Editorial: Orcas would pay the price if SeaWorld show banned
Publisher’s note: This editorial from the April 8, 2014, Sacramento Bee.
It would be a shame if there were no more Shamu shows – and not just for humans.
If the animal advocacy groups supporting proposed legislation to ban orcas in captivity have their way, orca shows at SeaWorld would be shut down permanently. But don’t believe that it will be a “Free Willy” ending; a ban could do real harm to the very animals it seeks to protect.
Assembly Bill 2140 by Assemblyman Richard Bloom, D-Santa Monica, would amend the California Fish and Game Code to prohibit orcas from being used for entertainment purposes and from breeding in captivity. Only one place in California has orca shows and breeds them – SeaWorld in San Diego.
This is bad legislation for a number or reasons, beginning with the fact that the state Legislature isn’t the body that ought to be deciding if marine mammals should be held in captivity.
Puff piece. I recommend reading the entire article and watching the referenced documentary(Blackfish) before you comment.
Clearly a PR piece from someone on SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc. payroll.
Step 1: Stop breeding Killer Whales in captivity, then you can argue whether the existing orcas can be used in shows, as they live out their days.
Orca are only one of many marine mammals which include walruses, dolphins, otter, whales, polar bears, manatee, sea lions, porpoises, seals, etc.
If the logic behind this restriction for Orca is valid then it should be expanded to include all marine mammals.
“We believe that people leave the park … caring more about the environment and oceans and animals that live there than before they came,” Reilly said
Um…..right……OR they leave the park with the belief reinforced that the worlds great creatures are here to suit the whims of humans; that they are worthy of our capture, imprisonment in an unnatural environment, abuse, and exploitation; all so that humans can pay ridiculous sums of money to be “entertained”.
We already have plenty of places to view whales, dolphins, and other forms of sea life….they’re called oceans.