EDC supe candidates try to sway voters

Candidates for El Dorado County District 5 seat are Angela Swanson, from left, Teresa Piper, Sue Novasel, Gerri Grego, Kevin Brown and Kenny Curtzwiler. Photo/LTN
By Kathryn Reed
MEYERS – Few specifics and little substance came out of the first candidates’ forum on the South Shore for El Dorado County District 5 supervisor.
While economic vitality and the need for jobs that pay more than minimum wage were themes echoed throughout the night, the details of how to make that a reality were lacking from the six candidates.
What specific companies might make the difference were not mentioned – not even the genre – other than perhaps Internet based. And like so many discussions on this topic, what wasn’t addressed is why aren’t the companies with high paying jobs already here.
The Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce and Tahoe Regional Young Professionals sponsored the May 6 event at the California Conservation Corps.
Some of the questions were directed to all of the candidates, while others were to specific individuals. The audience had a chance to submit questions as well. The questions that could not be asked and answered within the two hours will be given to the candidates, with responses posted on TRYP’s website.
Gerri Grego was asked for an example of how she would stimulate job growth.
Her response – Fewer government regulations. She is worried about an increase in recreation jobs because they don’t pay well. She would like the area to focus on what she calls the “silver tsunami” – or the aging population – as a sector that will need care and therefore jobs specific to cater to that group.
Angela Swanson was asked how she would balance economic vitality with a healthy environment.
Her response – She said the economy and environment are inseparable. She pointed to the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency’s Regional Plan as the answer – that good science will make all the difference.
Teresa Piper was asked how she would give Meyers a voice.
Her response – She said it’s not just Meyers that feels disenfranchised, but every community east of Placerville does. She said with the East Slope having water and recreation that support the West Slope, it’s time the West Slope gives something back. She would like that something to be jobs; Internet based specifically.
Kevin Brown was asked how he would fit in with others.
His response – He is an advocate of partnerships, finding solutions together. He would like to establish a county newsletter to reach people. And he wants advisors throughout the district to give a voice to more people.
Sue Novasel was asked how she would engage constituents of all ages.
Her response – She would also like to establish an online newsletter so it reached people who get their info via their computer or smart phone and don’t necessarily go to meetings. She said it’s important to be involved with all sectors of the district.
Kenny Curtzwiler was asked how he would hold agencies, businesses and individuals accountable.
His response – He said it’s time for residents to take over and make sure everything agencies have talked about is implemented, and for the agencies to take a back seat.
The public’s questions were more specific and concise. One was about what the candidates would do about mental health.
Grego – She said the biggest problem is getting services to the people who need it.
Piper – First responders need more training.
Brown – Hold people’s feet to the fire and figure out the real reason for the continual turnover in Child Protective Services.
Novasel – There needs to better coordination between first responders and service providers.
Curtzwiler – Too much of the time people are reactive instead of proactive.
Swanson – The culture in Placerville needs to change, it’s dysfunctional, especially with 11 human resource directors in the last nine years.
They all agreed not much could be done about Red Hawk money being spent on the West Slope and that the Indian casino is an economic knife in the South Shore’s back.
They also agree the Meyers Area Plan should be slowed down. Swanson proposed Meyers create a community service district so then they would have more of a say as well as more elected oversight. Curtzwiler said the decision should be made when there is a new supervisor later this year.
Another question was about how best to represent the county as a whole when on other boards like TRPA and the California Tahoe Conservancy.
Brown said he would likely appoint a representative to TRPA like Placer County does. He also pointed out how the three Nevada representatives live outside the Lake Tahoe Basin.
The others said being on those other boards is critical because they are Tahoe centric.
They were asked how they would decide if a project that comes before TRPA is good for Tahoe.
Swanson – Projects will have to meet community plan area guidelines, and most will be rebuilds, not new development.
Curtzwiler – Cities and the county should be making those decisions, not TRPA.
Grego – High-rises are not needed, but instead be sensible and considerate projects. She pointed out that it’s not up to board members what projects come before them.
Brown – There are regulations in place that have to be met. It’s a team approach, not one person’s decision on a project.
Novasel – Local representation is important on boards.
