Brown wants Calif. to be in front of climate change


By Jennifer Medinamay, New York Times

LOS ANGELES — Portraying California as the front line of climate change, Gov. Jerry Brown said Monday that the effects of man-made global warming were devastating the state, drawing a direct link between climate change and both the record-setting drought that has left the state parched and the early-season wildfires that broke out across California last week. He declared that people must find a way “to live with nature, not collide with it.”

Saying that California was at the “epicenter” of the impact of climate change, Brown said that states and nations in general were “not on a sustainable path” when it came to global warming and the harsh weather patterns and other problems it brings.

“We have to adapt because the climate is changing,” Brown said in a speech to scientists gathered in Sacramento for a conference on the drought’s impact on state agriculture. “Now there’s no doubt that the evidence has been strong for quite a while, and it is getting even stronger.”

Brown has made battling climate change one of the centerpieces of his tenure, traveling as far as China to marshal support for efforts to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. He has pressed for continued enforcement of the state’s cap-and-trade program — which places limits on emissions from major polluters — despite some critics’ calls to scale back amid the weak economy. And he has repeatedly criticized Congress for not doing enough to take action.

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Comments (35)
  1. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: May 23, 2014

    He declared that people must find a way “to live with nature, not collide with it.”

    How about realizing MAN is quite ignorant and insignificant and should leave nature alone. We are simply on an earth cycle of change.
    Yes, man has contributed to warming….the poster child for this is the Orient. They could not care less about it’s people OR the planet. The more natural disaters there the better off the planet will be.

  2. Kit Carson says - Posted: May 23, 2014

    Yeah, why not be in the front of climate change. Calif. is on the front of most every ban for every reason. Ban this ban that….. now he wants to ban climate change. Cali is the most laughable state in (what used to be) America.

  3. Hikerchick says - Posted: May 23, 2014

    Again, Tahoe seems to attract the very best thinkers. Who needs the National Academy of Sciences when we have all the brain power here at the lake?

  4. go figure says - Posted: May 23, 2014

    Yeah kit, you know if there is some where/some country better, why arent you there. im guessing your shallow mind only got you as far as oregon…

  5. Hmmm... says - Posted: May 23, 2014

    @go figure….I think he’s afraid that if he went any farther he’d fall off the edge of the planet.

  6. Kit Carson says - Posted: May 23, 2014

    Calif. is what it is. Keep your heads in the sand if you want but if you ever come up for air….it will still be the most pathetic state. Your blinders won’t change it. You don’t have to agree with me…I’m not asking you to nor do I care.

  7. cosa pescado says - Posted: May 23, 2014

    Another account for this paid shill?

  8. BitterClinger says - Posted: May 24, 2014

    Let’s start cutting emissions where we get the biggest bang for the buck.

    Urbanization is the #1 contributor of pollution. The average city dweller uses 80%+ more energy than their counterparts in rural areas. Further, the urban heat island effect directly influences weather patterns.

    #2 is travel, specifically air travel. People need to forego air travel. Not only does air travel contribute greatly to emissions, it dumps those emissions into the upper levels of the atmosphere. You MUST sacrifice air travel is you’re serious about Global Warming.

    Now Mr. Global Warming himself, Barack Obama, just took his 1,000th trip aboard Air Force One last week. The Obama Regime needs to lead by example. In fact, it is estimated that Obama’s carbon footprint is approximately 41,000 tons of CO2 per annum. The average citizen has a carbon footprint of 38,000 pounds per annum.

    Obama maintains his status of having the largest carbon usage footprint of any person in history. Obama’s energy consumption just for his travel and that of his family is enormous.

    As America celebrated Earth Day last month, Obama marked the occasion by emitting about 15 times more carbon – in one trip – than the average American releases in an entire year.

    He began the day with a cross-country flight from the nation’s capital to Washington State. That trip sent out an estimated 568,032 pounds of carbon into the atmosphere.

    It’s time we demand the Obama Regime cease their carbon output, or face the facts that the only science considered in Global Warming is nothing but science fiction.

  9. Marlene@Tahoe says - Posted: May 24, 2014

    The only place ‘moonbeam’should be infront of is his low-speed bullit train!! So sad that people around the world have had the real culpret POLLUTION rolled into a narrative created by the likes of algore and twisted into a multigenerational geo-political scheme funded by the UN, a highly corrupt entity, and furthered by our own educational system that is funded by tax dollars – Follow the money it is always attached to a broken sewer line when the gov. is involved.

  10. TeaTotal says - Posted: May 24, 2014

    The real battle intelligent citizens face re: climate change is with the willfully ignorant-teabag people that get their misinformation from wingnut talk radio and web sites-giving up an unsustainable fossil fuel based lifestyle scares them-they don’t care about the future generations

  11. Hikerchick says - Posted: May 24, 2014

    Well stated Tea Total. I wonder if some of the bitter and vitriolic posters on this site blame Obama for their state of mind or if he is just the current target of their anger.

