Letter: Meyers community needs to come together


To the community,

Meyers has a rich history behind what you see today. But in some ways it really hasn’t changed much.

Jim Wilson, land developer, began developing Meyers – then called Tahoe Paradise – in the 1950s. He traveled the world in search for the right recreational ideas for this new development. Wilson called Tahoe Paradise the Gateway to the South Shore. Wilson’s concept of a recreational location for sharing the magic of the outdoors around Tahoe Paradise wasn’t much different than the “vision” of Meyers’ folks today.

Long gone are the days when I worked at Fay and Lee Anderson’s Shell Gas Station putting on chains in winter and pumping gas, working as a car mechanic at Meyers Automotive, and playing real estate at Comstock Properties, Mountain Harbor Realty and Yank’s Realty. Somewhere back then I bought my first powerful stereo set from Joe Tveten.

Two years ago the Meyers community met in search of a “community vision”. It was apparent most Meyers, Tahoe Paradise, and Christmas Valley locals were not against carefully thought-out and responsible development in Meyers.

Meyers needs a combination of tasteful architectural development, parks and bike paths, and local job and revenue producing businesses. This should happen gradually.

The Meyers community has a new challenge. It appears we have outside corporate consultants-developers teamed up with TRPA and sustainability entities making their own plans for our community. These so called “sustainability entities” are largely comprised of TRPA staff, county planning agencies and corporate development consulting firms.

TRPA’s new agenda is to “sustain themselves” by joining forces with corporate developers/consultants for large scale commercial development within the basin.

This newly conceived partnership will produce revenue and development fees that will offset TRPA’s huge administration staffing and overhead.

The California Tahoe Conservancy has followed TRPA’s role change with a complete reversal of their original intent to protect Tahoe with their new revenue generating “Asset Land Sales Program”.

Agency incentivized large scale commercial development is devastating to Lake Tahoe’s air and water quality, and Tahoe residents’ quality of living.

If TRPA and CTC’s original intended missions are accomplished they should downsize or shut down.

Our local El Dorado County Supervisor Norma Santiago apologized for her involvement with One Globe Corporation and the “Catalyst Program” concept plan.

This misrepresentation of interest to her constituency did not set well with locals.

Some of us believe Supervisor Santiago may have a conflict of interest when she sits on multiple boards including the TRPA, the Tahoe Conservancy, the Sustainability Collaborative, and the county supervisors board.

These agencies and sustainability entities (TRPA, CTC, TMPO, LTSCP ) are additionally and separately funded with grant funds from the California Strategic Growth Council with our tax dollars. This additional grant funding seems to serve these agencies to work against us.

This SGC program’s original intent was to improve air and water quality, and promote a variety of other programs for the benefit of communities.

Our local fed, state and county agencies and the sustainable entities appear to be mainly focusing on only one of the SGC program aspects  — commercial development — for self-sustainment and profits.

They have recently reapplied to the SGC for additional grant funding in the approximate amount of $995,000 stating, “The community of Meyers in El Dorado County in the South Shore of Lake Tahoe is the first community that is ready to use its Area Plan, funded by SGC.”

This Meyers Plan is not ready to use. We’re not done.

Making matters worse is our MCAC or Meyers Community Advisory Council representation has been very poor at best.

Most Meyers residents had never even heard of this council until recently when some of us brought this new Meyers Area Plan draft to their attention last month.

This Meyers Community Advisory Council literally hid in opposite corners of the room in the recent TRPA facilitated MCAC-community meeting on Feb. 26.

The MCAC did not make a single effort to speak or represent their community at their own meeting.

The Meyers community needs to take charge of its own planning.

Our primary focus should be on these four points in the draft plan:

(1) Height restrictions of new commercial buildings

(2) Density of commercial development units per acre

(3) Land use and zoning – partially to protect businesses we already have

(4) Limited corporate development — approved by a “legitimate” local committee

(5) Incentive giveaway of CFA floor space

Meyers community, you must voice your opinions now.

The next community meeting is again at the California Conservation Corps. building, 1949 Apache Ave, March 19, 6-8pm.

We can do this together as the Meyers community.

