EDC takes corrective action regarding bullied workers

After a scathing report came out about how employees in El Dorado County feel about their workplace, the Board of Supervisors unanimously voted May 13 to direct staff to implement a plan to turn things around.

The survey revealed significant concerns regarding “bullying, harassment, and retaliation.”

Customer service training is planned for county leadership and staff, along with more robust new supervisor orientations and orientations for the seven other elected department head positions, along with building internal awareness regarding policies and procedures, counseling/coaching, and enhancing employee communication.

An Executive Management Advisory Committee will review existing policies, practices, leadership challenges and recommend changes. Leadership criticisms will be addressed and where appropriate misconduct will be investigated, according to the county. The goal is departments that received low satisfaction levels from employees will receive immediate intervention.

There will also be a management audit of the Human Resources and Auditor-Controller’s offices.

Employees will be able to submit specific complaints, using a new Respectful Workplace Form 111.

Tuesday’s vote allocated up to $250,000 to be spent implementing the plan, including hiring neutral third party consultants to conduct investigations, provide training, coaching and internal support.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report