K’s Kitchen: Sweet drink on a hot day

By Kathryn Reed

With the weather being so warm in Tahoe, it is time for summer drinks.

Often after a hike or snowshoe a beer sounds good. On Sunday, Sue surprised me with something she calls Rejuvenation. I’m not sure that it rejuvenated me, but I was feeling better by the time I was done with it.

Sue has been on this rum kick where she is trying new concoctions. She definitely is the one who likes sweeter drinks. The version of this for herself calls for more pineapple juice.

Like most sweet drinks it should be sipped instead of gulped so it doesn’t go to your head too fast. And if you are imbibing in a hot tub, drink slowly and get out slowly.

The nice thing about a drink like this is that the proportions can be changed to cater to individual tastes.

I can see this becoming a regular drink as the days keep getting warmer.

sue drinkRejuvenation

2 shots rum

½ C club soda

1½ shots pineapple juice

2 shots sweet and sour

Splash Grenadine

Pour all the ingredients over ice in a tumbler glass. Stir. Straw and umbrella are optional.