Letter: Hidden lies hurting Meyers future


To the community,

“Honest baby, it was just once. It meant nothing, I promise.”

If you’ve never heard this before, thank your lucky stars. But if you have, you recognize a whopper when you hear it.

Via email, I received a copy of the third round of a grant, a grant that our county supervisor signed on Feb. 26, for $1,150,000, the very day she was punching her fists in the air proclaiming, “The Catalyst is Dead.” This grant basically throws Meyers under the bus. It reads something like this: Meyers will be the pilot community for the Sustainable Mobility Plan, the prototype for communities around the lake and around the world! Meyers is the “donor community” and apparently, we are all on board for this.


Boy, do I have issues with this. First, how could something be “sustainable” if our tax dollars are paying for it? Second, I’m getting a little sick of these meetings with half truths and almost honest answers.

Seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars of this grant goes to consultants, the rest to the agencies (TRPA, county, etc.). Consultants were included in the first two rounds of this grant, $850,000 and $950,000, respectfully. Pretty cool gig because consultants can consult indefinitely. Well, until the cause-du-jour runs out of grant money.

This particular cause is bikeable-walkable communities, buildings snuggled together with parking underground, tourist-retail on ground level, low income housing-timeshare-condos on upper floors. There’s your 40- to 50-foot tall buildings, just like the Catalyst. You heard me, the Catalyst is not dead, just renamed.

One of the problems with these sustainable communities is combined zoning. Who would want to live above a breakfast cafe where employees arrive at 4:30am? Who wants to hear doors slamming and car alarms chirping all night? Smelly commercial dumpsters, and of course, signs, street and emergency lights? How about inebriated people wandering around doing naughty things after the bars close at 2am? Commercial, residential, and tourist recreational, thrown together like a tossed salad, really?

This grant, the Incentive Plan (formerly Catalyst) and the TRPA’s Regional Plan update (RPU), all buy into this idea. Maybe everyone went to the same convention. I don’t know, but this is what the TRPA has been spoon feeding the Meyers Community Advisory Council (MCAC) since the beginning. The agencies were specifically dovetailing the Meyers plan to the RPU, calling the RPU our current plan. Well, lying by omission is still a lie. Our current and existing plan is the 1993 Meyers Community Plan.

The original focus of the MCAC was to update that ’93 plan and these good people did not realize they were being manipulated because the ’93 plan was never used for comparison. It still hasn’t. So much is being taken from us, so many huge changes to our community. This is planning for decades ahead, not just a year or two. This isn’t a game, people, this is our future.

The new Meyers plan has problems, it’s not ready, and most of us have never heard of it. How could we be on board? How could our supervisor be proclaiming, “This is your community! You can write you plan!” when the whole deal sounds set in stone? If you are interested in reading this grant, there is a new website which has compiled this and other documents from the agencies. Check it out. And, follow the money, like, how much money did it take to convince the Conservancy to take this bad publicity hit? Selling off sensitive lots for profit, changing sensitive lands to asset lands? I think that the TRPA is in no position to take any more bad press, but for some unknown reason, needs this new Meyers plan to get pushed through, ASAP.

What about this commodities transfer business? Changing residential allocations to commercial ones, changing commercial floor area to tourist accommodation units? Goofy — buy one get five free “incentives for big business”. It’s untouchable for small business. This kind of thing is ripe for corruption and misuse.

We mustn’t overlook the zoning changes. My commercial-light industrial property changed to Town Center. It pretty much wrecked my future, and not just mine. The entire commercial corridor in Meyers was rezoned and none of us was ever told. Are all these aforementioned things connected? All to accommodate one big new project? I am not opposed to growth, in fact, my business thrives on it. But what kind of growth are we really talking about here?

I don’t want to be the prototype for some cockamamie idea that a bunch of grant-gitters made up to make big money fast, and nobody wants another hole-in-the-ground. So, bring your questions and ideas to the next Meyers meeting at the CCC building, 6pm March 19.

