Letter: Brown is best candidate for supervisor
To the community,
I met Kevin Brown one day walking out of the Cantina about two months ago.
He greeted me outside suggesting I was the “Mayor of Meyers” as he put it.
Baffled, and never before hearing such a proclamation, I asked him where he got that silly thought. He told me a sheriff’s officer friend of his told him that because my involvement in the Meyers plan.
I wasn’t sure why Kevin would want to talk to me and it wasn’t until after I got in the car that I realized by his card he was a candidate for El Dorado County supervisor.
At that time I was already buried with my own politics in battling the local agencies over the new Meyers Area Plan. I wasn’t sure I wanted to engage another issue.
I met Kevin a few weeks later at Ernie’s Coffeeshop for lunch to hear what he was about. We talked about Tahoe’s local politics and issues and it quickly became evident that this guy was actually intelligent and had done his homework.
• Kevin Brown is already experienced and accomplished with what he has done for his Pollock Pines community. He has served on numerous community boards resolving issues for children, people with disabilities and supporting businesses and economic development.
• He wants to unite our Tahoe communities together for efficient problem solving.
• Kevin wants to ensure our public safety agencies (fire, sheriff, and police departments) are adequately staffed and have the right equipment to serve us.
• He has stated more than once that he wants to fight for us to prosper economically and yet still preserve a rural community environment.
He has already taken some action to assist the Meyers community regarding the new area plan. I’m sure Kevin will be right there fighting for what’s right for the city communities as well regarding the loop road and other issues.
Now then, admittedly I was skeptical that anyone living off the hill might not have “our” Tahoe residents’ best interests on his agenda. But after a second and third meeting with Kevin I realized his intentions were quite the contrary.
I made a point of listening very closely at the first Meyers supervisor candidate forum a few weeks ago. Kevin was clearly the most balanced with his answers to the questions and seemed well informed with Tahoe issues.
He is most likely to remain just removed enough (and not having political ties in Tahoe) to afford locals the most honest representation for a true benefit to our communities.
Kevin Brown’s intention to appoint trusted individuals to the agency boards speaks volumes to me with regards to not allowing himself to be directly influenced by local governing agencies.
To this day – Kevin has never asked me for my vote.
Kevin has a wife of 22 years — Kathy, who works with him at his glass shop business in Placerville. He has three boys and daughter as well.
My judge of character is he’s an intelligent guy that just wants to do the right thing and give back to local communities. He doesn’t come across as a self-motivated political climber.
My intuition has always been pretty darn good – so I’m supporting him and hoping you will too.
Please vote for Kevin Brown for El Dorado County Supervisor June 3.
John Adamski, Meyers