Cholesterol guidelines could mean statins for more people
By Richard Knox, NPR
When sweeping new advice on preventing heart attacks and strokes came out last November, it wasn’t clear how many more Americans should be taking daily statin pills to lower their risk.
A new analysis provides an answer: a whole lot. Nearly 13 million more, to be precise.
If the guidelines were followed to the letter, about half of all Americans over 40 would be on cholesterol-lowering statins – more than double the current level.
More drugs even if you don’t need them once again the pushing of statins
Statins have so many bad side effects if you don’t need it don’t take it look up side effects of statins on the internet it’s not good
without question one who doesn’t need statins shouldn’t be taking them, but if you do they’ll be the main reason your arteries don’t clog up.
And for the record genetics plays a big role in the need. It’s not just about diet and exercise. Even good eaters, and consistent exercisers, are not immune.
I know I’m one of them. Grandfather who died at 46 from a heart attack, and a Dad who had one at 69.
Eat well, Stay fit, take your statins if needed, and die anyway. (Just not as soon) :)