Red state residents pay fewer taxes than blue states


By Reid Wilson, Washington Post

The average American family pays nearly $7,000 in state and local taxes in a given year, but the actual amounts vary wildly. A Californian who lives on the western side of Lake Tahoe pays almost three times more in state taxes than their neighbor on the Nevada side of the lake. Someone living in Portland pays more than twice as much as a neighbor living across the Columbia River in Vancouver, Wash.

That’s according to a study by WalletHub, a publication of Evolution Finance, which found residents in blue states pay much more than residents of red states. The company used a typical American family making a median income and living in a median home to weigh average relative tax bills.

Wyoming residents pay the lowest state and local taxes, an average of $2,365 per year, the study found. Residents of Alaska and Nevada pay less than half the average tax rate.

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Comments (10)
  1. CJ McCoy says - Posted: March 26, 2014

    The gap will grow.

    The red states should never bail out the blue states.

  2. Atomic says - Posted: March 26, 2014

    State taxation is a complex topic that cannot be simplified down to Red and Blue State parameters.

    There is only one truth: CJ McCoy is wrong about everything.

  3. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: March 26, 2014

    If California pays more in taxes to the federal government than it receives $s back, then the rest of the country is mooching off of California.

  4. RP Sakamoto says - Posted: March 26, 2014

    Are you kidding? Perhaps you should check your facts.
    Right now, blue states are bailing out the red states on a Federal level.
    The following states receive MORE money from the Federal government than they pay in taxes: Alaska, West Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama, Montana, Idaho, South Dakota, Kentucky, Virginia and South Carolina. Only one blue state, New Mexico, is in this group. These proudly red states are already receiving Federal “state welfare” as they loudly complain about how bad the federal government is.
    A little too hypocritical for my taste.

  5. Hmmm... says - Posted: March 26, 2014

    CJ…do you really want civil war in this country?

  6. CJ McCoy says - Posted: March 26, 2014

    No, do you?

    Do you think other people should pay your “ruling class” (aka government employees) outrageous retirement programs?

  7. TeaTotal says - Posted: March 26, 2014

    CJ McCoy-I know who you are Chuck-nobody wanted to hear your BS at the bar at the Y when you lived here-you hate liberals because they are too smart to fall for your two bit scams-you have no facts and obviously never even read the articles-thanks for leaving town even though you owed everybody money-it was worth it

  8. cosa pescado says - Posted: March 26, 2014

    Oh snap! A run-away debtor. I thought he left because of the liberals and communists.

  9. kelley says - Posted: March 27, 2014

    I hope all the red state folk are firefighters, paramedics, builders, and any other kind of emergency personnel that are needed when the next natural disaster or terror attack hits your state. Cuz you sure wouldnt want any gvmnt handouts or have to pay any taxes to help support these emergency programs. Nope, wouldnt want that. Idiots…

  10. Biggerpicture says - Posted: March 27, 2014

    CJ, you seem to fail to understand what this means, which is that RED (conservative) states take MORE federal money then they pay in than do blue (liberal) states.

    In other words we liberal states like California are on less of a government dole than your beloved conservative states, which blows your whole argument out of the water that we as a nation are being screwed by progressive thinking and actions! Looks like the conservatives are actually closet “MORE” government folks.