Letter: Brown is best candidate for supervisor
To the community,
I met Kevin Brown one day walking out of the Cantina about two months ago.
He greeted me outside suggesting I was the “Mayor of Meyers” as he put it.
Baffled, and never before hearing such a proclamation, I asked him where he got that silly thought. He told me a sheriff’s officer friend of his told him that because my involvement in the Meyers plan.
I wasn’t sure why Kevin would want to talk to me and it wasn’t until after I got in the car that I realized by his card he was a candidate for El Dorado County supervisor.
At that time I was already buried with my own politics in battling the local agencies over the new Meyers Area Plan. I wasn’t sure I wanted to engage another issue.
I met Kevin a few weeks later at Ernie’s Coffeeshop for lunch to hear what he was about. We talked about Tahoe’s local politics and issues and it quickly became evident that this guy was actually intelligent and had done his homework.
• Kevin Brown is already experienced and accomplished with what he has done for his Pollock Pines community. He has served on numerous community boards resolving issues for children, people with disabilities and supporting businesses and economic development.
• He wants to unite our Tahoe communities together for efficient problem solving.
• Kevin wants to ensure our public safety agencies (fire, sheriff, and police departments) are adequately staffed and have the right equipment to serve us.
• He has stated more than once that he wants to fight for us to prosper economically and yet still preserve a rural community environment.
He has already taken some action to assist the Meyers community regarding the new area plan. I’m sure Kevin will be right there fighting for what’s right for the city communities as well regarding the loop road and other issues.
Now then, admittedly I was skeptical that anyone living off the hill might not have “our” Tahoe residents’ best interests on his agenda. But after a second and third meeting with Kevin I realized his intentions were quite the contrary.
I made a point of listening very closely at the first Meyers supervisor candidate forum a few weeks ago. Kevin was clearly the most balanced with his answers to the questions and seemed well informed with Tahoe issues.
He is most likely to remain just removed enough (and not having political ties in Tahoe) to afford locals the most honest representation for a true benefit to our communities.
Kevin Brown’s intention to appoint trusted individuals to the agency boards speaks volumes to me with regards to not allowing himself to be directly influenced by local governing agencies.
To this day – Kevin has never asked me for my vote.
Kevin has a wife of 22 years — Kathy, who works with him at his glass shop business in Placerville. He has three boys and daughter as well.
My judge of character is he’s an intelligent guy that just wants to do the right thing and give back to local communities. He doesn’t come across as a self-motivated political climber.
My intuition has always been pretty darn good – so I’m supporting him and hoping you will too.
Please vote for Kevin Brown for El Dorado County Supervisor June 3.
John Adamski, Meyers
Did he mention anything about lack of transportation to and from Meyers?
I have not personally talked to Kevin although I intend to. But in what I have read, in his statements, and in his history, I totally agree with you and my vote will go to Mr. Brown.
I detest the people that bring up the mantra, “anyone not from Tahoe can’t understand”.
Agreed, someone new can’t understand the local politics, which is a good thing.
I believe those who spout this drivel need to go to a lower altitude or go on oxygen. They have been up here so long that their brains are fouled by excess carbon dioxide.
The fact that most of our supervisors have been ONLY from Tahoe is a large part of the problem. They are too connected locally (my word for this is corrupted) and cannot think their way out of a paper sack.
There is not a local candidate, in my opinion, that has had an original thought with regard to Tahoe, and simply want to feather their nests via the good-ol-boy network.
Good Luck Kevin!
Why would we vote for a visitor to Lake Tahoe..I’ll vote for Geri Grego. a person who cares for our community including the Seniors and Disabled in our community.
This new district has only done more to cut Tahoe off from the west slope, now we have candidates from the west slope trying to represent us. I have nothing bad to say about the candidates from the west slope, I just think our supervisor needs to be from Tahoe.
Full Time- If you really feel that Tahoe has ALWAYS been cut off from the West Slope, then maybe having someone FROM the West Slope, who has a voice IN the West Slope, to bring us together and be a VOICE for TAHOE in the West Slope. Something needs to change. Maybe this is our chance to finally have someone who can get things done in the County Office!
When people make a claim that their Supervisor candidate needs to be from their community (Tahoe, Pollock, etc), it just comes across as selfish and ignorant. By voting for a candidate just because they are from your area, you’re basically saying that you don’t care about anyone else in the district.