Piper – Look to see if it fits an area and don’t base decisions on personal choice.
The election is June 3. To win outright, a candidate must receive 50 percent plus one vote. Otherwise the top two vote getters will head to a November runoff.
Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe is hosting a supervisor forum on May 14 from 11:30am-1:30pm. For reservations, email soroptimistslt@gmail.com by May 12. Cost of the lunch at Harrah’s Lake Tahoe is $10.
Disappointing. Brown doesn’t even know TRPA board members are determined by the compact and not him? Grego wants to help the aging as economic growth? Huh? Piper suggests the internet, yeah that’s new. Curtzwiler at least understands more than those other three. Overall, no ideas and little substance among those four.
Swanson’s suggestion for Meyers to create a community service district is actually a smart idea and should be acted on. Novasel’s effort to represent Tahoe would probably gain traction in PVille. Swanson and Novasel , one or the other, skip the rest.
I concur. Either Swanson or Novasel, and forget the rest.
I support good high paying jobs…we need a news letter so people can be better informed…I support accountability…I believe in local control…I’m in favor of high tech jobs…I would only vote for development that makes sense…no, vote for me instead, because I would only support sensible development…I believe in getting services to the people who need them…I support coordination and cooperation…I’m in favor of projects that meet the needs of the community…I believe in being proactive instead of reactive…I believe in accountability and cooperation…I support good paying jobs…my goodness, this sounds a bunch small minded glad handers. Is there anybody with an original idea or any kind of vision with substance in this group?
I would like to simply clarify that I had the BI-STATE compact printed out, have done my research, and confirmed with the TRPA that I am correct. I do not support negative campaigning or attacks on ANY candidate. So for those of you who feel the same way thank you. Who you vote for and support is your choice and that I respect. False information I do not. See Below from the TRPA website, and Compact.
“Six members, who are locally elected officials or their designees, represent the units of local government.” “THEIR DESIGNEES”
The governing body of the agency
shall be constituted as follows:
(1) California delegation:
(A) One member appointed by each of the county boards of supervisors of the counties of El Dorado and Placer and one member appointed by the city council of the
city of South Lake Tahoe. Any such member may be a member of the county board of supervisors or city council, respectively, and shall reside in the territorial jurisdiction of the governmental body making the appointment.
The Appointment comes from the “County Board Of Supervisors”. I will not get in a back and forth argument with anyone. I do understand and have read and confirmed my statements. When my supporters make misleading and incorrect statements I correct them as well. I used Confirmed Facts to make my statement. I strongly believe the person who I Appoint to the TRPA be not only from the Basin but extremely dedicated and qualified, with experience in land use and environmental issues.
I would have asked Grego if she is for growth, why has she fought tooth and nail against the special events at Lakeview commons, specifically the paddle board events (healthy, athletic, family orientated). I’m not talking about the problem ridden concerts. And Curtzwiler, well, just google the latest arrest of Brotherhood members and you will see where his ties are. Even though he has tried to distance himself from it and not wear his patches, his motorcycle shop is still the brotherhood’s shop. As normal for political candidates from our area, no new ideas. I love the lack of response to the mental health question. It is one of our biggest problems and they don’t even realize it. Kenny, Grego and Piper used a canned response, Swanson didn’t even answer it, Brown mentioned CPS, which is not even the same social service and Novasel was at least headed in the right direction. I bet if you asked them, they wouldn’t be able to name one service that mental health provides or how the program works. It was the first to get cut in the 2008 collapse and it is one of the most important. Just look at our current inmate population in our county jail.
My personal vote would be for Swanson. At least she isn’t trying to use this seat for her personal axe to grind against the city. Read some of “skibum’s” articles and you will see why he wants it. It’s not to get some cooperation from the west slope.
Unfortunately, history has shown it makes little difference who sits in these seats and keeps these chairs warm, notwithstanding the actual damage a few can cause. The only noteworthy achievements of Upton and Solaro were to hugely inflate and increase their own salaries. Once embedded, it is almost impossible to wean these overfed bureaucrats from the public trough.
