Indicted state senator withdraws from sec. state race

By Carolyn Tyler and Lyanne Melendez, KGO-TV

The fallout continues just one day after state Sen. Leland Yee was arrested on public corruption charges. Both of California’s senators are now weighing in on his arrest.

Leland Yee

On Thursday, Yee addressed his immediate future. He now says he will withdraw his candidacy for California Secretary of State.

Yee is one of 26 people caught up in an alleged scheme that includes — murder for hire and gun trafficking. There is also Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow a former gang member and Keith Jackson a former school board member in San Francisco.

The big fish in the federal case is Yee, but the initial target was Raymond Chow, who is known as “Shrimp Boy.” He is a notorious Chinatown gangster with a criminal history that includes racketeering and drug crimes. Former FBI agent Rick Smith believes the agency’s undercover operation was as tricky as infiltrating the mafia.

Read the whole story

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Comments (54)
  1. Moral Hazard says - Posted: March 28, 2014

    Murder for hire and gun trafficking charge for our favorite gun control advocate. Oh this is just precious.

  2. Tahoehunter says - Posted: March 28, 2014

    As the leading California Democrat for gun control bills (over 100 anti-gun bills introduced by him) he turns out to be a gun runner himself, wow! Not only that but he was importing RPG’s as well, holy krap, you want to take down a 747, no problem, call Yee!

  3. go figure says - Posted: March 28, 2014

    I bet the crap flows downhill to the NRA. My guess is he is a tea party plant. Regardless, glad he is going to jail and the guns are now DOA

  4. Tahoehunter says - Posted: March 28, 2014

    The Anti-Gun lobby is in bed with criminals, I wonder if the bills were designed to inflate his profits on illegal weapons trafficking.

  5. Moral Hazard says - Posted: March 28, 2014

    Clearly he was increasing regulation to increase demand for his illegal guns. This is just another example of the fact that gun control laws just make it hard for law abiding citizens to get guns

  6. Tahoehunter says - Posted: March 28, 2014

    If he pleas out and rats on his mafia buddies he’s dead, best to face a 20 year sentence if convicted, of course then he has to worry about Bubba…..

  7. Ralph Cramden says - Posted: March 28, 2014

    I thank LTN for running this link to the KGO piece on Leland Yee so I will not take issue with LTN specifically; however, the piece to which they chose to link has some curious characteristics. Nowhere in the entire piece do they happen to mention the party affiliation of Leland Yee, (D) State Senator, SF. I note they also did not mention the party affiliation of corrupt State Senators Ron Calderon (D) and Rod Wright (D) both of whom are currently “suspended” from the floor of the Senate, but who still continue to receive their paychecks and benefits despite the efforts of Republicans to have them expelled. They did mention and identify other Democrats, such as fellow San Franciscans Mark Leno, Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, all of whom condemned Yee unhesitatingly. They lit into Yee with the vigor usually reserved for the dastardly GOP, and since there is no mention of party affiliation ,a few “low information voters” might even infer they might have been hammering Yee because he was a (gasp!) Republican!

    The utter rank, acrid stench of progressive hypocrisy is simply overwhelming here, certainly enough to offend the sensibilities of anyone, regardless of political persuasion. I mean, here you have this guy who does everything he possibly can to infringe upon and curtail the constitutional rights afforded to law abiding citizens under the second amendment, and in the midst of his high dudgeon over the proliferation of legal weapons in the hands of law abiding citizens, Yee and his gang affiliates wink and nod at each other because they know that the weapons THEY traffic are highly illegal; but then criminals are notorious for not obeying the law… it’s kind of the defining characteristic of a “criminal”!

    This is the local version of “Fast & Furious”, running guns to gangs, only Yee is no Eric Holder… no matter how much he may think he is, and unlike Holder, he WILL go to prison.

    Here’s a link to a better, more thorough piece:

  8. sunriser2 says - Posted: March 28, 2014

    So ironic it’s almost funny.

    If they can link any of the guns to a murder can Yee be charged?

    If this goes to trial it will be fascinating to watch.

  9. Moral Hazard says - Posted: March 28, 2014

    Ralph that’s interesting information. Today a true American hero died. I hate that word, but Jeremiah Denton is the real deal. People may not remember the name, but he is the flyer who was interviewed from the Hanoi Hilton about his treatment at the hands of the North Vietnamese. During the interview he said that he was treated well, but he blinked in Morse code one word: TORTURE

    The Democrats in the California Legislature refused to have Denton deliver remarks during a recognition ceremony on July 4th, 2004.

    That’s illustrates a little of what Ralph is talking about.

  10. Hmmm... says - Posted: March 28, 2014

    what a frickin’ hypocrite

  11. Dogula says - Posted: March 29, 2014

    He’s worse than a hypocrite. He’s giving aid and comfort to terrorists. While trying to dismantle our Constitution. AND getting rich doing it.

  12. hmmm.... says - Posted: March 29, 2014

    Agreed Dog-I wanted to say ‘treasonous’.

