Brush with Kindness looking for homes, volunteers
Are you a homeowner or do you know a homeowner who needs a little help with the exterior of he home? Are you unable to do it yourself or pay someone else to do it for you? Do you need exterior paint, minor exterior repairs, or basic landscaping or yard clean up? If so, A Brush with Kindness may be the solution for you.
A Brush with Kindness is a program of El Dorado County Habitat for Humanity that helps low-income homeowners by offering exterior home improvements. Volunteer teams work to improve the condition of homes by painting, landscaping, and performing minor exterior repairs at minimal cost to homeowners who are unable to complete these repairs. Able-bodied homeowners are encouraged to work alongside the volunteers in a cooperative effort.
Applications need to be completed as soon possible in order to be considered for this year. Applications may be obtained by contacting Carolyn at 530.541.4654 or Bonnie at 530.577-7762 or email
To volunteer to help on a project, contact Pam at 530.545.3388 or
A meeting for volunteers will be May 20 at 7pm at the Hope Lutheran Church, 930 Julie Lane in South Lake Tahoe to learn more about the program.