Letter: Yes on Measure L makes sense

To the community,

Once I popped a bubble filled with carbon dioxide from dry ice and it was very cool! That was at the Tahoe library’s summer program. I love the library. I am home schooled and we get about 75 percent of my books from the library system’s six branches. If there is a book that is in another library, you can get it. I have “The Red Badge of Courage” loaned from Placerville.

All sorts of people use the library for different purposes. I go there almost weekly, and there are reading programs and writing programs. I’ve seen friends studying and little kids playing with dinosaurs and blocks. All nine of the computers seem to be in use most of the time. Teens can go there for education, for a safe place to go after school and even do homework on borrowed laptops.

Measure L is for continued funding of the South Lake Tahoe library. Vote “yes” on Measure L on the June 3 ballot. It is $20 year. Your taxes will not go up. You will pay what you have been paying for 12 years.

Unless it passes with a two-thirds majority, we do not keep all of the things that we have now. We will have fewer programs, and school kids won’t be able to go there most afternoons because the hours might be cut to two days a week. If I could vote, then I would vote for the library. We need your vote for Measure Library.


Jessie Brown, South Lake Tahoe (14 years old)