Letter: Power to the people — yes on L

To the community,

As a homeowner and longtime resident of South Lake Tahoe, the library is important to me because it provides a link to knowledge, and everyone knows knowledge is power: Power over poverty, power over ignorance, and power over circumstance.

To live and work in a community where power is in the hands of only the few would be quite stifling and recalcitrant.

Luckily for all of us, the citizenry of South Lake Tahoe feels otherwise, and votes accordingly. I only hope that the prevailing wind, with an emphasis on technology, will see the broader picture and realize that not all citizens have access to the same resources. The library provides that link to technology and to knowledge that many lack in their homes and residences.

Please vote yes again to keeping our library open and accessible to all. Vote yes on Measure L.


De-Anne Hooper, executive director South Lake Tahoe Family Resource Center