Study: U.S. exercise habits atrocious
By Dominique Mosbergen, Huffington Post
The exercise habits of the average American are appalling, according to a study recently published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
For the study, scientists tracked the activity of 2,600 people for two years. They found that obese women average a mere 11 seconds a day of vigorous exercise (that’s about an hour a year), while men and women of normal weight exercised vigorously — engaging in fat-burning activities such as jogging or jumping rope — for fewer than two minutes daily, the Los Angeles Times reported.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that adults get at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise or 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every week, in addition to bi-weekly muscle-strengthening activities.
This is not surprise. Americans have become gluttons who sit in front of their smartphone or computer monitors incessantly.
A.B. — Can you paint with a broader brush? Not all Americans are gluttons. I also find it ironic that you are probably posting from a computer or phone with a screen. (as am I)
\Yes obesity is a problem but not with ALL of us.
I get all the virtual exercise I need with a simple computer program.