Letter: Library enriches South Lake Tahoe


To the community,

I came to South Lake Tahoe in 2008 and while house hunting I stopped in to look over our South Lake Tahoe Public Library. I told my husband I had to see what the library looked like. I would not make a final decision on moving here unless I saw that there was a suitable library to sustain my love of reading and researching.

Once I moved here I quickly became involved in the community and now serve in many capacities that involve the use of our library. I am a child advocate of El Dorado County and have brought my children from foster care to the library for programs and library materials. With my joining the friends, I worked to restart an adult book club, have served on the board, conducted a grant supported summer art program, and now lead the World Explorers Pen Pal Club. Through these programs I have seen young children, parents, grandparents, community citizens from all walks of life thoroughly enjoy and learn from library resources and programs.

My present work with teens in the Juvenile Treatment Center has led me to search out young adult books throughout the library system for possible recommendation for our book club. The friends have supported book purchases and possible grants for funding. As part of the friends, I have organized a group of givers for World Book Night, now in our second year. On April 23, we will be giving away books all over the city. These programs, provided at our library, serve all ages in our community in so many ways besides the books on the shelves. Please support Measure L to keep our library open as a vehicle for providing for so many of our community needs.

Lynne Brosch, South Lake Tahoe

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Comments (5)
  1. Denise says - Posted: April 14, 2014

    Lynne speaks for me, as well. I owned my South Lake Tahoe Library card before I moved to town.

    I cannot even begin to list all the benefits I have received from this free, public institution.

    I have heard of past times when, due to a lack of funding, the library was only open two days a week. I can’t even imagine the void those closed hours had on our community.

    I will vote yes on Measure L. I hope all SLT voters do as well.

  2. Rich Fischer says - Posted: April 14, 2014

    Thanks, Lynne. South LakeTahoe’s public library is one of the treasures we should all work to preserve. Communities should be measured by the positive institutions and social organizations that provide the “glue” to hold them together, and our library contributes a great deal to that social cohesion.
    Visit the library any afternoon that it’s open and you’ll appreciate the healthy cross section of our town, all engaging in valuable, positive activity, supported by a helpful and dedicated staff.
    When we vote yes on Measure L we’ll simply be voting to continue an assessment we”re already paying, which equates to less than $2.00 per month.

  3. LAURA says - Posted: April 14, 2014

    Since Neighbors closed, we have had no large book store in town. Our library is the only source of a great variety of reading materials and community activity. Our community deserves to have this “treasure” remain open and viable for all, and as many hours as can be allowed. Whatever you do on election day, do elect to say YES to Measure L, the Library measure.

  4. Diana Hamilton says - Posted: April 14, 2014

    It seems like everyone has computers & Internet at home so traditional libraries may not be necessary, but it’s just not true!

    Books, even best sellers, & electronic resources are available with free, professional guidance at the public library.

    The library is the community link to the world for many of us, young or old, poor or wealthy, fortunate to live here for years or just visiting. It is our other treasure, along with Lake Tahoe.

  5. Common Sense says - Posted: April 14, 2014

    I miss Neighbors. That place was great. It would be very sad to also lose the library.