer space? Tell me again about “your” opinion of history and how the “corporatist alliance” was just Hitler’s way of creating “competition.” Rather, on second thought. Your logic is an insult to the Millions of people that fought in WWII against Hitler, Tojo and Mussolini. Ask them if they were just fighting against a “competitive corporate alliance.” No wonder you moved to Oregon. Trying to find Big Foot too?
I did not say
Hitler’s way of creating “competition.”
I said,
“Hitler recognized the power of incentive associated with competition”
Serious difference, would you not agree?
Do you have a reading comprehension problem?
“You think I got the idea of “the law supply and demand” from an article and I “didn’t reference it”?
What are you talking about? ”
Do you have a reading comprehension problem?
I am talking about the Uhaul metric video. Which you plagiarized. That idea is not you own.
Later you chastised me about not understanding supply and demand, which is ironic, because on U Haul explains their pricing on the website. And it is supply chain, and completely the opposite of what your metric claims. So much for you being a good source of information. You plagiarize, and lie.
You like dawg because they fall for your BS. If you can convince someone the earth is young, you can pretty much get them to believe anything.
Answer the other questions.
HEY CJ! Don’t try to mince words and backtrack now. Hitler and the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party or NAZI’s ABOLISHED Trade Unions, Collective Bargaining and the Right to Strike and handed over all power to EMPLOYERS in Germany under the NAZI “Charter of Labor.”
The “Leader” of the German Enterprise/Company had complete control over the workers and the NAZI’s had complete control over the Enterprise/Company with I believe Dr. Schacht working for Hitler.
No matter what you say, Hitler and Hitler’s Germany was FASCISTS NOT SOCIALIST. Comprehend that!
Ask any Russian that fought the Battle for the Kursk Plain, if Hitler was a Socialist. I am sure they can explain it to you.
CJ: Define climate. Use a number and a unit of time.
Mince words? Why don’t you learn how to use them? Also learn to be accurate when quoting people otherwise you come off like a deceptive, deceitful, lying sack of human excrement.
You know, like this Cosa piece of trash.
It’s people like Cosa that give SLT its crappy reputation. Nothing to be proud of.
CJ… Go play with your big foot doll. Hitler was a crazed demented mass murdering FASCIST and hundreds of years from now he will NOT be known for “recognizing the power of incentives associated with competition.”
COSA. I think you have pooned CJ.
CJ you said that you were a ‘damned good source of information’.
We need to know if that is true. You tell us all that climate change is a lie, etc, as if we should just take you for your word.
So let’s check to make sure you know the basics:
Define climate, use a number and a unit of time.
As a ‘damn good source’, this should be really easy.
Deal With Many People/Tourists Attributing Our Weather The Last Few Years With “Global Warming.” Nice To see an Article That Doesn’t Just Blindly Follow The Political Propoganda “Global Warming” Machine.
I For One Am Not Against Many Of Solutions To Making This A “Greener” Planet. I Think We Shouldn’t **** Were We Eat. But This Is Not This Countries Number One Problem And Anyone Who Just Takes The “Global Warming” BUSINESS (Yes People It Is BIG BIG BUSINESS) As Fact Is Ignorant.
J. It’s the Whole Planets Problem. You claim global warming is a “big business?” Well, I have a bigger one… OIL/COAL. Oil and Coal suppliers have the most to loose if demand falls from the sale of fossil fuel. So, of course they are against any measures to conserve fossil fuel use.
On no YECs, even fox news is conspiring against you.
A 15,000 year old mammoth tusk?
They are testing your faith
Psstt. Hey Cccc Jjjjj! Good news! I am still here…
And I agree with you rock4tahoe. Oil and Coal Suppliers are just as big a problem as the The Global Warming Machine. Just a bunch of political propaganda from both sides. The key is not to blindly follow either of them. Like I said many “green” initiatives could only do GREAT things for our world. I just don’t believe these are our most pressing issues as our economy tanks. I might enjoy a warmer climate if I end up living on the streets.
Also for me personally, any save the planet talks need to start with our OCEANS! I think people forget how big they are compared to the tiny pieces of land on this planet. The say all end all of our ecosystem!
Report: Farmers’ Almanac more accurate than gov’t climate scientists.
Would someone tell me where I can find information on the computer models that are accurately predicting the climate changes?
In other words; Which of the computer models are tracking reality?
Do any of the computer models have prediction ranges that include reality?
CJ: You still do not understand the difference between weather and climate.
I challenge you to define climate using a number and a unit of time.
Global Warming is a man made hoax. There’s nothing to argue here fish.
Fish, you’re how old? That is such a silly line you continue to use, childish in it’s nature and delivery. .
Here is a more relevant question;
Would someone tell me where I can find information on the computer models that are accurately predicting the climate changes?
In other words; Which of the computer models are tracking reality?
Do any of the computer models have prediction ranges that include reality?
A more relevant question than the definition of climate? Knowing the definitions of the concepts you talk about is childish?
Climate. The definition, use a number and a unit of time. Figure that one out. Then we can move on to statistics. Then maybe models.
What if I said I was 18. You want everyone to know that an 18 year old is far more informed than you are?
Cj and bitter. Can either of you name a national or major scientific institution that disputes the theory of anthropogenic climate change?
Fish, you act like a child regardless of how old you are. You are an obnoxious product of bad parenting.
Considering the pitiful reputation of South Shore you should be the South Lake Tahoe Mascot.
America in decline, is it any wonder?
Hey GorBots,
Report: Farmers’ Almanac more accurate than gov’t climate scientists.
Which climate computer model tracks reality?
If they don’t track reality then they are wrong, the don’t know enough to make the model perform correctly.
Studies need to be continued no doubt. But by competent scientists, not the GorBots like this Cosa and so many other Gorbots.
Gordon, I never disputed the theory. What is your point?
Ah poor little ChuckieMcPubworks-bless his little troll heart-gets his climate science from Farmers Almanac and drug addict rush-hates everybody in SLT cause he left town a total failure and loser-blames everybody else-didnt even pay his bar tabs-Capiche?
CJ, AB, etc won’t define climate because it would expose them as ignorant to this particular matter of science.
CJ McCoy,
You obviously don’t know the meaning of the word theory when used in scientific analysis. The science is settled for 98% of real climate scientists and the only relative discussions on anthropogenic climate change are those concerning what we are going to do about it. It’s hard to take you seriously when you support the likes of Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz for the highest political office in America, it just makes everything else you say look equally idiotic.
I see my post has been removed.
Good day.
Again CJ. Your names calling is really getting old and your arguments loose credibility and suffer. Global Warming/Climate change is upon us all.
Glaciers are going extinct (like the Black Rhino) worldwide, Greenland is loosing 50-70 Cubic Miles of fresh water ice each year. Fresh water ice blocks the size of Rhode Island are breaking of in Antarctica. Ocean levels are rising along with Acidity.
There are solutions the the problem available to us, but your constant name calling does nothing to resolve anything except to give you an outlet for your constant whining and raving.
“I see my post has been removed.”