Letter: Libraries open new worlds to readers
To the community,
When I was a little kid, I loved to read. My parents didn’t have money for books, so every Saturday, we went to the library. I left with a huge stack, as many as they would let me take out.
When I was 10, I checked out a Times-Life picture book on the Himalayan mountain range — a world completely alien to my childhood in the Bay Area. That book changed my life: I moved to the mountains of Yosemite, Colorado, Alaska, and finally, Tahoe. (In between, I made it to the Himalaya.)
Thanks to the library, I was shown a world I knew nothing about, but on some level it resonated and shaped my life. I want other kids to have that opportunity.
Funding for the South Lake Tahoe library will soon expire, yet access to information is more important than ever. Reading opens worlds, and for those without resources, the library is crucial. Our local library offers services to those who need them and is a shining light in our community. Not everyone can afford books or a computer, and the library is a lifeline.
Please vote yes on Measure L. For $20 a year, you might just change someone’s life.
Kim Wyatt, Meyers