Concern for driving high grows



The Lodo Wellness Center in Denver has been selling medical marijuana for several years. But since Jan. 1, when marijuana in Colorado officially moved from underground to behind-the-counter, they’ve also been selling legal, recreational pot.

A majority of Americans now say they support full legalization, and the trend is spreading: Legal weed is coming soon to Washington state.

Meanwhile, the public health community is warning of a potential safety problem: more people driving while stoned. But health officials and law enforcement don’t yet have the data or tools to address the concern.

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Comments (13)
  1. Kathy says - Posted: February 24, 2014

    There is no concern,about Marijuana . Keep your eyes open for Alcohol drinkers on the roads,Thats what kills people ,driving under the influence .Thats the facts,Not driving under Marijuana,

  2. Biggerpicture says - Posted: February 24, 2014

    Why doesn’t anyone talk about all the drivers driving on hard core anti depressants and mood elevation drugs prescribed by doctors? Or how about drivers having pill hangovers from all the sleep aids being over prescribed by doctors whose patients are taking them for much longer periods of time than is indicated by the AMA?

  3. Dogula says - Posted: February 24, 2014

    Are you serious, Kathy?? I had to drive up the canyon on Christmas afternoon. I was following a car with 5 twenty-somethings in it, and I could smell the pot from 100 yards back. They were weaving all over the road, their speed varied anywhere from 35 mph up to 70 mph, and they never got out of the fast lane, when there was a passing lane. I was anxious to get away from them, but it wasn’t easy.
    Driving under the influence of marijuana is just as illegal and just as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol.

  4. worldcycle says - Posted: February 24, 2014

    As an old ex-pot smoker and various substance abuser, I have to agree with Dogula. Although I believe she has taken some artistic license with her description, her closing sentence hits the nail on the head. Biggerpicture also has it nailed. “Medicating is not to be done and then act frivolously. Medication is just that. If you need to medicate, you should stay put where you are at until someone can assume responsibility for you until you are in a safe place.

    The only issue I have with legalized or medicinal marijuana is that there is yet to be developed a benchmark test for under the influence such as you find with alcohol. When you are drunk, the test states it. You will sober up and test negative at least (hopefully) by tomorrow. With marijuana if one smokes today, even the current least sensitive test will be positive up to a week later….. far after the fact. This is far more sensitive and ambiguous than most other drugs. If it is going to be legalized which I am total favor of, it needs an immediate test that will absolutely ascertain that you have recently smoked it and you are currently under the influence. Stoned now is driving impaired. Stoned last week is not.

  5. Kathy says - Posted: February 24, 2014

    I agree with you both, I just dont get it when the article says they cant find the tools to address the concern, I also wonder why the pharmacies dont tell people when they get home with there pills ,dont drive while on them,when there on them already , I am not against pot, I take it for cancer, I do drive,and I feel safe on it, others will abuse this I know ,I just wish it was solved about all of it, If I said something wrong ,I am sorry for that, yes you can call the police ,or highway patrol if you see someone intoxicated ,Any way ,any form, get there licence plate number if needed ,Its your life on the road also ,

  6. Steve Kubby says - Posted: February 25, 2014


    States that legalize medical marijuana see fewer fatal car accidents, according to a new study, in part because people may be substituting marijuana smoking for drinking alcohol.

    Sixteen states and the District of Columbia, have legalized medical marijuana since the mid-1990s. For the new study, economists looked at 1990-2009 government data on marijuana use and traffic deaths in the 13 states that had passed legalization laws during that time period. The data were from the National Household Survey on Drug Use and Health and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

    Comparing traffic deaths over time in states with and without medical marijuana law changes, the researchers found that fatal car wrecks dropped by 9% in states that legalized medical use — which was largely attributable to a decline in drunk driving. The researchers controlled for other factors like changes in driving laws and the number of miles driven that could affect the results.

  7. Frank Aquilina says - Posted: February 25, 2014

    Impaired drivers in any form are dangerous. Why is pot always compared to alcohol? I don’t care if people want to get get stoned just to have fun. When they drive a car while stoned, they’re putting society at risk. These statistics are crazy. I know how about a black and white law. If you drink at all or smell like pot and drive. It’s against the law. Oh yeah, that would require personel responsibility and leave no room for arguing over judgment.

  8. Dogula says - Posted: February 25, 2014

    I really did not use any artistic license in my description of that incident. It was extreme. Most people don’t drive that crazy when they’re smoking pot, I know. USUALLY, if I smell pot from a car (unfortunately, I think I have a particularly sensitive sniffer) they’re driving below the speed limit, if somewhat erratically.
    My advice to pot smoking drivers: use your cruise control.

  9. County Gal says - Posted: February 25, 2014

    A drunk driver blows through the stop sign while the stoned driver waits for it to turn green.

  10. Rick says - Posted: February 25, 2014

    My advise to all impaired drivers (drink, smoke, prescription drugs, texting) don’t drive.


  11. kelley says - Posted: February 25, 2014

    That list should include using your cell phone as well. I watched a woman stop while turning against traffic the other day, right in the middle of the turn cuz she was fumbiling with her phone. That is just as scary as being impaired. Wish she would have gotten a ticket.

  12. Old long Skiis says - Posted: February 25, 2014

    County Gal, Kae, and LTCC. County Gal, You get first place for joke of the day!
    “A drunk driver blows through a stop sign while the stoned driver waits for it to turn green”. Good one, bravo!!!
    Kae, thanks for the LTN 2xl t-shirt, I already broke it in with a few drops of marinara sauce. Happens every time!
    LTCC, while I’m glad you have plans on expanding and upgrading, please don’t jack up my property taxes any further. Alternate funding? How about a few more events like SnoGlobe but being put on by LTCC so the college collects ALL the proceeds.Then making improvements as the money comes in. Just an idea.
    Take care, Old Long Skiis

  13. rock4tahoe says - Posted: February 26, 2014

    Steve K. Are you kidding? And other studies tell the exact opposite; More fatal accidents involving “stoned” drivers are going up.