Letter: Time to give where you live
To the community,
Today is the National Day of Giving. For 24 hours, people are asked to support nonprofit organizations that work to make their community a better place; Give Where You Live is El Dorado County’s version.
You know that I believe art can change lives, and I’m writing to ask that you consider donating to the El Dorado Arts Council (EDAC). Newly elected to the board and at the moment its only South Lake Tahoe representative, I see firsthand the effect that this organization has had in our county through programming and grants for children, artists, writers, and other creative disciplines.
In addition, EDAC operates a dedicated ArtSpace in Placerville, which has been very supportive of Bona Fide Books and many South Lake Tahoe artists. EDAC has also funded local organizations like the Tahoe Tallac Association, the Tahoe Art League, and the Tahoe Arts Project, and I’d like to see it able to do more.
If you’d like to support EDACs mission as a catalyst and arts incubator for all of El Dorado County — you can find out more about EDAC at the link — please donate here.
Thank you!
Kim Wyatt, publisher Bona Fide Books
LTN publisher’s note: Several South Shore nonprofits beyond the ones mentioned here are participating in Give Where You Live, such as Bread & Broth, CalStar and Live Violence Free.