Angela Olson, Meyers resident and business owner


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Comments (40)
  1. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Angela Olson, I was afraid this was going to happen, merely change the name of the project in Meyers, make a few changes from the last one and we’re right back where we started.
    Back room deals being made between TRPA, CTC, TTD, the county officials, consultants and developers. The agencies involved will “streamline” the permitting phase to rush things along, zoning will be changed with the stroke of a pen.
    Because these appointed agencies answer to no one they can do whatever they want. They may put a spin on it to placate people but they purposely do not tell the whole truth. Without full disclosure the public is left in the dark as to whats really going on and thats the way they want it.
    The idea of selling out Meyers has been floated around for a long time. If all the people involved in building this thing have their ducks in a row they just may be sucsessful. Lets hope they fail!
    If the people that live in Meyers ,as well as those of us living within the city limits, don’t want this then it shouldn’t be done. Listen to the residents!!!
    Thank You, OLS

  2. CJ McCoy says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    This in no way to run a free country.

  3. CJ McCoy says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Hey, What happened to all the time and money spent on the Tahoe Prosperity Plan?

    Is that dead?

  4. Dogula says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Excellent letter, Angie. Thanks for paying attention, for all of us.
    Our ‘leaders’ do not have our best interests at heart. They only care about themselves.

  5. Toxic Warrior says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Great Job Angie ! You have echoed the feelings of most of us in Meyers ! Enough if Enough !

  6. from over the Hill says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Angie, stand strong and thanks for keeping the Meyers community informed.

    All of this sounds like the happenings some 60 years ago when the developers raped the land and fled the scene.

  7. CJ McCoy says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    This is your government doing this, it is not sixty years ago, it is now and it is your government … using taxpayer money, current money and future money.

    Wake Up

  8. Lou Pierini says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Let’s hope we elect someone who doesn’t follow Norma’s footsteps. Norma should resign now so she can’t do any more damage with her hidden agenda. Her term is up in Nov. or a recall would be a slam dunk.

  9. Marlene@Tahoe says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Study up on Agenda 21. This is being done all over the country. I have attended meetings in other areas. The Names and “Initials” are all of the same blood line.
    The consistent approach is to hold these meetings to satisfy “THEIR” process with “consultants” present but are not allowed to speak, provide no information that is concrete to the taxpaying residents, hand out ‘CD’s with massive local data, that has been gleaned from surveys, reports etc. from public info that has already been paid for by tax dollars, now compiled by these high price consultants using all the appropriate lingo spewed by the Agenda 21 crowd.

    These meetings are done in such a manner to meet “Their” requirements and provide nothing to the population that will be effected. What is provided is overwhelming info, that takes an individual days to pour over ( I have done it) and then there is no one to speak to any of the issues since the meetings have already been held. If you want to send a letter to some nebulous agency or your Congressman that can file it away and again it will never see the light of day!!

    The direction in a nutshell is to get people out of their cars, out of their homes, start using commute hubs, live in stack n pack housing, work/live confabs. Restrict, access to open space in the name of preservation, restrict use of natural resources in the name of sustainability.

    Politicians from the top of the food chain on down to our local police, city councils, and the Many, Many, Many agencies that have been created with tax dollars run by bureaucrats that are unelected and have powers granted to them through legislative backroom deals that do not see the light of day, are determining the snatching of our private property for the ‘common good’.

    All of this is being done under the UN design of Agenda 21. Stand up at these meetings and protest what they are doing and you all should gather as the community that you are and film these meetinGs. Protect yourselves and undersand what is BEING DONE TO US ALL!! WE HAVE TO FIGHT BACK!

  10. Dogula says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Marlene, you’re correct, but let’s see the frothing posts from the leftist crowd REALLY start now. . .
    On the surface, the agenda sounds very progressive and hopey changey. But it’s not about “sustainability”, it’s about redistribution and anti-liberty. It’s all about the collective, and the individual’s rights (the smallest ‘minority’) will be sacrificed to the ‘greater good’. Collateral damage.

  11. Bob says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Great article. Thanks for bringing in a lot of the specifics. Isn’t it amazing how these developments work- bring in the consultants and pay them lots of money so they can tell you what you want to hear or not depending on what side you are on. The consultants go away (with lots of money) and what do you have- just ask the city about their parking lot.

  12. dumbfounded says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    I would be interested to hear from all the “locals” who were involved with this plan. Where are you now?

  13. hmmm... says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Slimy business.

  14. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Porked the whole South Shore is getting Porked.