  13. go figure says - Posted: March 29, 2014

    Im betting he is a closet tea party creep.all the parts seem to fit.

  14. Ralph Cramden says - Posted: March 29, 2014

    GO figure,

    Really? Is that the best you’ve got? There’s a Democrat crime wave going on and the best you can come up with is, “They couldn’t be real Democrats, must be the enemy dressed up like us!”

    Uh huh…..

  15. Hmmm... says - Posted: March 29, 2014

    @ralph cramden…love the name…wish I had thought of it!

  16. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 29, 2014

    Ralph. You missed the part about Fast & Furious starting in 2006 as Operation Wide Receiver.

    So. To be clear. You ARE in favor of some controls over gun sales?

  17. Ralph Cramden says - Posted: March 29, 2014

    The original intent of “Operation Wide Receiver” was to implant tracking devices into the weapons themselves so the culprits who ended up with them could be apprehended and prosecuted. When the Obama/Holder regime took over the intent of the project took an ugly left turn. The Obamites wanted as many guns in the hands of the drug cartels as possible in hopes that the bloody havoc which ensued would distress the populace to the point that they would demand much stricter gun controls.

    That didn’t work out the way they’d planned, especially after the agents involved revealed that there were no further efforts to implant any tracking devices in the weapons and that we were just supplying criminals with untold firepower… and they then blew the whistle on the whole caper.

    As for controls, I am not in favor of FULL AUTO weapons in the hands of the general population, however, what you progressives describe as an “assault weapon” is no such thing without the capacity to be operated in “full auto” mode. An AR-15 is a SEMI-AUTOMATIC rifle operated by technology which is over a hundred years old, and in none of those years was any weapon utilizing that manner of technology ever considered an assault weapon any more than my Remington semi-auto shotgun is.

    Incidentally, the guns which the Honorable State Senator, Leland Yee, DEMOCRAT, SF and Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow were conspiring to traffic in WERE, in fact, FULLY AUTOMATIC ASSAULT RIFLES and… SHOULDER FIRED MISSILES (commonly known as RPGs). This while cloaking himself in the most staunch anti-gun disguise he could muster. Not too much hypocrisy there, huh?

  18. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 29, 2014

    Ralph. Gun walking is gun walking and your opinion of Wide Receiver being better then Fast and Furious is neutered since they are one and the same. I will point out that NO indictments were made under the Bush Administration and TEN indictments were made by the Obama Administration under Wide Receiver/Fast & Furious.

    Glad to hear you are in favor of arms control.

  19. Ralph Cramden says - Posted: March 29, 2014


    Gun-walking IS gun walking… but it is not “gun-tracing”! You are erroneously conflating two different programs. Operation “Wide Receiver”, while admittedly not effective (due to the failure of tracking devices and the use of techniques by the cartels to defeat the surveillance aircraft) at least did attempt to recover the weapons. When it was determined to be a failure the program was discontinued in 2007. Over two years later, when Obama/Holder came into office they instituted a NEW and completely different program called “Fast & Furious” (it was NOT a continuation of “Wide Receiver”!) which did NOT involve any effort to recover weapons, agents were only instructed to log serial numbers and “let them walk”. This resulted in the deaths of two US agents, Terry and Zapata as these “logged” weapons were actually found at the scene of the murders. “Wide Receiver”, while still widely considered a failure, did not cause any deaths of US AGENTS!

    Roughly 300 implanted guns left the country during “Wide Receiver”, during “Fast & Furious” approximately 1400 NON-implanted, NON-traceable guns were allowed to “walk”!

    In operation “Wide-Receiver” US agents remained in close contact with their counterparts in the Mexican government, however, during “Fast & Furious” the Mexican officials were kept in the dark, according to the Mexican Ambassador to the US, and they only learned about the program well after hundreds of innocent Mexicans were murdered and two US agents turned up dead.

    So… to get back on the topic of the article, how about that State Senator, Leland Yee, DEMOCRAT, SF???

  20. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 29, 2014

    Ralph. Operation Wide Receiver did not end in 2007 it morphed into Fast & Furious in October of 2009. OWR sold about 800 weapons and only 64 were recovered. The reason no one was every indicted under OWR, was because of the rampant problems with the program. Both OWR and F&F had various problems and it seemed that everyone wanted to blame ATF Phoenix or Mexico. The only difference between OWR & F&F that I can see is that they tried to keep Mexican police out of the loop during F&F. During BOTH programs guns walked and most were never recovered.

    I am for arms control as you are. If Yee sold arms illegally, he should be punished. You were the one that brought up Wide Receiver/Fast & Furious; not me.

  21. Ralph Cramden says - Posted: March 29, 2014

    Why must you persist in this prevarication? Operation “Wide Receiver” ended in 2007. Operation “Fast & Furious” BEGAN in Oct. 2009, nine months after Obama/Holder took office! While it is hard to determine the exact date of the end of “Wide Receiver”, there is quite clearly a gap of roughly two years between the two programs!

    This from Politifact: (no “right wing” outlet by any means!)

