Letter: Heavenly works hard at Bread & Broth

To the community,

Heavenly Mountain Resort’s product sales and services team members had a very busy night serving the 98 guests who attended Bread & Broth’s dinner April 14.

The hard working volunteers representing the PSS team were Paul Hopkins, director; Kelly Carmichael, manager; James Mitchell, assistant manager, Jimi Herbst, manager; and Jolena Hearn, greeter/host manager.

“It is always a joy to work with the crew at Bread & Broth,” said Paul Hopkins. He and his fellow Heavenly crew members have all previously volunteered at B&B dinners and their experience and helpfulness also makes them favorites with the B&B volunteers.

Bread & Broth applauds Heavenly Mountain Resort and its employees for their generous contributions of time and money to our Adopt A Day of Nourishment program and the less fortunate.

“This is a great opportunity to give back to the community in which we live,” said Jimi Herbs.

You can tell by the smiles, thanks and appreciative words of our dinner guests, that they too are very thankful that Heavenly Mountain Resorts and its employees are so involved and committed to helping their community.

For more B&B information, go online or find us on Facebook.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth