Calif. moves to boost water saving toilets, faucets
By Rory Carroll, Reuters
With California facing its worst drought in a century, state officials have fast-tracked first-in-the-nation water efficiency standards for new toilets, urinals and faucets, an action expected to save about 8.2 billion gallons of water the first year while cutting energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.
The draft standards, released late last week, would prohibit the sale of appliances in California that do not meet proposed standards, which are expected to go into effect in 2016.
The standards would require that toilets use no more than 1.28 gallons per flush instead of the current limit of 1.6 gallons per flush.
They would limit urinals to a half a gallon of water per flush, half of what is currently allowed.
Lavatory faucets would have a maximum water use level of 1.5 gallons per minute under the proposed standards, down from the current limit of 2.2 gallons per minute.
I’m all for conserving but really dislike anything related to government telling me I have to. This stinking government is trying to get it’s dirty, corrupt hands into all of our lives.
So everybody will have to flush twice, and use even MORE water. . .
So let’s see where we stand – the government tells us what type of toilets, faucets, dishwashers, sinks, refrigerators, washing machines, furnaces, light bulbs, and stoves to use. The government dictates what types of cars to drive. The government is now in the healthcare business, and they just love that control over your life. You need a photo ID to do anything in this country, except VOTE!
The government is absolutely out of control.
Before you know it, The government will tell us when we can go, and when we cant,Hold on, Its not going to be, if you have to go, go ,its going to be, not yet, you can go when we say you can go,lol
I want to be a faucet cop. Need early retirement.
Has anyone witnessed the Mexican toilet truck on the Nevada side?
A tractor trailer rig shows up at the end of summer and all the contractors line up to buy the full flow fixtures they ordered from Mexico.
They install the cheapest low flow garbage they can find. After the building inspector signs off they send the low flow junk straight to the land fill.
Who would have ever thought you could make a living smuggling toilets?
AB- don’t forget light bulbs
And the reason your dishwasher doesn’t get your dishes clean is because they took the phosphates out of the detergent. So now you have to wash them before you put them in, AND use an expensive ‘rinse agent’ too. A tiny bit of tsp and you don’t have to do any of that.
You are all a bunch of loosers and dont deserve to have the comfy lives you have. Thats my opinion. Maybe if you all visited somalia or sudan or syria you would be thankful to have a cup of water a day for EVERYTHING. Conserving water and consuming less might just be a privledge and unfortunatly there are so many gluttonish people that might not be willing to do the right thing so uncle sam has to give guidance. What a bunch of pigs…
Conserving water is a worthy goal. But the regulations are purely political in nature and not tested.
My low flow toilet needs to be flushed between five and seven times for any serious business (you know what I mean). Any less and it clogs and even with repeated flushing it stops up about once a month. I suspect that it uses more water than the old high flow ones. These low flow devices need to be tested in the real world before being required.
The motto at our house is: flush early and often.
Thanks to some of you anti-gub’mint yokels for finally admitting just how full of sh (it) you are. You know who you are. Awesome!
@sunriser – We remodeled our home last year. I smuggled in three (3) high intensity water use toilets from Canada. Building department signed off on the low flow junk, we pulled them all, and off to the dump they went.
What was hilarious was that the building departments now require you to have light switches with motion detectors on them which turn off automatically. The only problem is, the lights in any given room turn off when there’s no motion for a few minutes! So again, got the sign off, pulled the switches, and went with nice Lutron’s from Nevada, non-California compliant!
Nah, we ain’t ‘full of ****’ as you accuse, Hmmm. ‘Cause if we were, we wouldn’t have anything to flush.
Now YOU, on the other hand, apparently have no issue in that department, so I can only assume you are, shall I say, retentive?
There ya go assuming again.
As long as the City keeps planting miles of turf the regulation lovers should leave me alone.
I fail to see how my low flow toilet helps people around the world.
Reminds me of the old”clean your plate kids are starving in India.”