    Marriot sized and Marriot looking bldgs.

    that’s what the RPU is all about.

    the people making the decisions don’t have to live in these bldgs. there the Privileged!

    just like the TRPA television commercial with the old Lady and her house on the shore of the Lake ( I’m so privileged to live here)

  15. go figure says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Funny how dogula was all over the new development on the west shore even postulating that locals would most certainly be hired to do the work. Now the dog is all over leaving meyers alone (NIMBY) because its all an evil plot to destroy the beautiful town of meyers. Its just interesting how easily people flip flop based on their personal special interests. If meyers wants to stay stuck in their rut, so be it. Most people coming and going dont bother to stop in meyers because why? There isnt much there to stop for.

  16. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Sustainable Mobility Plan, Incentive Plan. What a crock!!! I know Kae doesn’t allow swearing here on LTN, but man, have I got some choice words for the folks who are trying to push this scam onto the people of Meyers and So. Shore.
    Angela Olson, John Adamski and to everyone else who reads this, DON’T LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS!!!
    I haven’t lived here all these years to watch my home town become victim of a land grab by a bunch of out of town investors, speculators, developers, consultants and crooked government officials and the agencies with ties to all of the above who could care less about Tahoe and the people that live here!
    If you have vacation homes on your street, and who doesn’t, let those folks know what’s going on. Encourage our out of town homeowners to speak out. Sure, they can’t vote here BUT they pay taxes here! They may be part timers but I still consider them friends and neighbors. Spread the word, meeting tomorrow at the CCC building in Meyers at 6 to 8 pm. Strength in numbers! Old Long Skiis

  17. Dogula says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Gofigure, pay attention: I have no problem with a company developing a project with its own money. That’s capitalism. I have a problem with a half dozen government agencies taking OUR money and making decisions about how a community will be developed and who will be allowed to make money doing it. THAT is fascism.

  18. cosa pescado says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    According to the definition of fascism and historical context, it actually isn’t fascism.
    You should limit your vocabulary to words you understand.

    Marlene is obvious a Glen Beck following mouth breather. That agenda 21 hype is tea party BS, plain and simple.

  19. J&B says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Thank you Angie and John for raising attention to what’s really at stake here. Great letters!

  20. Arod says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Very suspicious timeline here; Feb 26 MACA meeting, Feb 28 Round 3 Application for grant from Strategic Growth Council, March 12 Lake Tahoe Sustainable Community Plan in Action Proposal Summary Statement reads “Meyers is ready to use its area plan funded by SGC”. Was Santiago lying when she said we can write any language we want into the plan? Looks like they are moving forward without our input as Meyers residents.
    You right wing nuts should keep your wacky conspiracy fairy tales to yourselves. Stop clouding the issue.

  21. CJ McCoy says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    This is not how the economy works in a free country.

  22. Mitch Forster says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    I have to agree that the TRPA is trying to take over our cool little small Meyers area in a very deceptive way. Maybe if they really told the truth, almost no one here would like their plan for us. I love this place and have enjoyed living here for 13 years and in Tahoe for 24 years. People that have lived here for a long time seem to think that the TRPA and the CTC have changed their goals and increased their control since the TRPA started their new Regional Plan. I think that they are at the very least following the United Nations Agenda 21 plan. If you compare the website of ICLEI, which is the organization that the United Nations uses to implement their plans, with the TRPA website for Meyers plan (TMPO), you will see that they are almost identical. ICLEI TMPO . If you would like to learn what the United Nations plan is, Visit the web site Democrats Against Agenda 21 Also, here is a seminar given by Rosa Cory explaining it all
    Does this sound like this what is happening here in Meyers? Rosa Cory is available for help and she does do speaking engagements and will attend public meetings on behalf of the citizens. She lives in the Bay area and her contact information is on her website Democrats Against Agenda 21. She speaks all over the world and has helped many communities from being taken over by outsiders.

  23. go figure says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Thanks Cosa, im so over the life according to dog nimby whine.

  24. go figure says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Gee dog, I hope you dont utilize any public services like roads, water, sewer, etc. All of these services are provided with tax funding and are for the greater good of a community. Of course that means there is a human element called the government and at all levels of society it exists to make sure things generally work. If you hate the government so much why are you still here in the USA? I mean you can move to Somolia or some underdeveloped country and do whatever the heck you want. I bet its real nice over there. I sometimes wish that the crystal ball could show the haters of all things how this basin would look if it wernt for the agencies or organizations that have been in place to help keep Tahoe from being ruined by the private sector. If there is money to make then to hell with conservation. Money, money, money, more, more, more.

