Letter: S. Tahoe Chamber supports fireworks

Publisher’s note: The following letter was sent to Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority Executive Director Carol Chaplin on March 26. It is reprinted with permission.

Dear Ms. Chaplin:

I am writing on behalf of the South Tahoe Chamber of Commerce, its board of directors and membership. As you know, the South Tahoe Chamber represents many smaller family-owned businesses within the city and South Shore. The chamber supports economic growth for all segments of the South Shore economy.

The South Tahoe Chamber of Commerce wants to go on the record regarding the following:

1. Supporting the celebration of our nation’s independence on July 4;

2. Supporting traditional fireworks celebration as sponsored by the LTVA;

3. Encouraging, advocating and supporting a re-energized and intensive lake and adjacent shoreline cleanup effort to ensure that after the event is over the Lake and shoreline areas are clear of debris and rubbish; and

4. Examine the feasibility for future years of alternative light display options such as laser light shows as used at many entertainment parks across the country.

The traditional July 4 event is an important expression of our nation’s independence, and it is an important economic opportunity for the South Shore. I believe that the existing regional and environmental regulatory agencies have demonstrated their commitment to lake clarity and provide appropriate oversight for this event as you documented in your Jan. 18, 2014, letter to the Lake Tahoe News.


George Alm, president South Tahoe Chamber of Commerce