    “Obama said that the Fast and Furious program began “under the previous administration.” That is not the case; Fast and Furious did begin during the time Obama held office.

    Another similar program, called Operation Wide Receiver, did happen during the Bush administration, and a recent inspector general’s report criticized both operations as ineffective and seriously flawed.

    But Operation Wide Receiver is not the same thing as the Fast and Furious program. We rate Obama’s statement False.”

    That means YOUR statement is also FALSE!

    The unanswered question of this entire mess remains. If the Obama regime had studied the program “Wide Receiver” and noted it’s fairly obvious failure WITH the effort to track and recover the weapons, why would they then initiate a NEW program with NO EFFORT to track or recover weapons but instead just flood the border zone with 5 times as many weapons as the previous “Wide Receiver” program, knowing the chaos which must result, and all the while keeping the Mexican authorities in the dark? And then, when the Congressional investigation gets under way, Holder refuses to talk, garnering himself a Contempt of Congress citation, and Obama himself claims “Executive Privilege” to quash the whole investigation!

    Doesn’t that smell a little rotten to you? Hmmm?

  22. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 29, 2014

    Ralph. Get over yourself. Politifact says quote, “The two operations — Fast and Furious and Wide Receiver — had some similarities, and both were run out of the ATF’s Phoenix Field Division. The inspector general explored both programs in depth and found similar problems.”

    More… “Another similar program, called Operation Wide Receiver, did happen during the Bush administration, and a recent inspector general’s report criticized both operations as ineffective and seriously flawed.”

    Both Ops were meant to trace illegal gun sales and both included gun walking. The Hernandez case was in 2007 and the Medrano case was in 2008 after you say Wide Receiver was shut down. Again, split hairs if you want to.

    Same but different? In Operation name only. President Obama should have said, Operation Wide Receiver started under Bush Administration and we changed the name to Fast & Furious.

    BTY. Executive Privilege started with George Washington.

  23. Ralph Cramden says - Posted: March 29, 2014

    Can’t get over yourself, Rock? Or your lies? Part of your problem must “lie” in the fact that you tend to listen to another proven liar… Commander Zero -BHO. And when BHO lies, you just repeat it, huh?

    Were you busy telling people that if they liked their doctor they could keep their doctor, too?

    Geez. Just two posts above YOU said, “Operation Wide Receiver did not end in 2007 it morphed into Fast & Furious in October of 2009.”


    If you get busted telling lies it is your own words which condemn you.

    Now if you can’t get over yourself, at least pull your head out.

  24. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 29, 2014

    Ralph. It did morph. They had the same meetings with the same agents to go over the same gameplan with very few changes. (try how the Houston Oilers morphed into the Tennessee Titans) Or better yet, would there have even been an Operation Fast & Furious without Operation Wide Receiver? I don’ think so.

    Not sure what Doctors have to do with walking guns but, Doctors come and go like the wind. I have had dozens over the years. What I have not always had was Health Care or Health Insurance because I could not afford it, had pre-existing conditions or Insurance Company just flat out being dropped me and my family.

    Lie to yourself and play your own body parts.

  25. Ralph Cramden says - Posted: March 29, 2014

    Okay, perhaps I’m dealing with someone who may be “challenged”. I’ll replay the tape in slow motion.

    I said, “You are erroneously conflating two different programs.”

    You said, “Operation Wide Receiver did not end in 2007 it morphed into Fast & Furious in October of 2009.”

    Politifact said, “Obama said that the Fast and Furious program began “under the previous administration.” That is not the case; Fast and Furious did begin during the time Obama held office.
    Another similar program, called Operation Wide Receiver, did happen during the Bush administration, and a recent inspector general’s report criticized both operations as ineffective and seriously flawed.
    But Operation Wide Receiver is not the same thing as the Fast and Furious program. We rate Obama’s statement False.”

    Is this helping at all?

    The unanswered question of this entire mess STILL remains.
    If the Obama regime had studied the program “Wide Receiver” and noted it’s fairly obvious failure WITH the effort to track and recover the weapons, why would they then initiate a NEW program with NO EFFORT to track or recover weapons but instead just flood the border zone with 5 times as many weapons as the previous “Wide Receiver” program, knowing the chaos which must result, and all the while keeping the Mexican authorities in the dark? And then, when the Congressional investigation gets under way, Holder refuses to talk, garnering himself a Contempt of Congress citation, and Obama himself claims “Executive Privilege” to quash the whole investigation!

    The most telling aspect of the story to which I linked from the WaPo (above) is the single commonality of ALL the suspects arrested or under investigation. They all share the same political alignment… the Democrat Party. Coincidence? I think not. And the WaPo, although they couldn’t bring themselves to insert the fact that all 6 of the perps were Democrats in the headline, at least properly identified every suspect as such in the body of the piece. Just imagine for a moment if all these corrupt politicians happened to be Republicans! The press would be having a field day!