  25. Dogula says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Fish & gofigure, you’re both off topic. Your irrational hatred for me is detracting from the point of Angie’s fine letter.
    The fact is, your elected AND appointed officials are screwing the town of Meyers using taxpayer funds and they need to be stopped.

  26. cosa pescado says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    It isn’t about you, it is about the ideas you promote. Which are what is actually irrational most of the time.
    On the topic of actual irrational hatred, why don’t you tell us your opinions on Islam.

  27. J&B says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Please stop the insults so Kae doesn’t have to turn off the comments. This is an important issue for Meyers and the community needs to be aware and be able to share views.

  28. J says - Posted: March 19, 2014

    Cosa, my guess is his views on Islam are similar to your views on Christianity. also if agenda 21 is “hype” then why do Democrats need a website condemning it?

  29. CJ McCoy says - Posted: March 19, 2014

    Progressive Liberal Government gone amuck.

    South Lake Tahoe is a poster child for America’s failure.

  30. CJ McCoy says - Posted: March 19, 2014

    You people should find better leaders. You really must be getting tired of this type of economic approach…

    This is not how it works in a free country.

    You should check out what is going on in Bend, the place is thriving.

    A tale of Two Ski Towns … South Lake vs. Bend…. you lose.

    What did you expect?

    You people think government is the solution…

    Hey, fishy, did I spell everything correctly?

  31. John Adamski says - Posted: March 19, 2014

    Meyers Meeting TONITE ( Wed ) 6Pm – CCC building – 1949 Apache Ave, So Lake Tahoe !!

    If you are a Meyers Resident or Business owner – BE THERE PLEASE ! This may be your last chance to voice YOUR OPINION of the New Draft Meyers Plan.

    We have information on our new website

    And we’re happy to take feedback and answer questions through our email at

    People – This is YOUR Meyers ………. Be There Please !

  32. sunriser2 says - Posted: March 19, 2014

    I have been telling people not to feed the green pigs for years.

    These people are to the environment what banana republic dictators are to hunger relief.

  33. go figure says - Posted: March 19, 2014

    You all will get what you get, hope you can live with it…

  34. Buck says - Posted: March 19, 2014

    They will shove it down you throats Meyers. Just like the city did paid parking. They will not listen. The vote of the people is the only way to stop this craposis.

  35. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 20, 2014

    Blah blah blah. James G Watt, US Secretary of the Interior under Reagan, made $400,000 for making a phone call to HUD on behalf of developers wanting $6 million in governent subsidies for a “project” back in the 80’s. So, the anti gubment crowd can stop with the alligator tears already.

    What is your vision of Meyers Angela, if you have one? And, how would you make that vision a reality?

  36. Dogula says - Posted: March 21, 2014

    What Mr. Watt did back in the 80’s has no bearing on what’s going on here. It was wrong then, and it’s wrong now. Do we continue to countenance corruption now, just because it was done 30 years ago? NO. I’m tired of that argument. “Bush did it!” Wah!
    Why does any one person need to have a “vision” for Meyers? Maybe if property owners are allowed to decide for themselves how best to use their properties, we’ll ALL be better off. Why should somebody else know what’s best for YOU?

  37. go figure says - Posted: March 21, 2014

    Hummmm, it seems if all property owners were allowed to do whatever the hell they saw fit on their property than there would be ten story houses all going up so they can see the mountains over their neighbors 9 story house, etc… there are some rules that are for the greater good. The first thing that was mentioned in one of these articles was to limit the height of buildings. So I guess dog is not in favor of the limitations listed from the meeting? Go figure…

  38. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 21, 2014

    Dog. Didn’t you read Angela’s opinion? She sarcastically claims the “grants are a pretty good gig” and tries to hint of some impropriety. I challenge her opinions. Grants have been used before we were even a country. I mention Watt because he didn’t have to fill out a grant application or hire on any help; he just pocketed the $400 grand for his development consulting project.

    In your opinion no vision is necessary, just let property owner do what is best? Sure Dog. So. I want to build a hog farm, pot farm, brewery, a casino and a brothel four stories high painted pink at the corner of 50 and 89. And the Meyers CC&R fans on this blog would NOT have a problem with that?

    It’s called “planning” Dog, and it has been around for thousands of years.

  39. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 21, 2014

    And what in the world does CJ care about any of this? He lives in Oregon; no Meyers.

  40. Dogula says - Posted: March 21, 2014

    Sorry, Guys, I believe in private property rights. Apparently you do not. We’ll have to agree to disagree.