Navy SEAL imposter wanted in Nev. arrested in Ark.

By Paige Preusse, 40/29-TV

GARFIELD, Ark. — A former Lake Tahoe bartender who has been impersonating a Navy SEAL was arrested Friday in Arkansas on charges stemming from firearm violations.

A.J. Dicken

A.J. Dicken

A.J. Dicken was wanted in Nevada for possession of a firearm by a person convicted of a felony.

Dicken boasted about being the most decorated former Navy SEAL claiming he served in combat missions all over the world including Vietnam and Afghanistan. According to information form the U.S. Marshals service, he often wore Navy SEAL trident insignia and showed off his numerous awards including two Congressional Medal of Honor awards. It was later confirmed that he never served in the military.

The charges stemmed from when Dicken operated a military style self-defense school in Carson City.. The training he provided included firearms and self-defense tactics. He was exposed after he was profiled on both ABC’s 20/20 and Inside Edition as the result of alleged criminal acts. More allegations include embezzlement and fraud where Dicken bilked investors, including two Lake Tahoe doctors, out of more than $850,000 for a proposed new international security firm.

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