    And that’s not to say that we on the right have not had our crooks, too. The difference is when we find a weed on our side of the fence, we pull it; Democrats cultivate theirs, in fact they not only cultivate them, they show them off! Case in point, they circled the wagons and went to the mat to defend Bill Clinton, the president who committed at least four felonies in office, waged his own very personal “War on Women”, was impeached, disbarred and fined By Judge Susan Wright and then realizing his Sexual Harassment case was lost, settled with Paula Jones by paying her a paltry $850,000. And yet, this is the party icon they trot out and worship! They cheer before him and do obeisance. This “oversexed oracle” is held is such high esteem that he gets the prime speaking spot at their national convention. Funny, I don’t recall Richard Nixon receiving the same kind of treatment from the GOP… he was, in fact, disgraced, exiled and shunned.

    The scandal-plagued Obama regime (and apparently the Democrat party at large) is, more and more, resembling the Nixon administration, but sadly, impeaching our messianic “First Black President” may prove to be a political impossibility. Hopefully, judging by his poll numbers and the sentiment of the nation, this midterm election will make of him the lamest of lame ducks and we can minimize the destruction and just hang on for his remaining two years.

  26. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 30, 2014

    Ralph. I can disagree with you or anybody I want. First came Operation Wide Receiver without which there would NOT have been Operation Fast & Furious. The ATF field agents in Phoenix complained about tracking the weapons in both Ops and how the tracking devices never made if from the contractor. So, they went with surveillance and wire taps instead. If it looks, sounds and quacks like a gun walking Op then I say it is a gun walking op.

    I understand that you hate President Obama and all Democrats, so go ahead and try to impeach President Obama if you can.

    Now, you want to bring up corruption. Ok. Let’s start with Trading Arms for Hostages under Reagan called Iran-Contra. Was Reagan impeached for that trick? No, he can thank Casper Weinberger for that, oh, but Cap was pardoned by Bush Sr.; What a arms deal!

    Or, how about selling multiple shipments of Anthrax to Iraq via the Commerce Department in 1985? Or the transfer of Hundreds of American made MK-84 bombs to Iraq in the 1980’s? What another arms deal!

    Or how about the fact that when Saddam used Gas on the Kurds in Halabja in 1988, Reagan and the CIA tried to blame the Iranians for the attack when the CIA knew it was Saddam? More CIA doctoring of “evidence” again… oh my!

    Or, how about Operation Cyclone, again from the 1980’s? You know, the arm sales op that supplied weapons to the likes of Hekmatyar in Afghanistan who then he used those CIA purchased weapons on Afghan civilians and handed them out to Al Qaeda and the Taliban? Gosh, another arms sale turned “Frankenstein” as Pakistan Leaders called it.

    And I haven’t even started on the corruption regarding the Iraq War(s) yet. Do you really want to go down this road… Ralph?

  27. Dogula says - Posted: March 30, 2014

    So again, the lefties justify extreme bad acts committed by their people, by crying that the other side committed bad acts in the past too.
    SO WHAT?? Stop it ALL. That’s the most juvenile crap I’ve ever heard, and what’s worse is, we hear it every damn time another crime is uncovered by a leading politician. Grow up and accept responsibility, but more importantly, let’s actually see them face some real consequences for a change.

  28. Ralph Cramden says - Posted: March 30, 2014


    Still can’t admit the lie, huh? Still can’t admit they were TWO SEPERATE OPERATIONS, huh? I’m not surprised. You remind me of the Black Knight in Monty Python’s “In Search Of the Holy Grail”.

    The Middle East is a very complex and dangerous place, where the most often used aphorism is that ancient Arabic saying, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” It was in our national interest to help Iraq against Iran, and to help Afghans against the Soviets.. oh, and to help Nicaraguan freedom fighters against the beloved darling of the left, Daniel Ortega, and his ruthless Communist Sandinistas. In the tumultuous world in which we live, yesterday’s allies are today’s enemies, and vice versa. It’s always been that way.

    The Boland Amendment is right up near the top the list of despicable and chicken-sh*t things ever done by a Democrat congress; never mind the utter abrogation of the Monroe doctrine, isn’t the US actually supposed to be on the side of democracy vs. communism? And as far a selling “arms” to Iran… actually we sold them spare parts to operate their already obsolete planes and vehicles which we had manufactured and sold to them under the Shah’s regime. (And was the Shah a bad guy… yeah, but then so is the Royal Saudi Family, but by comparison to the Ayatollah Khomeini they are imminently more preferable… and plus – Obama enjoys bowing before the Saudis.) Even at that time Iran’s F-4s were easily outclassed by our new generation (F-14, F-15, and F-16) fighters. Was it illegal? Hell yes. Potentially dangerous to us? Hell no. But it would not have been necessary to circumvent the ridiculous Boland Amendment had the Democrat congress done the right and moral thing and allowed US aid to the Contra Freedom Fighters.

    There are plenty of foreign policy mis-steps on both sides of the aisle, including Truman’s mis-handling of the Korean conflict which led to prospering of one of the nastiest regimes on earth (I think most would agree that we probably should have cut the head off that snake when we had the chance), and Johnson’s utter gross mismanagement of Viet Nam, which also led the rise of a very nasty regime. Both of these conflicts were proxy wars with Communist China and the Soviets, who supplied the hardware. We fought one to a draw and lost the other one. Thankfully, unlike in Viet Nam, in Korea the US was at least able to preserve freedom for half the country.

    Now if you’re going to complain about Iran-Contra you also need to acknowledge that, at least until Obama was elected, Reagan had won the Cold War… without firing a shot (with a little help from PM Thatcher and Pope John Paul), however, now with Putin on the loose and looking to reconstitute the old Soviet Empire things are not looking so good for us from a strategic and geo-political standpoint, huh? Don’t worry though, because Obama has already signaled his steely resolve, “Tell Vladimir this is my last election. After my election I’ll have more flexibility.” That, combined with cancelling of the missile defense bases in Poland and the Czech Republic must have Putin quaking in his boots. And just to further intimidate Putin, Obama has promised assistance to the Ukraine, who is feeling very nervous as they smell the breath of the Russian bear at their door. Yes, Obama is going to give them… MREs. No guns, ammo, aircraft, tanks or missiles… it meals on wheels for the desperate Ukrainians. Now it turns out Mitt Romney had a much better grasp of global issues than the neophyte Obama… wait, how can he be a neophyte after already serving four years in office?

    It occurs to me that perhaps Obama is actually on Putin’s side, after all they do share a common political ideology.

  29. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 30, 2014

    Ralph. Here is a clue, I don’t care what you call me, remind you of or think of me. OK? If you want to air out the history of people killed by the sales of arms to various groups, countries or people, fine by me. Otherwise stop with the “vomit” of keystrokes to try to bore me to death with your ignorance and hatred. Democrats are here to stay, get used to it. Or pick up weapon and stand opposed to me, either way I don’t care about your failed ideology.

    I would argue that the Chernobyl Nuclear melt down had as much to do with the end of the cold “stalemate” with the Soviets as any other event.

    I would point out that Truman was and is the only President to actually nuke another Country, and yes he was a Democrat.

    And who is Sarin al-Assad’s buddy in Syria, that would be Vlad.

    And who looked into Vlad’s eyes and saw “his soul (mate)?” That would be Bush Jr.

  30. Dogula says - Posted: March 30, 2014

    WHOSE “failed ideology”?

  31. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 30, 2014

    Hey Dog! I put you in your place the last time on this. Did you come up with a better Country yet? Until then, enjoy the blanket, the protection and opportunities of this Country that you so loathe.

  32. Ralph Cramden says - Posted: March 30, 2014

    Rock, “Come back here, I’ll bite your legs off!”

    Rock, “Or pick up weapon and stand opposed to me,”


    I’m pretty sure you don’t really want that, and you really wouldn’t want the outcome from that, either.

  33. Dogula says - Posted: March 30, 2014

    Oh, I love my country, Rock. It’s my government I can’t stand.

  34. A.B. says - Posted: March 30, 2014

    Typical liberal hypocrite Democrat. Leland Yee (D) has a motto: Guns for Yee, but not for thee!

  35. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 30, 2014

    Ralph. Where did you make this up “Come back here, I’ll bite your legs off!” Because I did not write that, you did. Do you want to stand down?

  36. Ralph Cramden says - Posted: March 30, 2014

    Rock, dude…
    Did you never see the movie? I said you remind me of the Black Knight, who after having all his appendages removed in a fight yells, “Come back here, I’ll bite your legs off!”

    Sorry, was that too oblique a humorous reference for you? Seriously though, if you’ve never seen “In Search Of The Holy Grail” you really must, it’s a side-splitter!

    Stand down? I haven’t even stood up yet!

    Say, you wouldn’t happen to be in a union, would you? I mean, the whole “…pick up a weapon” thing reeks of that whole Chicago style thug, union hack, Obama acolyte… “If they bring a knife, you bring a gun” kind of mindset.

  37. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 30, 2014

    Hey AB. Tell me the exact difference between selling/trading arms and chemical weapons to Iraq by a Republican and selling arms to a gang member by a Democrat? Ralph seems to think there is a difference of some kind. I don’t see a difference except perhaps in scale because Iraq and Afghanistan were much bigger.

    In the broader terms, isn’t it the NRA – gun lovers that always say “guns don’t kill people, people kill people?” Yet, Ralph is shocked that guns might actually be involved in shootings and death from the Yee indictment. Or, is it that only when a Democrat sells arms to someone and that someone shoots another person with those arms, then that arms dealer is evil for selling the arms? I would call that a cherry picked argument.

    Let me be clear. I don’t like our, American, love affair with arms, arm sales and the whole unsavory business of weapons and death. But, “the kettle cannot call the pot black” in the arms business.

    At least the Democrats are actually calling for Yee to resign instead of treating him like a hero for selling arms to “freedom fighters.”

    Your motto on Yee is cherry picked as well. Isn’t the NRA motto “guns for all?”

