El Dorado County Library among best in state
El Dorado County led the state in 2013 with an estimated 79 percent of families reading to their children on a daily basis, according to Children Now.
El Dorado County Library reaches nearly one in six children, ages birth through 5 annually, offering early literacy programs at all six branches, including outreach to preschools and child care programs throughout the county.
There will be an early literacy celebration May 22 at 10am at the Placerville Library, 345 Fair Lane.
Immediately following the recognition, people may participate in Mother Goose on the Loose story time with our families and “stay and play” at the mobile child development center.
Libraries helping families in our County! Your tax money at work folks.
The stellar hackers can even graduate from hacking the library to being great nsa employees, what an awesome stepping stone.
Your South Lake Tahoe Library is one of the El Dorado County Libraries sharing this wonderful distinction. Please vote YES on Measure L to maintain funding for our very own South Lake Tahoe Library. That way our library can keep the doors open and profit from the great resources of the county system. The Measure L parcel tax benefits only the South Lake Tahoe Library.