  12. Know Bears says - Posted: May 24, 2014

    Gaspen Aspen: If I had a way to say this to you privately, I would do so. That last statement of yours is one of the most offensive I have ever read on this site.

    Your words: “Yes, man has contributed to warming….the poster child for this is the Orient. They could not care less about it’s people OR the planet. The more natural disaters there the better off the planet will be.”

    Seriously? You’d like to see numbers of a particular race of people reduced by multiple natural disasters? And this because you see them as the primary contributors to global warming? Please acquaint yourself with the facts about global warming and the people of Asia before you comment on either again.

  13. Know Bears says - Posted: May 24, 2014

    Now, about the subject at hand….

    Jerry Brown is first and foremost a politician who is seeking re-election this year. The fact that I agree with him about global warming notwithstanding, he’ll say pretty much whatever it takes to retain office.

    With this in mind, I can’t help but notice his failure to take on the issue of fracking in California. My best guess is that he recognizes the peril posed by this practice, but that he doesn’t want to anger the utility companies by fighting it. I find that disappointing and inconsistent. But then, I did just point out that he’s a politician……

  14. cosa pescado says - Posted: May 24, 2014

    Bitter Clinger plagiarized large portions of that comment. Typical intellectually dishonest behavior from deniers.

    Criticizing politicians doesn’t change the science.

    I can’t believe people still fall for that petition.

    “The real battle intelligent citizens face re: *everything* is with the willfully ignorant”
    I agree. Furthermore, ignorant people enable large scale stupidity.

  15. Hikerchick says - Posted: May 24, 2014

    Good comment Bear. A big survey that was just completed shows that the energy reserves are much smaller than previously thought. This could change the whole future of fracking in California. I hope so.

  16. reloman says - Posted: May 24, 2014

    Jerry Brown is correct “The real Battle Intelligent citizens is going to get developing countries, in Asia, India and the Americas to convert their industries and vehicles to something with smog controls. Most of these countries have no or very little controls. They are more worried about getting their people feed, than global warming, which is very understanding. The US quite abit of pollution controls but even if we got ours down to zero it would not stop global warming because we have zero control over these other countries.

  17. A.B. says - Posted: May 24, 2014

    Another day, another B.S. article about Global Warming. I think I am going to get into the renewable energy business or into the carbon credit scam. These global warming alarmists are so sold on this false narrative that I think I can make a fortune off of them

  18. cosa pescado says - Posted: May 24, 2014

    Ah, another plagiarizing denier chimes in.
    Define climate.

  19. go figure says - Posted: May 24, 2014

    Hey cosa, if you look back on most of AB (CJ, KITCARSON) all his posts say the same thing. He isnt smart enough to mix it up and he thinks he can fool the climate change believers. I think not as he cant even come up with any original thinking about these blog topics. Its so funny its almost sad, well not really.

  20. rock4tahoe says - Posted: May 26, 2014

    Bitter. Again, we get that you hate President Obama and Air Force One. Did you know there are about 30,000 commercial air flights per day? Oh, but you don’t really care about that do you.

    Your comments are just a distraction. 52% of daily greenhouse emissions come from Power Generation and Industry, 28% is from transportation with 90% of that coming from cars, trucks and shipping. 10% is from Agriculture and 10% from homes and businesses.

    America emits 17% of the planets CO2 with only 4.4% of the planets population. China emits 26% of the planets CO2 with 19% of the planets population.

  21. rock4tahoe says - Posted: May 26, 2014

    Marlene. Your link of 31,072 Scientists has been exposed as a hoax:
    a. Of the 31,072 only about 9,000 have Ph.Ds in actual “Sciences” including Astronomy, Ichthyology, Economics and Astrology.
    b. Of the 31,072 only 39 have (alleged) qualifications in Climatology.
    c. Dr. Craig D. Idso worked for Peabody Energy.
    d. Patrick Michaels agrees that global temperatures are rising but has failed at every climate prediction model he has published
    e. When Stephen Hawking says that Climate Change is one of the greatest threats to face humans, we should listen.

  22. reloman says - Posted: May 26, 2014

    rock, i think bitter is trying to say is that the president should be leading by example by doing less air travel instead of more. i am sure every little bit would help. interesting idea that is being tested is solar roadways, though they would have to figure a way to bring the cost down and make it last longer. this would solve many problems with global warming and energy.
    Rock you must agree that the us is making great strides in reducing our use of oil, whereas china is increasing it with less controls on emmissions.

  23. cosa pescado says - Posted: May 26, 2014

    China is (slowly) changing and getting better, so that is becoming a less powerful card to play in the climate change discussion. Bringing up China is usually part of a deflection tactic anyway.
    The whole ‘but Obama does x y z’ is a red herring and does not deserve any attention. Children use that tactic: ‘you can’t tell me to not drink soda because you drink soda’.

  24. reloman says - Posted: May 26, 2014

    if we want the US to be leaders in this debate, leadership starts from the top. Your logic is flawed, Our president must lead by deed as well as word, otherwise his word is empty, do as iI say not as I do is a lousy agreement as well as childish. To say that china is slowly can’t tell me that have more stringent requirements on emissions than the US. What about Mexico, Brazil, India or any of the other developing countries. There is no way you can discount any of these countries when talking about global warming. Define Climate.