  38. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 30, 2014

    Hey Ralph! You just reek period. Now what do you want to argue about… my favorite color?

  39. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 30, 2014

    Ok Dog. So, tell me on this Planet of a better Government? This ought to be good.

  40. Ralph Cramden says - Posted: March 30, 2014

    This will no doubt come as a huge shock to you, but freedom has NEVER been achieved without a fight. Hence the name “Freedom fighters”. Oppression by a powerful minority over the masses is the natural order of man throughout history. The only reason you have and enjoy the freedom and rights you do today is that men (and a few women, too!) with guns… yes, guns, fought and died for them, and continue to do so to this day.

    Guns are a tool, the use of which was considered so important by the founding fathers that it is guaranteed in the Constitution. The crux of this little debate originates from the illegal behavior and frankly, unfathomable hypocrisy, of State Senator Leland Yee, DEMOCRAT, SF, who while attempting to abrogate that second amendment right for law abiding citizens, was conspiring to traffic in highly illegal FULLY AUTOMATIC military weapons AND SHOULDER FIRED MISSILES with his associates in the Chinese gang underworld.

    The WaPo article also covers five other politicians who also got into hot water this week… all of whom just happen to be DEMOCRATS.

    If you’re a Democrat… tough week. Sucks to be you.

    Which union are you a member of?

  41. Tahoehunter says - Posted: March 30, 2014

    Good job Ralph!

  42. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 31, 2014

    Taliban Freedom Fighters Ralph? You failed to mention that years later our Troops would have to fight the same Fighters in Afghanistan. Pakistan warned us years ago about giving arms to those fighters and we know that story ends.

    Don’t try to lecture me on who has fought and died for me Ralph. They were GI’s; NOT civilian weekend vigilantes with a complex.

    Cherry pick all you want and defend your tools/arms but fully automatic arms and RPG’s are the next logical step in America’s arms race when an AR-15 just won’t cut it anymore.

    So. To make it clear. You are completely against anyone, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or what have you, selling fully automatic arms or rocket propelled grenades in America? Because that is something we could agree on.

    BTY. The NRA flipped on the fully automatic weapons ban and under Wayne they now want anyone in America to own fully automatic weapons.

  43. Ralph Cramden says - Posted: March 31, 2014

    Boy Rock…

    You sure love to get your ass kicked, huh? First of all, the Taliban is NOT fighting for “freedom” they are fighting for ISLAM!!! Now I don’t know about you but Islam is NOT the first thing I think about when I consider “freedom”. Islam = theocratic repression, especially if you happen to be female! In Islamic controlled countries there is no freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, freedom to worship, freedom of the press… they have NONE of the freedoms which we take for granted (again, women have it really bad). Now if State Senator Leland Yee, DEMOCRAT, SF had been conspiring to provide these weapons to the Green Party in Iran in order to overthrow the Mullahs I would have given him money to buy more! However, he was involved in no such noble effort, he’s was trying to get weapons to criminal elements and selfishly line his own pockets. Get it?

    Oh, and the very first people to die for your freedom were NOT GIs! They were the “Minutemen” and civilian militia members with muskets. The first battle of the Revolution which took place at Concord was over the attempt by the British occupiers to confiscate caches of muskets, ball ammo and powder. An early attempt at “Gun Control”! The patriots would have none of it, and fired “The Shot Heard ‘Round The World”. (Dude, didn’t you learn any of this in school? Just another victim of public education, huh?) But even if they were all GIs, where did THEY come from? Does not every GI begin as a civilian and eventually become one once again?

    As I believe I stated, I am not in favor of fully automatic weapons in the hands of the general population… or RPGs either. The way it is now is fine with me. Those who go through federal background checks and obtain the license can legally own a full auto firearm; but as there is a very limited supply of them, they are very expensive. As I’m sure you must already know, Wayne Lapierre called for legalization of full auto weapons FOR LAW ABIDING CITIZENS in 1986… uh, that was nearly 30 years ago, FYI. That is, in essence, what we have now with the exception that this applies only to weapons produced and registered prior to 1986, again with federal licensing. Much more recently (2013), as I’m sure you must also know, NRA President David Keene, called for outlawing full auto weapons. So, once again… you lie – this time about the NRA’s position, huh. So, is this going to be chronic issue with you?

    Still sucks to be you.

  44. Tahoehunter says - Posted: March 31, 2014

    This was written by Benjamin Wachs, LMAO!

    Today, State Senator Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) proposed a sweeping new privacy law aimed at keeping the government from monitoring citizens too closely, or at all.

    “My fellow Californians,” Yee said from his Sunset District home, “government intrusion into everyone’s private life has gone too far. Whether it’s reading our emails to the Chinese mafia or listening in on our burner phones just prior to making a drop, it must end. The government should not be allowed to tap our phones, film us taking bribes without our knowledge, or pose as gun runners.”

    “Further,” said Lee, “if you ask someone: ‘Are you a cop?’ and they are a cop, they should be legally obligated to say ‘Yes.’ My new bill will fix these problems for all Californians.”