It was pretty disappointing that they were only given one minute to answer questions! In all fairness, the candidates should have been given more time to address such serious issues. I felt they all generally gave it their best shot. I did like Kenny and Kevin’s straight forward and to the point answers. I heard a lot of words being spoken from the others, but felt the questions were never really answered. I did appreciate Swanson saying that geography didn’t matter when choosing a candidate, that we really should focus on having a qualified person in the position, where Novasel seemed hell bent on only having someone from the basin in the position. I would think it would be logical to get someone in there that cares about BOTH sides of the hill. And I like Browns idea of appointing a qualified individual from the basin to serve on TRPA. I spoke to Kenny and Kevin after the event and both were willing to meet in person to discuss issues one on one for longer than ONE minute. I’m sure the other candidates would be wiling to do the same.
There was a huge oversight last night. As the candidates praised the TRPA RPU, and Swanson went so far as to say it brought together the environmental groups (not true), the communities (maybe the Stateline Chamber/resort communities), and so on, they also agreed the Meyers community should have more time and input into our plan and get to decide what we want. BUT IT IS THE TRPA’s RPU THAT IMPOSED THE ZONING CHANGES AND OTHER PROBLEMS ON MEYERS THAT MOST OF MEYERS DIDN’T WANT OR EVEN KNOW ABOUT UNTIL RECENTLY.
This connection was lacking…and as communities are finding out what the RPU means, they are not happy about it. Just look around the Lake. In Meyers, Norma has been completely out of touch with the community and that’s why she is still pushing the plan and its schedule even as so many people are expressing major concerns, including the So. Shore Chamber of Commerce. Look at Kings Beach, Tahoe City, Tahoe Vista, and the South Tahoe Y. All in all, TRPA is completely out of touch with most communities (except those members associated with developers and resort interests), but spends its time putting out press releases that say otherwise. There’s some kind of term for that but I forget – the idea of repeating something over and over, even when it’s not true, to the point people start believing it. If you start thinking you are in a small minority that doesn’t like the RPU, you’re less likely to speak against it, right?
Last night was disappointing. More of the same vague answers and lack of substance from most candidates.
I know that Skibum’s wife had a lengthy employment (and may still have) with Bruce Grego which has made some people wonder why he would run for office against Gerri Grego who is the spouse of Bruce Grego. I’ve heard speculation that it was to split the Meyers vote between him and Sue Novasel and theoretically give Grego an advantage but I couldn’t say that for certain.
If Skibum’s wife continues to work for Bruce Grego it would seem a little odd that he’d run against her employers spouse. Maybe she no longer works for him or perhaps they have a very understanding professional relationship, but it would be nice to have some clarification so that speculation could be put to rest one way or the other.
Any comments Skibum, or from someone who is really in the know?
It’s about time someone woke up to the fact that active seniors could save our community. I know many and they tend to be active members in community service clubs, eat out often supporting our restaurants mid week and during the swing seasons.
Lets face it Tarwater’s promise of tele commuter families moving to south shore to attend the remolded schools is a complete failure. What about all the money the town was going to make from softball tournaments? All we needed was to spend a fortune on new turf and lights.
Time to move on to plan “B”.
All you need to do is look around the ski slopes especially mid week.
Thank you Kevin Brown for clarifying the TRPA board member appointment.
One of my biggest concerns lately is the influence and conflict of interest a Supervisor can create by literally sitting on multiple consiring Governing Agency/Sustainability boards.
We experienced this conflict of interest recently with out current Supervisor and her decisions influenced by TRPA and Corporate Consultants.
I believe Kevin’s decision to employ an appointee to sit on these Agency boards is a smart one because it literally removes him from direct Agency influence and making Agency decisions adverse to his constituency.
Furthermore- it frees up the Supervisor to spend more time working with county residents and real time locals issues.
there are been so sports touraments coming to town this summer a big bball end of this month and a base ball one end of june total teams is about 300 i believe.
We do not need Angela giving the voters any more lectures and talking down to the people. Its time to go home Angela.
JB. The “Meyers Plan” has been around since 1993. Is it the fault of the people actually working on the plan that the “community” didn’t care for 20 years?
I am leaning with Frank’s first post too.