  25. cosa pescado says - Posted: May 26, 2014

    You are talking about politicians here…. this makes your argument even more childish. His job requires that he travel, and a lot of other people have to travel with him because it is impossible for one person do handle so many things.
    Am I really having to explain this to an adult?

    Forget it, you aren’t worth educating. Long story short: the world is complicated. I don’t care if Jimmy doesn’t eat broccoli, eat your gd broccoli. Grow up.

    I already defined climate, apparently I was the only person who could. Which is sad.

  26. reloman says - Posted: May 26, 2014

    yes he does on have to travel but most of his traveling seems to be more about photo ops. A good many of these trips are unnessesary. Do you really need to be explained to that many people look up to the president and would follow his example if he took the lead. I understand you feel the need to defend him in every instance but come on grow up. This is an area that he could easily take the lead on and encourage other to follow his lead. BTW your examples are childish. how about I dont care if i drink and drive son dont you do it. Please, dont you understand people are looking for leadership. if we dont find it we are DOOMED. I have yet to find any of your comments to be educational, rather you seem to enjoy putting people down, as you believe that you are smarter than everyone else.!

  27. A.B. says - Posted: May 27, 2014

    Sorry Fish, but your statement completely proves the point that Bitter Clinger made.

    If our elected officials act in a “do as I say, not as I do” manner, they are nothing more than elitists and we have lost control of the country. They must lead by example, period. If they fail to do so, then the entire manmade Global Warming narrative is nothing but a pile of excrement.

  28. orale says - Posted: May 27, 2014

    Being a head of state requires developing relationships with other heads of state. You can’t do that over the phone. It requires in person meetings.

  29. Hmmm... says - Posted: May 27, 2014

    This is a ridiculous conversation. Orale you summed it up in a succinct, adult manner. Flat-earthers are throwing this stuff out to obscure their greed and their unwillingness to effect behavioral changes in their lifestyle or thought process. The are emotional children. Why do we even engage them?

  30. reloman says - Posted: May 27, 2014

    agreed Orale they do indeed, that being said he can certainly look at the amount of travel he does. A good majority of his travels is not for heads of state but for photo ops that do very little. Hmmm says, nice calling people flat earthers just because they believe that our leaders should set examples. Question for you, in what way have you reduced your carbon footprint, do you have geothermal heating and cooling, solar panels, wind mills, electric car. speaking of which i am really hoping the solar roadway idea is feasable and if so gets traction. Look it up pretty cool.

  31. Hmmm... says - Posted: May 27, 2014

    @”reloman says”-I call people flat-earthers when they consistently ignore science. I do the best that I can to use less in every way that I can. I will look up the solar roadway.

  32. orale says - Posted: May 27, 2014

    Reloman – got stats to back up your claims?

  33. cosa pescado says - Posted: May 27, 2014

    “Being a head of state requires developing relationships with other heads of state. You can’t do that over the phone. It requires in person meetings.”

    Thank you.

    ” A good majority of his travels is not for heads of state but for photo ops that do very little.”

    You have nothing to back that up.

    “I understand you feel the need to defend him in every instance but come on grow up.”

    Do I? Accusing me of things I don’t do, and attacking me for it, is a straw man. Logical fallacies are bad. Stop using them.

    ” nice calling people flat earthers just because they believe that our leaders should set examples”
    A new logical fallacy that is related to the one above. That is how children argue.

    Our leaders should set examples. No one is saying they shouldn’t. But being a world leader is complicated. Sarah Palin promoting abstinence only education exclusively, and having a pregnant teenager would fit in your ‘not being an example’ criticism. Sarah Palin being a governor doesn’t change the exposure her daughter has to becoming pregnant.
    Any persons carbon emissions as president is not an example because their carbon emissions increase drastically when they are president. This would apply to any large scale public figure.

    Get it?

    Solar roadways are in no way better than putting put small scale solar installation on top of any large building. Imagine every WalMart, Costco, freight warehouse, having solar panels.
    And you don’t have to shut down a road to install or fix them, or develop any new technology.

  34. cosa pescado says - Posted: May 27, 2014

    AB: Please explain your frequent plagiarism and why anyone should take someone who is so intellectually dishonest (and lazy) seriously.

  35. rock4tahoe says - Posted: May 28, 2014

    Relo. Comments regarding CO2 emitted from Air Force One are not about setting examples but trying to point political fingers. Do you really expect the President of the United States to walk to Afghanistan to meet the troops? A single jumbo jet emits 20 Tons of CO2 (average) on a 500 mile trip; do we tell people NOT to fly jumbo jets? NASA has put about 42,000 Tons of CO2 into the atmosphere over the past three decades from launching missions into space; do we stop space flight as well?

    An automobile puts out about 6 Tons of CO2 per year (average) and President Obama has already increased CAFE standards to 54.5mpg by 2025. This does more then set an example, it actually will reduce carbon released from the transportation sector.