    State Senate Bill SB664, more commonly known as the “Complete Privacy from Government Intrusion, including and especially the District Attorney’s Office” bill, would also make it illegal for government agents to interview your friends, go through your financial records, or open your hidden wall safe behind the picture of former President Bill Clinton.

    The new law would retroactively apply to all information gathered by the government after Jan 1, 2012.

    “That, so far as I can tell, is when the government got much too intrusive,” Yee said. “If we can just get a do-over to the beginning of 2012, I think all Californians would feel better.”

    It also contains a controversial “stop hassling Shrimp Boy” clause, which some experts suggest might be unconstitutional.

    “Section 5, paragraph 8, of Senator Lee’s bill requires the government to ‘let Shrimp Boy take some Shrimp Boy time, and stop being all up in his business,'” said Stanford Law Professor Harold Bergson. “Paragraph 10 says police need to ‘Just pretend Shrimp Boy’s invisible, and that government dogs can’t smell him.’ Frankly I’m not sure the Fourth Amendment goes that far.”

    But Yee said he believes that Californians will welcome a new push for protection from government snooping, and a number of high-level office holders agree with him. California Attorney General Kamala Harris, for example, stood with Yee to condemn unnecessary government surveillance of city crime labs.

    “The government has no right to spy on our government laboratories,” Harris said. “I think Senator Yee’s bill is a major step forward for privacy rights, and we shouldn’t be asking who sold guns to whom, who snorted what when, or who covered any of it up.”

    “Also,” she added, “I have a locked drawer in my office desk that nobody from the government better look through. It’s locked, so it’s private, okay?”

    But not all state officials agreed. Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom held a press conference following Yee’s to say that he encourages more people in the government to pay attention to him.

    “I don’t see it as intrusive at all,” Newsom said. “My office is fully transparent, and I would very much like a member of the Obama Administration to come in, at any time. Or someone from the Governor’s Office could go through my emails, and maybe make some of them public. Or the State Assembly could call for me to testify, under oath. I’m up for that. Or the Mayor of San Francisco could subpoena my diary. Or a precinct captain could ask my opinion about something. I’m available, ready by the phone, anytime the government wonders if I’m still here. Anything you want me to do. At all. Want to grab lunch? Anybody? I’ll tell you about my affair.”

  45. Ralph Cramden says - Posted: March 31, 2014

    That’s rich stuff… *snorf*

  46. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 31, 2014

    Ralph. In the 1980’s they called them Freedom Fighters then in the 1990’s they called them Taliban. The proof is in the pudding. How “free” was Afghanistan after we armed the Afghans (and others) to get rid of the Soviets? I would say not free at all.

    If we or anyone sells/gives arms to fight the Shiite Mullahs, will the sales and use of said arms guarantee freedom for the victors? I think we have seen that movie before and it had a bad ending.

    I was not born in 1700’s. And yes, a majority of people were free from the British after the Revolutionary War. However, I would not call the African Americans that lived below the Mason-Dixon line as Slaves free. Nor, would I call what happened to the Native Americans after the end of the Revolutionary War “freedom.”

    Good, we agree on the fully automatic weapons ban. Yes, I said Wayne, not David, and he never changed his position and it depends on “how” the NRA defines a “weapon of war.”

    “Sucks to be me?” Not really. You must have seen something, like your face, in a mirror.

  47. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 31, 2014

    Oh and Ralph. Since you are fixated on my derriere, I would say it feels more like a “kiss.”

  48. Ralph Cramden says - Posted: March 31, 2014

    Actually, they were the “Mujahideen”, translated as “People doing Jihad”. Again, they were looking to avoid living under the boot of the Soviet Union and to that end we wanted to help, but their ultimate goal was to live under the boot of Islam! At the risk of being redundant, we covered this ground already… remember “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”? Our primary enemy during this period WAS the “Evil Empire”, the Soviet Union. Afghanistan was SO free after we helped them eject the Soviets that it devolved in a utterly lawless tribal state; which made it prime territory for various Islamic terrorist elements like Osama Bin Laden, et al and subsequent to that, domination by the Taliban. We could have given them more assistance and training but it’s doubtful it would have helped because again, we’re dealing with fundamentalist Muslims who don’t really WANT to be free! Islam means “Submission” and many of it’s adherents wouldn’t know what to do with the freedoms we enjoy. Wait, actually they do learn very quickly! When they show up on our shores to kill us they very much enjoy bars, drinking and drugs, strip clubs, pornography and prostitutes – sooo…. that whole “Muslim piety” thing may actually be overrated.

    Once again, you obfuscate… your statement, “Don’t try to lecture me on who has fought and died for me Ralph. They were GI’s; NOT civilian weekend vigilantes with a complex.” was WRONG and had nothing to do with who gained freedom, rather that it must have been GI’s who provided it. Clearly it was not GI’s at that time, was it? Later in history it was the American GI who became the face of freedom around the world, but NOT at the founding of this nation, when this great experiment in self government and liberty all began.