Water conserving toilets do work really well. You just need to know the brands and models that work well. I have a 0.8gpf toilet called the Stealth and it works perfectly. The new 1.2 gpf standard is 50% more than my 0.8 gpf toilet. I just received a new toilet that is a dual flush, 0.5 gpf for liquid or 0.9 gpf. The government must intervene because most people are not well informed and do not know how to save themselves money or how to protect the earth.
Providing water and removing your sewage does cost money and use energy.
This summer you will see how low Lake Tahoe gets and you will read stories about how the farmers fields are dieing and you will see the increased cost of food.
We have a 1.2 gallon per flush Kohler that has never clogged. We have had it for about 3yrs and we have had several foster kids one of whom liked to flush stuffed animals and one of our own son’s friends uses roughly a half roll of tp per sitting and it has never had a problem and never needs a double flush. Once again the same group of haters of everything is spouting anti government hate at every opportunity, even when they have no idea what they are saying. Face the facts California has more people than ever and less water, do any of you haters have another solution?
Mary ellen, the haters never have solutions, they only like pointing fingers and spewing hatred. Id like to flush them down wher their kind lerks.
I did a remodel and replaced all the toilets with low flow, paid for the goods ones and to tell you the truth they work better than the ones I had, very happy with them.
Yes, the expensive low-flows work pretty well. The cheap ones do not. If you’re wealthy enough to afford the good ones, great.
I just think it’s absurd how rigorously the government places new and more expensive regulations on the people, at the same time taxing us and giving money from productive citizens to the takers.
Do the “haters” (really?? really??) ever have a solution? Sure. Lots of solutions. For one, I’d start building some more reservoirs on all that government owned land. Put it to use. But you “lovers” have fought every attempt to build a new reservoir since the 1970s. So much easier to restrict people from living the way the want to live.
Dogula I’m sorry my comments that I purchased good toilets made you feel like only the wealthy can afford them and you had to attack that comment. I hope you can have a better day now, by the way if you do your homework the good ones are not much more expensive.
Dog. The makers versus takers argument over toilets flushing and water use… during a drought? LOL! You do realize that most of the “takers” as you call them are kids, old folks, Veterans, people with grave illness or injuries right? You continue to bad mouth every possible group you can YET you still stay firmly in America under the umbrella of American economics, government, justice and civility… why?
Besause dog has no ethics or credability, or so she spews…
All the takers are kids, old folks, veterans, people with grave illness or injuries? You’re sure about that huh? Funny, I see an awful lot of young, healthy, able bodied men and women using SNAP cards, welfare, Section 8, etc, etc. See it all the time.
Yeah, you can slander me, say I have no ethics or credibility (at least I can spell it) but you don’t know me or anything about me. All you do is call me names because it makes you feel superior. Enjoy yourself.
Funny how Cons-either Rethuglicans or Libturdarians-claim to love America but are constantly griping about both the government and the majority of Americans. Maybe they should all move to TexASS and start their own little country, elect Cliven Bundy as their president. That way they can exercise their freedom by keeping blacks, browns, yellows, reds, liberals, educated people, artists and anyone else that doesn’t fit their definition of ‘Merika out(or use ’em fer target practice). Of course, he will have to change his name to POL POT. YeeHAWWW!
Hey Dog- We may not know you, but based on the body of your comments we can get a pretty good snapshot of the kind of person you are. For example, you don’t want people snooping into your business or looking over your shoulder, but you can tell where that credit card looking thing is loaded from…you see it all the time. BTW what is the difference between what a snap card, a welfare card, a section eight card, a etc.etc. card all look like? I honestly don’t know. How can you tell the difference? Why are YOU so busy looking over peoples shoulders? Are you a physician that you can judge what healthy and able-bodied is-or are you making assumptions? Your prejudices are showing…soon you’re going to start that high pitched whining you are famous for-oh wait-you just did 2 posts ago.
Dog. Your observations are not “Scientific” or random sampling techniques. Four percent(4%) of Americans use welfare/food stamps, Forty One percent (41%) are working poor and Thirty Nine percent (39%) are White.
Yeah,dog, spell check is a tough app to use. I try to use as little time as possible responding to bla bla bla… my spelling might suffer, but its trivial to bigotry and hatred spewed by flat earth society ilk.