Letter: Time for Meyers to speak out

To the community,

Much a do about nothing?

Then why did our county supervisor write this letter to [Sen. Dianne] Feinstein back in July supporting the One Globe/Hub One Project? Is “Hub Living” really the neatest thing since peanut butter?

Personally, I’ve grown out of living with my bicycle in the living room and snow tires under my bed. I like my garage. I like my back yard, too. I guess, overall, I like my freedom.

Imagine having to move into a multi-storied Hub Structure, where Hub One controls the heat, water, sewer, lights, food, transportation, telephone, television, email and computer data? Sort of goes against the grain. Now imagine how much money this One company will be collecting for those services. Globe One claims to be a “green” developer. They’ll be green all right, all the way to the bank. Besides, if I wanted to live in small, cramped space above a parking garage, I’d move to New York.

I live and work in Meyers because Meyers is great. Clean, open areas, beautiful mountains, great neighbors and friends, and while growth is good, inappropriate growth is not. This Hub One “megapolitan” just isn’t right for Meyers.

We can stop this train wreck, please read the attached letter. Check out the facts.

Angela Olson, Meyers