Then and now: Al Tahoe Market

Al Tahoe Market Photo/Lake Tahoe Historical Society

Al Tahoe Market
Photo/Lake Tahoe Historical Society

This building fronting Highway 50 and Harrison Avenue in Al Tahoe was owned by Frank Globin from the 1920s. It included a gas station, grocery store, bar and restaurant, and a U.S. Post Office.

It also featured hotel rooms upstairs.

The building today. Photo/Bill Kingman

The building today. Photo/Bill Kingman

A fire in the spring of 1956 destroyed most of the building, but surviving today is its historic south end with the classic stone chimney, steep roof, and a basement (unique in Tahoe).

It has housed Rojo’s Tavern since the mid-1970s. Previously, it was named Felix’s.

— Bill Kingman