    Your fear and fascination over legally owned full-auto weaponry is ignorant and misplaced. These firearms are not a problem in the general population, but illegal full-auto weapons (as in the State Senator Leland Yee, DEMOCRAT, SF case) could present an extreme threat to society in the hands of vicious gangbangers. Legally owned full-auto firearms are so rarely used in the commission of a crime it is a statistical zero.

    Sure, they’re fun to shoot, they’re a kick and a hoot. But not too many guys I know are willing to burn up a thousand rounds on a range day, it’s just too expensive. Although many might want to have those two extra options on the fire selector switch (three round burst and full auto) most war fighters would tell you that the full-auto option is only used in the event you are presented with a linear string of targets or for suppressing fire. A single well placed round is far more effective than the full auto “spray and pray” volley of fire from an AK wildly waving around in the air. If you ever see any actual combat footage you will note that most of the fire from our combatants is in semi-auto mode, one trigger pull – one round… ON TARGET! Besides, firing an M-4 or M-16 in full auto for any length of time will overheat the barrel fairly quickly. That’s what the SAW (M-249 Squad Automatic Weapon) is for.

    The single most lethal fighter on the ground in the battle space is not the Marine or Infantryman with an M-16 or a SAW… it’s the Sniper, who does not carry a fully automatic weapon but rather fires from distance, in cover, with an extremely accurate bolt-action or semi-automatic rifle and almost always hits what he’s aiming at… “One shot – one kill”.

    Still sucks to be you.

  49. rock4tahoe says - Posted: April 2, 2014

    Ralph. So. If a Democrat facilitates an arms sale they are bad but, if a Republican President, Reagan, and Secretary of State, Weinberger, sell arms, missiles and anthrax to Shiite, Sunnis and Pashtuns, “its complicated” AND, it still is the Democrats’ fault for trying to enforce laws. That’s cute Ralph.

    As you said, The utter rank, acrid stench of conservative hypocrisy is simply overwhelming here.

    Suck on that for a while.

  50. Ralph Cramden says - Posted: April 2, 2014


    Seriously, you cannot be that much of a simpleton, can you? Are you really going to equate the attempt by State Senator Leleand Yee, DEMOCRAT, SF to sell FULL-AUTO ASSAULT RIFLES and RPGs to Chinese gangs with the sale of weapons to sovereign states who, at least at the time, are our allies? C’mon… man!

    Every administration engages in arm sales regardless of Democrat or Republican. According to this piece from The Boston Globe:

    “The Obama administration is making an aggressive push to help US weapons manufacturers sell more arms overseas, including lobbying foreign leaders to purchase warships, aircraft, and missiles, and relaxing some controls on the transfer of military components, according to administration and industry officials.

    Since 2009, when President Obama took office, the United States has led a surge in global arms deals, accounting for nearly a third of the roughly $30 billion in weapons transfers completed last year, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

    Its share was up from a little more than a quarter of the global market four years ago, according to the Swedish group, which has tallied arms sales worldwide since 1966.”

    Obama is the biggest arms dealer in recent memory, and I don’t have a problem with that, it helps bolster our NATO allies and makes for good jobs here at home. I just wish he’d find a way to send a few to the Ukraine, instead of supplying them with just MREs.

    Does that bother you?

    Apparently, still sucks to be you.

  51. Ralph Cramden says - Posted: April 2, 2014

    And just FYI, I WAS NOT in favor of Clinton and Bernie Schwartz (from Loral) transferring Top Secret missile guidance and space technology to the Communist Chinese… what is it with Democrats and the Chinese, anyway? Wait, I know… it usually has something to do with campaign contributions, right?

    Yes, still sucks to be you.

  52. rock4tahoe says - Posted: April 2, 2014

    Hey Ralph. Yeah, we all know you are against Democrats and for Republicans regarding arm sales. Blah, blah, blah, wah wah wah! There’s no crying in baseball!

    Write me when Governor Brown pardons Yee or President Obama sends more Anthrax to Iraq. Until then…

    The only “sucking” is the drain on the band width from your useless keyboard dribble.

  53. Ralph Cramden says - Posted: April 3, 2014

    Not only are you a simpleton, you’re not so good at reading, huh? I said I didn’t have any problem with Obama being the leading arms dealer in recent memory. Have to love the irony, though, the great Nobel Peace Prize winner, who never actually did anything, is the biggest arms dealer in the world! Doesn’t that fry your little liberal brain?

    If you’re going to carry on in your futile efforts you should at least be aware of a couple things:

    1) You’re pretty much always going to be wrong
    2) It won’t be that that difficult to prove it
    3) Lying never wins you the argument, it just makes you look like a cheater.
    4) If and when you and I match wits, you’re always going to need more wits.

    “Now, run away or I’ll taunt you again”. (Couldn’t resist another Monty Python line.)

    Always sucks to be you.

  54. admin says - Posted: April 3, 2014

    Comments are going off. Two grown men who tell each it “sucks to be you” is beyond childish. Grow up guys.

    LTN staff