The thing that clearly sets Kevin Brown from all the other candidates is that he will treat everyone’s priorities equally, regardless of where they’re from.
NO CANDIDATE has the amount of connections Kevin has in the county, especially on the Supervisor Board. Period. No one can deny it. Kevin personally knows all of the current Supervisors, and has a great relationship with them. If we, as residents of the Tahoe basin, truly want our voices heard in the county, we need to give Kevin our vote.
This may be off topic, but why not sever the ties with Placerville and create Lake Tahoe County with our own board?
Thank you Observer.
As for living here – I too was concerned that someone living off the hill would have issues representing us up here. It took one conversation with Kevin to change that concern.
In reality a few others running in this election seem to have fingers in too many local political pies and are tremendously influenced by certain governing agencies. They seem to be more interested in sitting on the agency boards than fighting to ensure local communities have the choice to decide our own fate.
That’s where Kevin Brown is different. He’s publically stated local communities rights to economically flourish and enjoy life in rural settings comes first over what governing agencies have plans for us.
But along with that – it’s my impression Kevin also wants us to be responsible environmentally.
There’s a whole lot more Kevin Brown has to offer and I’ll bet he answers to any of you who contact him with questions. Here’s his website: http://www.brownforfive.com
Or better yet – Call Kevin yourself and ask him how he’s going to represent you ! (530) 306-4517
“Open you minds Grasshoppers” and look beyond your fear of someone who simply doesn’t reside in the basin.
When people make a claim that their Supervisor candidate needs to be from their community (Tahoe, Pollock, etc), it just comes across as shallow. By voting for a candidate just because they are from your area, you’re basically saying that you don’t care about anyone else in the district.
The thing that clearly sets Kevin Brown apart from all the other candidates is that he will treat everyone’s priorities equally, regardless of where they’re from.
NO CANDIDATE has the amount of connections Kevin has in the county, especially on the Supervisor Board. Period. No one can deny it. Kevin personally knows all of the current Supervisors, and has a great relationship with them. If we, as residents of the Tahoe basin, truly want our voices heard in the county, we need to give Kevin our vote.
I have read all of these comments and I can not believe that a vote would be cast against someone because they are not livining in Tahoe. So what I say would you not vote for a person in congress, a Representive, Presidential canidate because they do not live in your community?
I know Kevin Brown and what he has accomplished in his political career, he is honest, sencere, has all of his constituents in mind just not the West Slope! You want things to get done Kevin Brown is the person to represent you and all of the district he represents.
I am a supporter of Kevin Brown for Supervisor. I have spoken with him at various times and found him to be sincere, thoughtful, willing to listen to others in a responsive manner.
He supports local control of County resources i.e. our tax dollars through the formation of Community Special Districts in Pollock Pines and another one here in the County part of the basin. A special district will give locals a bigger say in how money is spend in the basin. Dollars to be spend on better roads, more family and mental health services. More money for the sheriff.
Look at his incredible list of endorsements and public service activities. He has a proven record of getting things done and serving the public interest in El Dorado County for over 18 years. He will do the same for our part of the district. Pollock Pines which is the other part of District 5 has many of the same issues as we do. Bad roads, double taxation for fire services (while we have the best fire depts. in the state),poor family and mental health services.
He is a man that thinks outside of the box and wants to protect the rural character and environmental health of our two communities while enhancing our economic and cultural opportunities. I hope you will consider him for District 5 Supervisor.
Tuesday is the day people……….
You can stick with the same old stuff – or decide to vote for someone who will take a fresh approach.
That person is Kevin Brown !