Respectfully yours,

John Adamski, Meyers resident


About author

This article was written by admin


Comments (11)
  1. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: March 17, 2014

    Mr. Adamski, You hit the nail on the head(bad pun, but I couldn’t help myself). The TRPA has greatly deviated from their original intent. It used to be all about limited growth, protecting the lake and preserving Lake Tahoe for future generations. Recently it’s become more about rubber stamping large developments to the highest bidder. The TRPA are the new darlings of outside developers/consultants and construction companys salivating over making a quick buck.
    The environment and local’s wishes be damned!!! At least that’s the rally cry I hear from TRPA these days. Fox guarding the hen house if you ask me.
    I’m glad the good people of Meyers stopped the “Catalyst project” before it steam rolled into Tahoe Paradise.
    Eyes and ears open folks, big money and APPOINTED agencies have the power of eminent domain, unwanted developement and higher taxes for us all.
    Take care and be aware, OLS

  2. Lou Pierini says - Posted: March 17, 2014

    John, Thanks for all the information and getting involved. By the way Norma was supported by the Sierra Club wonder if they still support her.

  3. go figure says - Posted: March 17, 2014

    No, they dont…

  4. J&B says - Posted: March 17, 2014

    Well said John, you are right, we are NOT done with our plan and we were promised by Norma that we would get to decide on OUR community’s plan. That SCS grant application appears to say otherwise, doesn’t it?

    Grant documents are posted on

  5. from over the Hill says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    If the Sierra Club is involved, look out.
    They carry a VERY BIG STICK and usually get their way.

    Meyers, stand strong and watch the ones at the head of the table very closely. They do not have the interest in Meyers that you may think.

  6. John Adamski says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Thank you all for your support and interest !

    The Sierra Club has nothing to do with this particular community action.

    Please visit our new website for information as it develops ….

    We’re attempting to give Meyers residents/business owners the right to do their own planning – not what’s being dictated by corrupt local government agencies.

  7. Kody says - Posted: March 18, 2014

    Time to stop wasting time with pot shots on who’s helping us out. Although thanking them would make more sense.
    We should instead be asking why Meyers has to fight off the agency plans in the first place?

    Let’s ask about these grants tomorrow.

  8. John Adamski says - Posted: March 19, 2014

    Meyers Meeting TONITE ( Wed ) 6Pm – CCC building – 1949 Apache Ave, So Lake Tahoe !!

    If you are a Meyers Resident or Business owner – BE THERE PLEASE ! This may be your last chance to voice YOUR OPINION of the New Draft Meyers Plan.

    We have information on our new website

    And we’re happy to take feedback and answer questions through our email at

    People – This is YOUR Meyers ………. Be There Please !

  9. John Adamski says - Posted: March 19, 2014

    When I asked for a membership list for the Tahoe Sustainability Collaborative – I was REFUSED !

    This is OUR California State grant funded group that is supposed to be transparently working with local stakeholders and councils for OUR community plan development ?

    Gee …… do ya think they want to operate in stealth mode or what ?

  10. Kenny Curtzwiler says - Posted: March 19, 2014

    Here is the link to their website and list of members
    This is their profile on LinkedIn
    Private group. To request membership, click Join and your request will be reviewed by the group manager.

    The Lake Tahoe Sustainability Collaborative was launched in May of 2012 in response to a need for a citizen-based body to align environmental, community, and economic health for the Tahoe-Truckee region. This Collaborative Model provides an opportunity for individual stakeholders from multiple sectors to participate in planning, designing, and accelerating the implementation of sustainability initiatives.

  11. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 20, 2014

    Um John, Define development and “tasteful architectural development.” Do two (2) major highways qualify as “tasteful development?” Lumber yard? Lira’s Market? Gas Stations? Boarded up buildings? Little Norway? Golf Courses? Junk (storage) yards? Does the Upper Truckee River turned into a drainage ditch qualify as “tasteful?”

    Are these nostalgic Jim Wilson “developments” something that need to be left alone, updated or demolished? Are you willing to put up the funds to hire architects and “developers” that agree with your ideas?

    Did anyone at Caltrans ask Meyers about the work that was done on Highway 50 last year or two? The new walls before frog pond? How about that avalanche control building they built? What if somebody doesn’t think that building was “tastefully” done or the color is ugly?

    And why aren’t people furious over the “development” at Sierra at Tahoe? I don’t think they asked Meyers residence about building heights, quad lifts, people movers and the like?

    What about the colors of that new Bob Dogs Pizza joint? Is everyone in Meyers happy about that?

    Perhaps, Meyers is just better off stuck in the 1950’s and just needs to be left alone as it is.