Letter: Truxlers should be applauded

To the community,

Now that the smoke has cleared on the fireworks show, it’s time to tip my hat and raise a glass to the Truxlers. They have helped open our eyes to see that the South Shore of Lake Tahoe is an epicenter of ecological hypocrisy. It’s said we love the lake, but don’t anyone do a thing that messes with the flow of greenbacks that fill South Shore pockets regardless of the harm an event could do or will do to the lake ad basin.

Bill Crawford

Bill Crawford

Especially pitiful is the verbal assault launched against the Truxlers because they exercised their lawful right to file a lawsuit to address what they believed needed to be remedied, the blight on the shoreline caused by the fireworks show. Many comments, such as Councilman Tom Davis’, were down right threatening. He said that the Truxlers had better withdraw their lawsuit. It sounded like an or else. Or else what? And that was the tone echoed by many who commented on the subject. You had better get out of Dodge if you don’t like what’s going on here.

It appears that too many in town would damn freedom’s bell if the lawsuit had continued. Well, the hot heads can simmer down. There will be a 4th of July fireworks show. And it would be right on that day for all of the church bells to ring loud and clear at an appointed hour to remind all of us why we celebrate on the 4th of July. Let freedom ring. We need to hear liberty’s bell now and forever.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe

PS: I am reminded by what happened to the Truxlers that Henrik Ibsen wrote a play “An Enemy of the People” that dealt with a similar situation in a resort town in Norway. The play should be performed here by the college. It would be a dose of good medicine for a town that needs it.