Nev. may regulate elk, deer antler collection

 Elk with trophy antlers. The Nevada Department of Wildlife is looking at regulating the growing practice of collecting the trophies to protect the state’s deer and elk populations. (Tim Torell/Nevada Department of Wildlife)

Nevada Department of Wildlife is looking to regulate collecting the trophies to protect deer and elk populations. Photo/Tim Torell/Nevada Department of Wildlife

By Sean Whaley, Las Vegas Review-Journal

CARSON CITY — There’s gold in them thar antlers, and as a result, the Nevada Department of Wildlife is looking at regulating the growing practice of “shed hunting” to protect the state’s deer and elk populations.

Deer and elk shed their antlers every winter and collecting them has become a lucrative pastime for some and an outdoor recreational activity for others.

The antlers are used in a variety of ways, including as chandeliers, furniture or other decorative items.

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