I will be voting for Kevin Brown for supervisor on Tuesday. This man is well informed on all things Tahoe and he’s not in this race to line his own pockets. He actually cares about this community that we call home. He’s already working on slowing down or stopping the Meyers community plan to allow more time for public input, be it positve or negative. This guy listens to you and he will be a great supervisor! He has Tahoe’s best interests at heart. Please vote for Kevin Brown on June 3rd. Please remember to vote as there are LOTS of important issues on this ballot. Thank you,OLS
I do not normally answer questions or statements here to anonymous posters but I do know who OLS is. I find it disheartening to see him throw out a blanket statement that suggests the other candidates (of which I am one) is in this to line our pockets. I also find it amusing that he thinks Kevin is the only one trying to stop this process in Meyers where I live. I have been involved and against the new RPU since it has started and have not just jumped on the political bandwagon. There is nothing he or anyone can do at this point, it is up to Norma (who has been very silent during this). The letter that Mr. Jinkins wrote about slowing the plan down I helped write and provided information for him for the correct facts. OLS, please do not spout anymore of your unwarranted accusations, you are above that. Remember to vote on June 3. I did not accept any money from developers as others have and I have not put in 10K from myself either. With the exception of two signs next to Ms. Dylan, my signs are placed legally. Please OLS, think before you print. Thanks Kenny
Kenny Curtzwiler, We just got off the phone abit ago snd I would say if you want a TAHOE LOCAL on the board of supervisors vote for “Ski Bum”, Ken Curtzwiler.
So Here I am voting for Kevin Brown and also endorsing Mr. Curtzwiler. Crazy? Yes!!!
Kevin and Ken are both good guys. I think it will be a horse race come with both of them runnin’ neck and neck at the end. So comin’ down the stretch, will it be Kevin? , will it be Kenny? or is Angela comin’ up round turn four and make a surprise finish? We will find out on Tuesday, Can’t wait , OLS
If Mr. Curtzwiler’s and Old Long Skiis’ are the typical way Tahoe’s long-time old guard have historically done things is there really any wonder why this town has gone to hell in a hand basket? There’s a real stench to this and if there weren’t reasons enough for new people with new ideas this certainly clinches it.
Kevin Brown? Use some common sense, vote for someone local…
when we all voted for Norma it was between her and Dennis Crab.
and you all remember how old Dennis was part of the Lies and Deception group from the City.
this time the only candidate that is not connected to the (good ol boys) or the (good ol girls) is Kenny.
he’s the long shot maybe he will get something done?
maybe he will get chewed up and spit out, but he will be there and representing the locals and what they want.
Anyone who doesn’t recognize Mr. Curtzwiler’s and Old Long Skiis’ remarks as good old boy mentality only needs to substitute the names of Angela Swanson in place of Ken Curtzwiler and Brooke Laine in place of Old Long Skiis. If those remarks were written by those two women everyone would be up in arms about impropriety, but since its two good old local boys that somehow makes it OK.
What about everyone being to be held to the same standard?
Spouse – 4-mer-usmc
I truly believe that Mr Curtzwiler is a wonderful human being and a person who deeply loves this community. But having said that, I’m not so sure he is qualified for this seat.
How many EDC Board meetings has he attended in the last year if ever? How many local voluntary boards has he sat on?
Just by virtue of attending most of the SLT council meetings doesn’t qualify someone for a seat on the EDC Board.
I see Mr Curtzwiler as a more viable candidate when he does a little more homework to prepare himself for the position he is seeking.
Mr. Curtzwiler’s and a few others campaign signs at the corner of Venice and Tahoe Keys next to the STPUD sewer pump are on public property and illegal. Please do not reward these candidates with your vote.
I don’t think some of you who state that “we must vote for someone residing here locally” are thinking rationally. We have had a number of local political representatives sell us down the road after election.
Often it’s the candidate with a fresh new approach to and true experience with economic development and community unification that gets the ball rolling for revitalizing a sluggish environment. It’s not going to come from anyone who is already deeply influenced by local politics or state and local governing agencies.
So in reference to “He or She has to literally live here” – that’s a very narrow minded reasoning for electing a candidate to a position of direct representation for YOU and your community.
This is an “entire County” – encompassing many communities which need to pull together to achieve goals and economic stability as a whole.
After numerous conversations and meetings with Kevin Brown I am convinced he is our best shot at making changes from the same old practices/policies that keep us from accelerating forward to thrive both economically and enjoy our rural lifestyles.
Yes, I am definitely voting for Kevin Brown tomorrow !!
I hope those of you who seem stuck in your opinion that we need to keep doing the “same old thing” – look forward and Vote for Kevin Brown as well !
Kris, that sign at Venice and Keys was placed there by the owner of the property with full permission. That is not public property and STPUD only leases the area where their pump sits. My sign was requested by the owner of the property and was the first one there. I hope where a sign is placed does not prevent you from at least attempting to find out the issues.